#wordpress 2022-06-03

2022-06-03 UTC
[tw2113_Slack_]: Ideas?
I may have to add a cronless option
Essentially, both syndication and Webmentions work using the same do_all_pings hook that pingbacks and such use
[tw2113_Slack_]: Any ideas on an alternative methodology?
Or making that more reliable
not off the top of my head
sometimes things not related to your own plugin can be causing things like cron to fail
for everything
My first idea was to add a way to trigger just the webmention or syndication processing with a specially crafted URL
That at least would allow manual triggering for troubleshooting
jacky joined the channel
[hollie] with respect to the post on your site: "like why does the site title and my header icon change if you click on a post?" That "issue" is caused by your theme. I the Customizer, you've probably defined a site identity with an icon which shows on your homepage, but you've also got a user name and photo as an author for your individual posts. To have them match, simply change the photo/icon in the "site identity"
As I recall Raam Dev stopped maintaining the original theme you're using and so it doesn't handle the markup on the syndication parts as well without going into the theme and making some tweaks to the code. I know that GWG had forked it and made some additional IndieWeb friendly changes which should fix that problem (the one that's adding the bridgy line to your Tweets). You can find his version linked here:
Ostensibly it's much the same theme though he did take some pieces out of the configurations, though most are only very subtle pieces that many may not notice.
I broke the categorization, which [hollie] was looking for.
I should fix that.
it is probable
GWG, I remember there was also discussion somewhere about her other issue "Right now it's doing a thing where it won't send something to Twitter until I post something else. So for instance, Post A won't show up on Twitter until I publish a Post B. Post B won't show up until I publish Post C, etc." However I'm not finding it at the moment?
I redesigned that feature to be more reliable last time.
I'm presuming that [hollie] is using Syndication Links for syndicating to Twitter...
[hollie]: Did you set the timezone in WordPress? I know you didn't the first time. I wonder if time is the issue
[chrisaldrich]: Correct, watched the config at HWC
a ha! I've been missing too many HWCs...
GWG++ for troubleshooting
GWG has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (70 in all channels)
[chrisaldrich]: We'd love to have you
I'd love to be had, the issue is the ever-moving 11 year old's schedule. I'm trying to massage the coming summer schedule to make things work out for a few months.
[chrisaldrich]: We also haven't done An Indieweb Podcast in ages
jacky and Hi joined the channel
GWG - Yep, I checked! Timezone is set correctly.
[chrisaldrich] Oh thanks about the site identity! I didn't realize that. Other themes, you go to a post page and the whole site continues looking the same, so I couldn't figure that out. I'll change the image to match. Also I do have GWG's theme installed but when I tried to use it a few things were off (like he said, I wanted the categories), so I'm back to the original. And yes I'm using Syndication Links for Twitter.
jacky, angelo, [echo], old, jsbach, BlackPirateX, [fluffy], Hollie, [chrisaldrich], [schmarty], [James_Van_Dyne], [Scott_Jack], [aimee], IWDiscordGateway and [manton] joined the channel
hollie, it also bothered me that the Author info displayed instead of the Site info on single post pages
what I did was add the header.php file to my child theme and comment out the `if` statement responsible
jacky joined the channel
[Scott_Jack]: Issue is then it may have trouble figuring out the authorship.. but that's another enhancement
jacky and cambridgeport90 joined the channel
hm, fair - maybe the site header can be h-card -ified
jacky joined the channel
No, hidden author property would work
jacky and fef joined the channel
I'll have to try to figure that out
I'm curious about "Show author card on single posts" in the customizer for that theme... I'm not seeing a discernible affect even when live previewing the default theme
angelo and jacky joined the channel
[Scott_Jack]: Probably needs fixing
Sorry, not trying to put more on your plate! Everything is functional
nathan[m]123 and nathan[m]12345 joined the channel
I have a lot I want to do... never enough time
jacky joined the channel