#wordpress 2022-12-20

2022-12-20 UTC
doug_c_im joined the channel
Hey all, can someone who's running the latest versions of the indieauth and micropub plugins see if you can log into something like quill.p3k.io? Trying to figure out why it and several other micropub clients can't find my endpoints even though they're in my source like they've always been and even though Omnibear still works. Thanks.
[arush]: Just worked for me
indiebookclub has some debugging info on the endpoints it finds if you replace example.com with your domain in: https://indiebookclub.biz/auth/start?me=https://example.com&restart=1
doug_c_im joined the channel
I just hit https://github.com/aaronpk/XRay/issues/101 because I activated pfeffele's ActivityPub plugin. It's messing up webmentions from anything using Xray.
Problem was identified nearly two years ago. Not sure what can be done
RasAlGhoul, [iambismark] and doug_c_im joined the channel
I don't have any activitypub plugins active at this point, but I do have one installed. This is the info I get back from Indiebookclub: indiebookclub found the following endpoints on your site:
IndieAuth metadata endpoint: none
Micropub endpoint: none
Authorization endpoint: https://indielogin.com/auth
Token endpoint: none
Revocation endpoint: none looking at my page source shows the micropub endpoint not sure where the metadata and revocation endpoints should be but I'm assuming the indieauth plugin sets those? Will look at the referenced issue.
This has developed recently though.
what domain?
metadata and revocation are from the latest indieauth spec, your site may not support them yet
hm, I got a timeout trying to load it
gRegor: The latest version of the WordPress plugin has those features, so it should be up to date
Yeah I think that's why ibc only shows authorization endpoint. That's the fallback when it can't find any endpoints. Seems there's an issue resolving your site.
I'm having an issue resolving also
Hmmm. It's loading fine over here, I hope Fail2Ban isn't being a jerk again.
Hmm. I can still get to it, but will call Digital Ocean support tomorrow to try to get to the bottom of why it's timing out for some.
OK ticket submitted. Thanks @gwg and [gRegorLove]
RasAlGhoul_ joined the channel
Got it! It was UFW not Fail2Ban being a jerk. Re-added rules.
gRegor, doug_c_im, jsbach and [pfefferle] joined the channel
And I requested the "Community Plugin" label for the IndieWeb, IndieAuth and Webmention plugins
now the have a nice little block in the sidebar that links to the github repo
rupl, doug_c_im and RasAlGhoul_ joined the channel
[pfefferle]: We have a Create Day on Monday. Want to create some webmention magic?
next week monday?
this is christmas!
[pfefferle]: I thought that was the 24th?
Either way, thought I'd ask.
I just finished something, so wondering if I should:
24., 25. and 26. 🙂
I have a big family 😉
A. Tackle that IndieAuth PR you took a second look at because I don't remember the details so I can merge it
B. Try a run at the webmention PR we need. But I really want to figure out an approach first. Maybe I'll compromise
[pfefferle]: I have the 26th and the 27th off, and my holiday ends on the 25th.
what about 27th?
I'm around to chat
maybe the 26. also works because of our timezone diff
But I may try something between now and then in PR form
I did migration on other plugins, but this is a lot of migration
gRegor, doug_c_im and [Michelle_Moore] joined the channel
[aaronpk] Hello. Is there a way to make Quill create a custom post type?
[Michelle_Moore]: Can you describe your use case? What are you trying to publish? Don't worry about the plumbing yet
If you want something published with Micropub to map to something in WordPress that's not on the Quill side..Quill doesn't know what WordPress is
doug_c_im and [schmarty] joined the channel
Hello @gwg: I would like to use Quill’s different content types to publish to a custom post type. Let’s call it “Short Form” for now. I want to use my post post type for longer articles. I would then use the short form post type for the notes, likes, events, or other types of content. I can use WordPress’s mobile client for the post post type. But it doesn’t work with customer post types. I would like Quill
the shorter form content. And I guess in the end, my ultimate goal is that I really would like to separate the longer form and shorter form content and the custom post type is the solution that I like. Oh and I don’t want another plugin. I tried a few already.
There's a filter built into Micropub to allow that... but you'd need a short function to tell it how to decide
So no UI option for it
By default everything is a post
I'm not sure how Micropub can decide what long form content is. Character length?
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
If it's just separating long and short content, you can use the old built in types which I do as a sort of microblog on my site https://boffosocko.com/type/status. surely you could get micropub to map posts with that meta. Personally I rely on the post kinds plug-in for this, but I understand why this may not work for you.
[chrisaldrich]: Same thing in terms of needing to write out the logic
I can write it and share
[jamietanna], doug_c_im and nedzadhrnjica joined the channel
don't most micropub clients have an pre-defined set up for content length? usually clients are specific to the type of content they're posting: article, note, like, bookmark, etc. so things should be decided on the client end... the distinguishing part is on the receiving/site end, right?
Does the Gutenberg editor still know about the older post formats or have those completely gone away in the new era?
[chrisaldrich] I asked this question about the Post Format but mentioned the Twenty Twenty Three theme and the answer was no. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/post-formats-support/ And I can confirm that in the editor I don’t see the post formats. (There could possibly be a way to expose them, maybe??)