#wordpress 2022-06-04
2022-06-04 UTC
jacky joined the channel
# [tw2113_Slack_] just don't ask him to do anything with blocks/React 😉
# [hollie] Collecting some data tonight on what it looks like to build a WordPress theme. This is still well beyond my skills - but I just joined Team Treehouse, so hopefully I'll be able to build my dream theme someday. Anyway, I noticed there are some graphical theme builders for which you don't need to learn code. The wants-to-tinker-with-everything part of my brain is really turned off by that, but I am curious about one thing; if you
jacky, jsbach and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
# [chrisaldrich] [hollie] if you're a beginning programmer, like *many* of us here, you might appreciate _Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog_ by Thord Daniel Hedengren. He decomposes WordPress and themes into chunks in a way that makes them understandable (and most importantly copyable, changeable, and extendable). You might find more fun and experimentation in a book like this than slogging through some of the more dry manuals on PHP
# [chrisaldrich] and CSS. (It is all pre-Gutenberg.)
jacky, angelo, [Chase_Reynolds] and [tw2113_Slack_]1 joined the channel