#wordpress 2022-12-04

2022-12-04 UTC
doug_c_im, RasAlGhoul, gRegor, [asuh], sebbu2, [benji], fef and [Michelle_Moore] joined the channel
Hello, I am experimenting again with WordPress - WebMentions and Syndication. This time I have created a post (https://www.tmichellemoore.com/blog/onestream-xf-project-2018-12-2022-12/) and added all of the tags in it to get the h-entry validation to work. I have the following plug-ins installed: IndieWeb, WebMentions, Semantic-Linkbacks, Syndication Links, and IndieAuth. Someone on Mastodon liked the post and that came
back to the original post.
Having a look
Hit enter to soon… My question - I have an hidden div on the post for most of the attributes validator is looking for including the syndicated links. Do I need to keep the Syndication Links plugin installed? Is it doing anything more than showing where the content is syndicated?
[Michelle_Moore]: It allows for triggering Bridgy Publish, but if you don't want the syndication links to be displayed, or to display them yourselfs, you can remove it
Thank you GWG!
Both of those things can be done manually.
Also, looked at your markup. You have two h-cards for yourself on the page.
@GWG, I haven’t gotten Brid.gy to work yet. I wanted to figure out these classes first. That is my next step. Since I am totally unsure of what is doing what, I think I will leave it there for the time being. But I do feel that I have a reasonable solution to making a WordPress post that has almost all microformat classes on it. For some reason I can’t get the image to show up, but that is ok. Thank you for your ans
GWG, what is your @name?
Well, IRC I have a different username than Slack
But, when you type GWG, it triggers alerts on my dside
I'm working on a rewrite of Syndication Links on and off.
Trying to clean up some things
I keep hoping someone will do the Block Editor work on it, but I've never got much into that sort of thing myself
I'm an old school PHP person
GWG does the rewrite merge it with the Webmention plugin?
[snarfed]2: What does it have to do with Webmentions?
oh sorry, I misread, thought you said Semantic Linkbacks, nm
[snarfed]2: You know I want that. Still stalled
doug_c_im joined the channel
remind me on what?
doug_c_im joined the channel
[snarfed]2: Mostly pfefferle and I just finding time to sit down and figure out the last step.
In my opinion, there are two blockers
1 has a PR, the other does not.
1 is presentation of the new code.
The other is migration of old data to the new format
sounds like you all need to schedule a call
Also, that's minimal, there are some things that we wanted to add back in later.
[snarfed]2: I know.
do it! 😁
I have 8 days I'm taking off this month.
RasAlGhoul and fef joined the channel
@gwg Thank you! I feel good about the blocks that I added and will see if I can make Brid.gy work soon.
[Michelle_Moore]: Tell me if I can assist in any way. Or if there is anything for consideration to be merged upstream
@gwg Can you tell me this…with the IndieWeb plugin setup, do I need to signup for or setup anything on the Brid.gy site? The instructions seem to say no if you have the plugin installed.
[Michelle_Moore]: You always have to sign up for Bridgy. I had proposed bringing back the register link in the plugin to directly send you to where to register.
But that would just be a button that redirected you to the registration flow
Bridgy won't send you things without your consent
[jacky] and [benatwork] joined the channel
@gwg I am working on the Brid.gy setup. I have to admit, I am confused. If you had the WordPress IndieWeb plugin installed on your site. What are the second and third steps you would take to signup for and use Brid.gy. Is there a particular order?
@gwg Do I need to have JetPack installed for this to work?
RasAlGhoul, gRegor, gRegorLove_ and doug_c_im joined the channel
[Michelle_Moore] no, jetpack is unrelated
The Indieweb plugin was meant to be the jetpack of the indieweb
You've signed up on https://brid.gy/ ?
@gwg Thank you! I think I was getting stuck where it says if you installed the plugin don’t use this (I forgot the step). I will try it again.
Install Webmentions and Semantic Linkbacks, sign up for Bridgy and go
[snarfed] and @gwg maybe I am just a little slow. Or maybe I just don’t know what I am seeing. Am I only adding my WordPress URL? Or should I add Twitter and Mastodon also, for example?
Sorry about the message at 2:42, that was actually sent earlier.
ah. add the social network(s) you want to connect. so you don't need Wordpress, but you do need Twitter or Mastodon or whatever you want to cross-post/backfeed
doug_c_im and jamietanna joined the channel
[snarfed] Ok, so confirming, just add Twitter or Mastodon to Brid.gy and do not add the WordPress link right?
[snarfed]2: How do you unhook a connection from one domain and move to another?
doug_c_im, gRegorLove_ and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
Make sure the new site is in your silo profile and then log into Bridgy again with that silo
[snarfed] It worked for Twitter! I had already published it to Mastodon. My web site URL is in the “profile” so I am not sure if that is correct based on one of your answers above. But it works so I will leave it alone. Thank you!
doug_c_im joined the channel