#wordpress 2022-12-05

2022-12-05 UTC
gRegorLove__, gRegorLove_, RasAlGhoul, [asuh], [timothy_chambe], fef, doug_c_im, [schmarty], [KevinMarks], gRegor, jsbach, [Murray] and schopie1 joined the channel
Progress report [snarfed]. In my retracing my footsteps, I removed Mastodon from brid.gy. That was a mistake. Now I can’t get it connected again (“We’re sorry, but something went wrong on our end.” Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502 ()) and it looks like its a known issue. I have tried logging out of Mastodon and also tried in Safari, Chrome, and Edge with no success. I got it to
authenticate once, so I know it will again. I will try on and off over the next few days.
doug_c_im, fef, RasAlGhoul, gRegor, gRegorLove_, [tw2113_Slack_] and [asuh] joined the channel
[Michelle_Moore] I have had the same issue you’re experiencing with Mastodon as well.
yeah that bug has been very disappointing. mostly ignored for years, with intermittent finger pointing between mastodon and doorkeeper and instance admins, and no consensus solution
Well, [asuh] and [snarfed], I do know that it actually worked within the last 3 weeks or so. I will try occasionally to see if it just happens to work again one day.
it varies based on instance, whether you're already logged in, whether you've logged in in the past, and other factors. 🤷🤷
[snarfed] If i have all of my microformats setup correctly, all of the plugins installed, including webmentions, and then manually share a WordPress post on Mastodon, will the replies and likes post to my website? Or is brid.gy the key to that?
Mastodon doesn't send webmentions, so yes, you'd need Bridgy
nk1 joined the channel
none of the social networks do, it's the reason Bridgy exists
Got it, thank you [snarfed] !
doug_c_im and RasAlGhoul joined the channel