jacky, [jamesg483], jsbach, angelo, jeremycherfas, [grantcodes], [snarfed] and [hollie] joined the channel
#[hollie]I'm feeling so frustrated. Last night I wrote a big +/- list between micro.blog and WordPress, and happily decided I wanted to host my domain at my micro.blog. So last night I changed the DNS with my domain host. I woke up this morning and...hollie.micro.blog is literally gone. It just goes to a page that says "Not Found". I have no idea what happened - or that this was a thing that even could happen.
#[hollie]I've written to the help email but I think I'm just going to get that paid WordPress.com account and put the blog there. It's $15/month which is only $5 more than micro.blog, and at least then I can have a comment system that I don't have to know code to install and operate. My question is: can I still do things like IndieAuth while my blog is hosted at WordPress.com?
#GWG [hollie]: Manton at micro.blog will get back to you
#[hollie]Oh! Manton just fixed this a few minutes ago, I just saw the email.
#[hollie]Now I have to figure out why my domain doesn't work. I just want things to work. I told my husband this last night and he said, "If that's what you want, I'm not sure getting into coding will make you happy." Ha. Ha.
#[hollie]I am still curious about the IndieAuth question - is that available to WordPress.com users?
#[snarfed]yes wp.com allows almost all plugins, that's in their docs
#GWGWonder if anyone has used indieauth on it due the header pass through issue where some providers filter login headers
jacky joined the channel
#[hollie]I got a response in the forums. They said there is no free trial, but you can cancel for a full refund within 14 days. I'm still not sure what I will end up doing.