#wordpress 2022-12-04
2022-12-04 UTC
doug_c_im, RasAlGhoul, gRegor, [asuh], sebbu2, [benji], fef and [Michelle_Moore] joined the channel
[Michelle_Moore] Hello, I am experimenting again with WordPress - WebMentions and Syndication. This time I have created a post (https://www.tmichellemoore.com/blog/onestream-xf-project-2018-12-2022-12/) and added all of the tags in it to get the h-entry validation to work. I have the following plug-ins installed: IndieWeb, WebMentions, Semantic-Linkbacks, Syndication Links, and IndieAuth. Someone on Mastodon liked the post and that came
[Michelle_Moore] back to the original post.
[Michelle_Moore] Hit enter to soon… My question - I have an hidden div on the post for most of the attributes validator is looking for including the syndicated links. Do I need to keep the Syndication Links plugin installed? Is it doing anything more than showing where the content is syndicated?
[Michelle_Moore] Thank you GWG!
[Michelle_Moore] @GWG, I haven’t gotten Brid.gy to work yet. I wanted to figure out these classes first. That is my next step. Since I am totally unsure of what is doing what, I think I will leave it there for the time being. But I do feel that I have a reasonable solution to making a WordPress post that has almost all microformat classes on it. For some reason I can’t get the image to show up, but that is ok. Thank you for your ans
[Michelle_Moore] GWG, what is your @name?
[snarfed]2 GWG does the rewrite merge it with the Webmention plugin?
[snarfed]2 oh sorry, I misread, thought you said Semantic Linkbacks, nm
doug_c_im joined the channel
[snarfed]2 remind me on what?
doug_c_im joined the channel
[snarfed]2 sounds like you all need to schedule a call
[snarfed]2 do it! 😁
RasAlGhoul and fef joined the channel
[Michelle_Moore] @gwg Thank you! I feel good about the blocks that I added and will see if I can make Brid.gy work soon.
[Michelle_Moore] @gwg Can you tell me this…with the IndieWeb plugin setup, do I need to signup for or setup anything on the Brid.gy site? The instructions seem to say no if you have the plugin installed.
[jacky] and [benatwork] joined the channel
[Michelle_Moore] @gwg I am working on the Brid.gy setup. I have to admit, I am confused. If you had the WordPress IndieWeb plugin installed on your site. What are the second and third steps you would take to signup for and use Brid.gy. Is there a particular order?
[Michelle_Moore] @gwg Do I need to have JetPack installed for this to work?
RasAlGhoul, gRegor, gRegorLove_ and doug_c_im joined the channel
[snarfed]2 [Michelle_Moore] no, jetpack is unrelated
[snarfed]2 You've signed up on https://brid.gy/ ?
[Michelle_Moore] @gwg Thank you! I think I was getting stuck where it says if you installed the plugin don’t use this (I forgot the step). I will try it again.
[Michelle_Moore] [snarfed] and @gwg maybe I am just a little slow. Or maybe I just don’t know what I am seeing. Am I only adding my WordPress URL? Or should I add Twitter and Mastodon also, for example?
[Michelle_Moore] Sorry about the message at 2:42, that was actually sent earlier.
[snarfed]2 ah. add the social network(s) you want to connect. so you don't need Wordpress, but you do need Twitter or Mastodon or whatever you want to cross-post/backfeed
doug_c_im and jamietanna joined the channel
[Michelle_Moore] [snarfed] Ok, so confirming, just add Twitter or Mastodon to Brid.gy and do not add the WordPress link right?
[snarfed]2 Right!
doug_c_im, gRegorLove_ and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
[snarfed]2 Make sure the new site is in your silo profile and then log into Bridgy again with that silo
[Michelle_Moore] [snarfed] It worked for Twitter! I had already published it to Mastodon. My web site URL is in the “profile” so I am not sure if that is correct based on one of your answers above. But it works so I will leave it alone. Thank you!
[snarfed]2 Welcome!
doug_c_im joined the channel