#wordpress 2022-12-19

2022-12-19 UTC
[iambismark] joined the channel
Otherwise it's doing great. Which reminds me, I need to bring my copy on Github up to date so I can ship you some options screen fixes for that checkbox that auto-updates your profile location from posts. Is there a quick way to do that? Like a button in the interface or something, or do I need to do it through Gitbash?
doug_c_im joined the channel
Is there something wrong with the button?
doug_c_im joined the channel
I think they may have accidentally hidden it but will look harder since they seem to be making some accessibility improvements.
[arush]: Okay.
Back to Bridgy Micropub for me
doug_c_im, jsbach, [fluffy], [arush], [marksuth] and [denschub] joined the channel
This Syndication Links refresh is taking longer than I thought. I have to stop overscoping.
I'm trying to clean up all the helper functions, which I did in Simple Location, but it means some breaking changes
RasAlGhoul, RasAlGhoul_, doug_c_im, fef, jsbach, gRegor, [will], [manton] and pablo1 joined the channel