#wordpress 2022-12-21

2022-12-21 UTC
[chrisaldrich]: It's all done on the server side usually
@gwg and [chrisaldrich] Although I NEVER EVER plan on moving my blog again, I currently have about 400 posts which was very painful to migrate and combine back into one blog. A baby site compared to you all’s and lots of you here. But just imagining all of the shorter form content posts combined with the longer form all together worries me. I could see that content being voluminous. I think I read someone here had
40,000 objects, maybe it was a Tweet archive. I could totally keep them in a specific category, but want to exhaust all possibilities. (Today I saw that the Syndication-Links field is working with the custom post type. And will test brid.gy tomorrow morning to see if it works with the custom post types.)
doug_c_im and nedzadhrnjica joined the channel
@gwg and [chrisaldrich] Regarding the detection of short content up above, would there be a way to specify which type of post is used vs letting characters determine this? If I had a choice, I would want to specify that myself.
[Michelle_Moore]: Maybe
Not in Quill, but using other methods, maybe
If you are free Wednesday, happy to talk it out during the HWC
@gwg Which HWC do you attend? And is this David Shankse? :-)
Usually the Pacific, but I plan to be at both
That's what it says on my Masters, but its actually Shanske
I could never get them to fix that
GWG is my old Freenode handle
@gwg I will try to make one of them, most likely the Europe one. I look forward to it.
I'm usually working at that time, but on vacation this week
@gwg I am usually falling asleep on the sofa during the Pacific time. But on vacation also.
[Michelle_Moore]: What timezone are you in?
doug_c_im joined the channel
@gwg Eastern
Same here
Based in NYC
doug_c_im joined the channel
Well, if there's ever enough demand on East Coast time, happy to bring it back
doug_c_im, RasAlGhoul_ and [eddie] joined the channel
indieweb generally calls long form posts "articles" and short form posts "notes," and distinguishes them by the presence of a p-name (ie title). articles have p-names, notes don't
[Michelle_Moore] the easy way to do that in WP is just to omit the title on short form posts. no plugins or custom post types or kinds needed
doug_c_im joined the channel
[snarfed] That would be why I would want them to be separate post types. Let’s say I become as prolific at updates as you all, I would want the title-less posts in their own custom post type. So maybe my question is, can all of the micropub indieauth posts from Quill be directed to one specific custom post type and not the regular post post type?
Yes. It would take I believe 4 lines of code.
@gwg and [snarfed] (Separate but related topic)…I did try the shortnotes and indieblocks plugins. I just decided that I wanted to create my own custom post type and eliminate my reliance on one more plugin. Although I do have to rely on pods.io to create the block, I know that it could also be done using PHP and the pods.io plugin can have additional use one day.
fef, jsbach, gRegor, doug_c_im, dug[m], reed, AramZ-S[m] and [Serena] joined the channel
I've filled in my user name in my profile on wordpress, so I'm not sure what else I'm missing
doug_c_im joined the channel
Missing for?
Hi [Serena], Did you setup everything at https://brid.gy?
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
[Michelle_Moore] Yes, I've gone to brid.gy signed in using both Twitter and Mastodon to give authorisation
[Serena]: What are you trying to do exactly?
when I post on my wordpress, I want a copy to be posted on both Mastadon and Twitter, and the "syndication link" field in wordpress auto-populate with the direct link to the Twitter/Mastodon posts.
You are using what to trigger syndication?
I'm not sure I understand the question, isn't it just "post on wordpress" and it'll post a copy to Twitter and Mastodon?
No. There's a checkbox on the post to tell it where you want it sent if you are using Syndication Links
oh, yeah. I've checked both Twitter and Mastodon. I tried both the micropub and the webmention option
[Serena]: And you added the token for Micropub?
oh, I don't think so -- how do I do that?
I knew I should have written more explanatory text
[Serena] Mastodon has an issue with publishing but not the “backfeed.” I was able to setup the “Backfeeding Responses” (left side of the screen) but there is anMastodon issue waiting for a fix on the (right side of the screen) Mastodon publishing. So when you click it, it won’t publish to Mastodon. + [snarfed]
You would need to go to the Bridgy page for your account and click get token, then paste it into the settings page for it
cool cool, I generated and copied the token, and I'm trying to find the correct settings page to paste this
[Serena] - @gwg and @snarfed are your experts for this but I have just been setting up Mastodon and have experienced this issue over the last few days.
[Michelle_Moore] ah dang, so what was your work around? Or have you not been able to set up publishing for Mastodon?
and I can't find where to paste the Twitter token in wordpress
[Serena]: Under the Syndication Links settings then Providers
ah, thank you!
I'm making notes
Of things to add
RasAlGhoul and jsbach joined the channel
[Michelle_Moore] I'm on writing.exchange
When I used the syndication link plugin, the post was published on Mastodon correctly, however the syndication link field in wordpress did not auto-populate with the syndicated post's url
So maybe the error is server specific! That’s good to know! Back over to @gwg. I just thought you had to manually add the link in the field. lol
[Michelle_Moore]: No, should happen automatically if you use something integrated into the plugin.
and [Michelle_Moore] I've looked at the Mastodon Autopost plugin, it doesn't seem to be integrated with the Syndicated Links plugin ie. it doesn't auto-populate the syndication link field.
And some services don't allow for integration, so you need to paste
[Serena]: I thought I fixed that in the latest update...the author changed where he stored it
He changed post to toot
Happy to troubleshoot as best possible, and take suggestions for improvement. It is a labor of love
doug_c_im joined the channel
[pfefferle]: Can you look at https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieauth/pull/239 - It is minor, but I want to push something that shows WordPress 6.1 compat and fix those three minor bugs. I'll do something more major another time.
[preview] [dshanske] #239 Resolve Issue 237
doug_c_im, [manton], RasAlGhoul_, gRegor, [aciccarello] and [marksuth] joined the channel
One of these days, https://wordpress.org/plugins/tempus-fugit/ will get more appreciation than it does now. Less than 10 installs. Oh, well.
[preview] [David Shanske] Description This is a compilation of many tweaks to improve your site, including… Date Based Archives will show up from oldest to newest, instead of newest first. When you are scrolling through memory lane, you want to do it in order. Adds the %da...
doug_c_im, [James_Van_Dyne] and [Fresno] joined the channel