#wordpress 2022-12-30

2022-12-30 UTC
jsbach, doug_c_im, [benji], jeremy, [jacky], gRegor, RasAlGhoul and GregL[m] joined the channel
Hello, curious to know if the guide for Wordpress on the IndieWeb Wiki is still relevant, as I'm setting up my own self-hosted Wordpress instance.
I think we're always in need of updates
But happy to advise here if you are stuck
I should look at the page.. it's been a while. Not sure if anyone else has recently
I gave it a look over, had experimented a bit and it seems the SemPress theme plus most of the recommended plugins that the IndieWeb plugin recommends still work, even on Wordpress 6.1.1. I have had some minor issues, but fortunately my VPS has its own backup system so I've been able to rollback to a fresh install each time I've tried something and it hasn't quite gone to plan.
I have a sempress alternative that I know works with my plugins, but it is only on GitHub and is a fork of 2016
Also, we're still pretty classic editor centric
doug_c_im joined the channel
GWG: I noticed, and from my experimenting I have discovered that the Classic Widgets plugin is also a good idea.
We're just old school...we have a few block people... but majority classic users
That's the only way to get the Author's HCard widget to show up correctly, otherwise Wordpress 6.1.1 will complain.
RasAlGhoul joined the channel
of the WP people who are active in IndieWeb chat here and also vocal about blocks vs classic editor, we may have a few more who prefer classic than blocks
but the overwhelming majority of casual to medium level IndieWeb people aren't active in chat here, and probably either don't know the blocks vs classic distinction or don't feel strongly, so overall the IndieWeb majority is almost certainly blocks
(if only by default)
it's possible GWG is right about IndieWeb Wordpress _developers_ though, which does count. I honestly don't know though. I bet it's just that the few classic advocates tend to talk more about it, so we're more aware of them
doug_c_im joined the channel
[snarfed]2: I think we have some budding people interested in moving forward on blocks
But you are correct, I was speaking of people who are active in the community, but not necessarily developers
My primary issue with blocks is accessibility with screen readers, as I am blind and use a screen reader. I find the classicwidget system easier to work with from an accessibility perspective, so I guess I fall in the classic camp.
GWG right, and even then just the people who are loud about it, which is only a small fraction of the overall active WP people
GregL understood!
Happy to help with anything accessibility related as well...at least if I can.
[snarfed]2: No argument here on that
[pfefferle] joined the channel
I am Team Blocks ☺
me too
[pfefferle]: Didn't you describe yourself as a PHP programmer recently?
I don't want anyone to think I'm trying to minimize blocks
Yes! I haven’t said that I am able to write blocks atm. but I am using them ☺
Okay, so is there a particular order I should be installing the various recommended plugins in? Already have SemPress installed and activated, plus the IndieWeb, Classic Editor and Classic Widgets plugins up and going...
There is no real order! But maybe we have to focus on explaining the plugins a bit more, so that it’s easier for users to understand if they need to use them or not
Kind of an onboarding wizard
I tried to add something like that in the ActivityPub plugin
Some of the plugins seem as old as the hills, Microformats 2 for example, but I believe that's sort of a must install. I guess this is an example of do I need this or not...
You don not need Microformats 2 plugin if you use SemPreds
[pfefferle]: I love the settings page in that plugin... I should take inspiration
Noted... scratching that from the install list then. What about IndieAuth? It appears to be up to date according to the official plugin repository
GregL[m]: It's up to date, as is Micropub
I'm the primary maintainer, so I may be biased
You do not have to do it alone! I am working on my master plan to have more dev time for the IndieWeb and to do some mor WP dev in general… let’s see how that works ☺
New Year's resolutions 🎆
[pfefferle]: I wasn't implying that...you don't usually add to Indieauth or Micropub... more Webmention
I was only talking about those two
I shouldn't try to answer complex things on mobile
Okay, added both IndieAuth and Micropub. So, are the Syndication Links, Semantic-Linkbacks and WebSub plugins still useful? Oops, almost forgot the Web Mention plugin as well.
I thought about the IndieWeb plugin
But I am likely to help also on other plugins… currently time is the problem !
doug_c_im joined the channel
Sorry for asking so many basic questions... just want to try and get this right, even though the site I'm doing this all for is just my personal website.
