#wordpress 2022-05-10

2022-05-10 UTC
[Chris_Lott] looks like it came across alright. In this case my Mastodon post had a link back to my original on my site, so you could have replied to that instead (or even in addition to). I've not done it before, but I think you might be able to use the format `<link class="u-in-reply-to" href="http://example.com" />` which will create an "invisible" link that may work. I've also wrapped anchor tags around a zero width
space using `&#8203;` before instead of a period like you did, though you have to be careful in switching back and forth between the classic visual and text editors in WordPress as the editor can 'eat' these links.
On my site, I use David Shanske's Post Kinds Plugin to create a reply context to indicate what it is I'm replying to and that takes care of the `u-in-reply-to` part for me automatically.
IWDiscordGateway and petermolnar joined the channel
Here's my return example, though it looks like there could have been better threading on the Mastodon side. https://boffosocko.com/2022/05/09/55804690/
[Chris Aldrich] I want that sort of employer!​​
petermolnar joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
The other day I tried the wp theme block editor, and wow, it's hard to use.
anyone else had experience with that thing?
janboddez joined the channel
[petermolnar] (No clue how this works!) I have, and it is very easy to mess up
My biggest gripe, tho, is the lack of being able to add classes to inline hyperlinks
You can, but you have to go into the HTML editor, and changing the link afterward will remove the class attribute
In theory, it would be relatively easy to create custom "reply meta/context" block, with a single URL input field, for example, so it doesn't have to be an issue per se
Still, I'd like to be able to add u-* classes anywhere
O, you mean the *theme* editor. Gave it a quick try, then pretty much gave up. I found the menu editor incredibly hard to use
I really appreciate Justin Tadlock's experiments on WP Tavern; makes it look so easy :-)
yep, the *theme* editor
the block editor is kinda bad if you want to think outside the ~block~ box
but the theme editor is ... wow.
not the good wow.
fef joined the channel
theme macro languages are always a bit idiosyncratic (he says, having got tangled in the tumblr one)
fef, [jeremycherfas] and [schmarty] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Can you elaborate on what “I use David Shanske’s Post Kinds Plugin to create a reply context to indicate what it is I’m replying to and that takes care of the u-in-reply-to part for me automatically” means? I assume there is some way to create a new entry in the list of Kinds when I look at the plugin settings?
What is a reply context?
A reply context is the display of what a reply post is in reply to, including linking to that original post with in-reply-to markup, showing some amount of that original post like author name, icon, summary / ellipsed content, and datetime published https://indieweb.org/reply-context
^^ That may help first.
Post Kinds is a dramatic expansion on the old WordPress post formats (aside, photo, quote, etc.) but expands so that you can properly mark up likes, favorites, replies, reposts, and others.
That plugin is what is creating the small "card" like context at the top of my post (primarily by just putting in the URL which the plugin uses to scrape the appropriate data out of). This way I'm saving the context of what I'm replying to (for my future memory/benefit), but it also has the benefit of automatically adding the appropriate mark up like `u-in-reply-to` for me automatically so that when I publish the
appropriate webmentions are also sent. This keeps you from having to do this manually with HTML every time like you did with your "period trick".
Ah, OK. I think I’ve got it. I have been using the Post Kinds plugin (post kinds vs post formats confused me) and will explore that. I’m still trying to sus out what all the different post kinds do.
Hopefully most are self explanatory. Most also have a very similar looking output aside from some icons and the name of the kind. They can be modified via CSS if necessary and there are details (I think in the GitHub repo) for how to define your own, which is what I did for my annotation and chicken posts a while back.
jamietanna joined the channel
I see. I am looking at your post about creating a custom kind now and will look at the source for some of your annotation type posts to see what that Kind is doing!
Update: I used post kinds to post a “Read” post that included my hypothes.is annotations (circuitous manual route for these: converting the markdown highlights and notes via Obsidian sync with hypothes.is using a custom template, converted to HTML using Marked) and syndicated via brid.gy to Mastodon and Twitter. My process needs some work (especially getting the annotations in a useful format) but…better than noPOSSE
[Chris_Lott], sounds like you've got the hang of it...