#wordpress 2022-06-02

2022-06-02 UTC
[chrisaldrich] you need to give Loqi chocolate chip, that oatmeal raisin causes trust issues 😉
Ye of little faith. In our house, I generally make oatmeal chocolate chip. 🍪
well clearly you’re a step above me 😄
BlackPirateX, jacky, [CrowderSoup], jsbach and [hollie] joined the channel
I'm super new to Indie Web so apologies if this is an obvious question. I just started up a new self-hosted WordPress blog to begin learning. I downloaded a plug-in (it's called Use Any Font), and it's not working (or rather, it's half-working). I paid for it, so I'd love for it to work. I contacted the developer and he's asking to have access to my wp-admin info so he can check things out. He told me to use another plug-in
that will generate a temporary password. I'm here to ask: is this normal? It likely is, I just don't have much experience here, but of course I _do_ have 28 years of internet experience learning that you shouldn't hand out access to your stuff, so I thought I'd ask here first just to be safe. (To be clear, this blog is brand new and has only a few posts - no content is private or would need to be).
Hi [hollie], and welcome. I've never run across a pattern like that and it definitely does sound sketch. If it were me, I'd probably spin up a similar site using the same code and settings and give them temporary access to that to troubleshoot, then apply the solution to the original site. Once done you can blow out the temporary site. For a paid plugin, they should be able to help and troubleshoot without access, and
that will also help encourage them to either fix or document the issue to help future users. I'm curious to hear what others think about this pattern.
as someone who’s been doing wordpress support for an agency with free and premium plugins, it’s not that uncommon
i do everything I can to avoid it when able
i don’t prefer it, always ask for my own user that can be deleted afterwards
What plugin did they suggest for temporary passwords? That sounds like a reasonably useful thing if it does exist (and is actually secure).
^^ perhaps a useful plugin to build if it doesn't exist [tw2113_Slack_], since you're occasionally asking for work ideas.
admittedly sometimes it’s just easier to troubleshoot first hand instead of trying to communicate steps to take and whatnot in back and forth conversation
huzzah, same one i found
Seemed legit and well-reviewed, but I've just never had this request before so I thought I'd ask. I will admit I _do_ really want the help. I get stressed when I can't make something look the way I want. This is also why I ordered O'Reilly guides to PHP and CSS yesterday, so hopefully I can learn to build a theme exactly the way I want it.
jacky joined the channel
I worry about strangers
i definitely avoid at all costs trying to request that type of thing through public forums, i prefer our official ticketing system to help establish trust
jacky and [aimee] joined the channel; lkhrs[m] left the channel
[hollie] Outside of the plugin issue you mentioned above, are you having any issues with getting any of the other IndieWeb WP plugins to work properly? It looks like you may have had a mark up issue on your theme that was adding a brid.gy link to your syndicated posts to Twitter. I think we can definitely help with that, but was there anything else in particular?
jacky and [Chris_Lott] joined the channel
[pfefferle] ++ for the plugin, though I still wish I could figure out how to set these up properly in Apache (see my question here: https://indiewebcamp.slack.com/archives/C1PA11USK/p1653626091328079)
[pfefferle] has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (11 in all channels)
↩️ Nothing syndicates to Twitter properly. Right now it's doing a thing where it won't send something to Twitter until I post something else. So for instance, Post A won't show up on Twitter until I publish a Post B. Post B won't show up until I publish Post C, etc. I'm not sure if Webmention is working, or the others. It's hard to tell because everything seems to lean on syndication so if that isn't working I'm not sure if
anything else is.
I'm still wondering why that is.
Syndication is scheduled, so something is not triggering the schedule
Sounds like something Siteground is doing, but unsure what
cron may be failing