#wordpress 2022-11-23

2022-11-23 UTC
doug_c_im, [fluffy], [snarfed], [Jeremy_Keith], RasAlGhoul, jeremycherfas, jsbach, mouse[d]_, pmlnr and IWDiscordRelay joined the channel
I have the impression that the ActivityPub plugin requires something special by the hosting provider *or* the WAF is blocking something quietly... I can't figure out why it's not working on DreamHost
WAFs being a nuisance is quite likely
do they not give you server logs that include that info?
I think with some providers you could see the status codes the WAF sent back in the logs
doug_c_im and RasAlGhoul joined the channel
I manually looked at the .well-known return and found mine was blocked and had to fix
doug_c_im, angelo and RasAlGhoul joined the channel