#wordpress 2023-01-03

2023-01-03 UTC
[timothy_chambe], gRegor and [Tim_Nolte] joined the channel
Oof, looks like some cache somewhere not respecting conneg
[manton] and doug_c_im joined the channel
GWG just FYI my problem with micropub q=syndicate-to yesterday was user ignore, sorry for the false alarm!
RasAlGhoul_, doug_c_im, [marksuth] and jsbach joined the channel
[Tim_Nolte] the problem is, that activitypub has a very aggressive use of content-negotiation (different output based on the Accept header) which most caching plugins simply ignore. That means the output that is requested first, will fill the cache! If AP is requesting the JSON part first, this will be the cached version 😔
This is hard to fix on Application side, so I think the best way to handle it is to file issues for the big caching plugins! And I will run some experiments if the plugins will also work with disabled content negotiation (at least for posts).
blindnerd and gRegor joined the channel
[pfefferle] OK, I am using OpenLiteSpeed as my web server along with the plugin so I'll have to see what settings are exposed that can accommodate this. Might help to formulate solutions for other caching plugins as well.
I will try to formulate something, maybe you can proofread it afterwards!
RasAlGhoul, [tw2113_Slack_] and dronerdud joined the channel
hi all
question... I'm about to hide the admin bar for regular registered users. However, I really like the 'Hello <name>' secondary menu on the admin bar. My site has a header right underneath the admin bar, same height as the admin bar, so I would like to move that menu there. Any ideas how to do that?
<s​tarrwulfe#4969> Ok, it’s up:
<s​tarrwulfe#4969> starrwulfe@starrwulfe.xyz or https://starrwulfe.xyz/author/starrwulfe/
<s​tarrwulfe#4969> …now what… 😆
<s​tarrwulfe#4969> I need to make categories, menus and work on changing the font and appearance and come up with a good taxonomy… then comes the hard part of working my other content at Jason.gatewood.xyz in there somehow…
<s​tarrwulfe#4969> [edit] I need to make categories, menus and work on changing the font and appearance and come up with a good taxonomy… then comes the hard part of working my other content at https://Jason.gatewood.xyz in there somehow…
hey [aaronpk] can you please remove miklbs email from the wordpress@indieweb.org forwarder? I just got an email from wordpress.org that the mail is bouncing and that the indieweb plugins will be shut down if we do not fix it 😞
<s​tarrwulfe#4969> Also a big open invitation to anyone with Wordpress as “lifehub”, indieweb and activitypub site experience that can provide suggestions.
<s​tarrwulfe#4969> Thanks to [gwg]++ for sharing the idea and [pfefferle]++ for answering some questions the other day
<s​tarrwulfe#4969> (Not sure how to give karma in Discord)
gRegor joined the channel
[pfefferle]: If you have time, do you have any comments on my Webmention notes?
starrwulfe[m] joined the channel
Forgot that this is really an irc channel and need join this room using the bridge 😓
Anyone an idea on my little admin bar challenge perhaps?
Not sure re the admin bar
[Rose], [chrisaldrich], doug_c_im, [schmarty] and dronerdud joined the channel