[Michelle_Moore]Progress report [snarfed]. In my retracing my footsteps, I removed Mastodon from brid.gy. That was a mistake. Now I can’t get it connected again (“We’re sorry, but something went wrong on our end.” Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502 ()) and it looks like its a known issue. I have tried logging out of Mastodon and also tried in Safari, Chrome, and Edge with no success. I got it to
[snarfed]2yeah that bug has been very disappointing. mostly ignored for years, with intermittent finger pointing between mastodon and doorkeeper and instance admins, and no consensus solution
[Michelle_Moore]Well, [asuh] and [snarfed], I do know that it actually worked within the last 3 weeks or so. I will try occasionally to see if it just happens to work again one day.
[Michelle_Moore][snarfed] If i have all of my microformats setup correctly, all of the plugins installed, including webmentions, and then manually share a WordPress post on Mastodon, will the replies and likes post to my website? Or is brid.gy the key to that?