What do you mean by „just your personal website“? Isn’t the personal one the most important one? ☺
Okay, the only plugin I'm not quite sure of is the Web Mention plugin, tried that in a previous experiment and didn't quite get it to work properly, but then again, the wiki's explainer was a tad bit over my pay level of knowledge.
oops, almost said pay grade... heh
Can you explain „does not work properly“ a bit more?
I think ot depends on what you want to use them for
Note to self...pause dev after fixing that problem [snarfed]2 identified and go look at the wiki for a bit
Give me a few minutes... doing a bit of setup for some of the other plugins.
doug_c_im joined the channel
Okay, working on setting up Web Mention... two things have me stumped. In the Web Mention settings page, there is a setting labeled "Set a page for mentions of the homepage to be sent to:" that I'm not sure how to set since I currently have no pages on my site yet, and how do I correctly configure the Wordpress commenting system to let everything work? I think I'm going to have Web Mentions as the primary way of commenting for my
site instead of the native Wordpress way if that's even possible.
GregL[m]: That's if someone sends a Webmention to the top level of your site.
It has to go somewhere or it gets lost
Comments can't be attached to root
Is there an example page somewhere I can look at to get an idea of what such a page should look like?
GregL[m]: I think the feature could be improved. I personally am just storing them until I have a better presentation.. but give me a minute to share a link
I don't show mine because I'm haven't found the right way
[preview] Pingback: Doug Beal
One of the improvements on that page for me is to make the comments/mentions on it appear in reverse chronological order, but I'd need to special case that one page.
Apparently I also need to look at the mark up for my pages if Loqi is giving such an unhelpful preview....
Welcome @GregL!
[chrisaldrich]: I always wanted a different template or presentation for them.. but never really explored it
As for Team Blocks vs. Team Classic, I'm firmly on Team GWG/Pfefferle 🙂
[chrisaldrich]: We're a team of people who don't write blocks.
Admittedly for slightly different reasons
Our collaboration has been long and productive
It's a tough problem to solve as there's many ways one might want to do it. I suspect that many may not even know it's a thing unless they see the setting for it, but then, as here, where do you go? what do you do with it?
What is the prior art for mention pages? The only thing that comes to mind is Twitter, but usually that's a more private facing page than a public one, though their search could potentially recreate it.
It looks like we don't have a page for "prior art for mention pages" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "prior art for mention pages is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Facebook's Wall is another example, which was an iteration of the idea of a guestbook.
What is a guestbook?
guestbook is a way to allow visitors to your site to leave a comment about the website as a whole, instead of a comment about a specific post https://indieweb.org/guestbook
^^ that may have some examples
doug_c_im and gRegor joined the channel
<[chrisaldrich]> "^^ that may have some examples" <- To be honest, I do like the little text blurb you used for your mentions page... May I use the blurb, midifying it for my site. It's rather concise and does a good job of explaining the purpose of the page.
modifying I meant
I had considered more of a stat page
doug_c_im joined the channel
Yay, got the guestbook page setup and configured in the Web Mention settings page... so, what's the proper comment settings I need to have so things work properly. I'll deal with getting Twitter linked up once basic Web Mention functionality is working properly.
GregL++ Do you have a link you can share? We can add it as another example.
GregL has 1 karma over the last year
GregL[m]: Any feedback is always appreciated, [pfefferle] and I have a Webmention project in the last stages right now
[chrisaldrich]: Direct link to the page is https://www.gregsplace.net/guestbook
As I said, I liked the blurb you used, so I just changed the parts that needed to be changed and used that. Of course, it will need to be tested to see if it works, especially once I figure out how to get Twitter linked up
neceve, gRegor and doug_c_im joined the channel
* Hmm, not sure if I'll break things by adding a couple extra bits of HEntry data to the guestbook page... Added Published date & time, a link to my HCard and even its own special category that links back to the page. Was following the feedback offered by the HEntry step on https://indiewebify.me/
doug_c_im and neceve joined the channel
Sweet success! Webmentions seem to be working at the moment.
neceve, doug_c_im and [manton] joined the channel