#wordpress 2022-12-18

2022-12-18 UTC
Starrwulfe, angelo, doug_c_im, sebbu, sebbu2, sebbu3, gRegor, jsbach, [marksuth] and [arush] joined the channel
Hi all.
doug_c_im joined the channel
Hello, [arush]
Hey @gwg I hope you're doing well, and happy early Hanukah!
You too
How is your WordPress experience?
Doing OK, mostly been fighting with Fail2Ban and it's WP integration, but loving all the indieweb updates. I finally got my Github access fixed so planning to contribute more in 2023.
I am working on an update to Syndication Links
Current projects are trying to figure out how to automate posting exercise posts via IFTTT and Strava, (enabled the post kind and have a basic template), and figuring out why every micropub client except Omnibear can't find my endpoints even though they're totally there. Also writing a huge article on accessibility overlays and why they're not the solution to the problem of inaccessibility on the web and debunking their AI use
doug_c_im joined the channel
What kind of update?
Refresh of code, as well as adding a features
doug_c_im joined the channel
BTW in SL you've got an error message that spits out a bunch of CSS when it pops up.
I'll see if I can track it down, but it just popped up when I attempted to look up location for a post.
RasAlGhoul joined the channel
Any time
I spent weeks upgrading it
[fluffy] and Sly joined the channel
[arush]: How is 5.0 treating you otherwise?
doug_c_im, Sly, gRegor, [denschub] and sebbu2 joined the channel