#wordpress 2023-01-04

2023-01-04 UTC
j7 joined the channel
that was me changing my nickname on irc and not remembering how. 😅
Thanks again GWG for steering me towards Wordpress here... Now I have a few questions if you don't mind...
Ask away
Will try to help
What's a good taxonomy to start with if my site will be geared towards discussion as well as posting musings and information?
I've tentatively split my site into categories:
Notes, Articles,Seen,Heard,Said, Photo and Video...
Also I'm working on figuring out a few bugs in my install... Post Kinds doesn't display all kinds of posts possible for example
and another nag is sometimes whenever I post with the default backend in WP, it will throw a "critical error" screen but nothing really happened and it was posted OK...
(bear in mind I just got things up and running at 12:30 am earlier today.
starrwulfe: Displaying all kinds is enabled in settings
RasAlGhoul, doug_c_im, gRegor, [tw2113_Slack_]1, [snarfed]1, [KevinMarks]1, [manton]1, [Rose]1, [schmarty]1, [timothy_chambe], jsbach and dronerdud joined the channel
*bump* question... I'm about to hide the admin bar for regular registered users. However, I really like the 'Hello <name>' secondary menu on the admin bar. My site has a header right underneath the admin bar, same height as the admin bar, so I would like to move that menu there. Any ideas how to do that?
doug_c_im, sebbu and dronerdud joined the channel
See my admin bar Q: a solution would be to grab said menu (li element) from the dom (search by id) and inject it into the header (replace existing tag with itself + the li element). However, to do this I need to (php) edit the dom, preferrably from a code snippet. Any ideas?
[Rick], doug_c_im and jsbach joined the channel
dronerdud: Thats JavaScript, not PHP, isn't it
Bit slow, as working, but welcome dronerdud.
How did you hear about the Indieweb?
blindnerd morning, and I noticed that the Friends plugin got an update
blindnerd: I just got the notice as your message came through. I hope this fixes my not being able to start a conversation, and my “no posts to show” problems
I am going to spend part of my last day off from work today asking how to fix and properly set up the Friends plugin. Anyone else using it?
I've got the plugin on my site enainstalled & enabled, but I haven't really used it as of yet
meant installed & enabled, stupid fingers
How do you actually use it to respond and interact with feeds there?
There’s no “reply” button anywhere
Thanks GWG! I found indieweb through the old networks. I was hoping to be able to edit the dom after it's generated, right before its rendered to the browser, I've heard that there are scripts doing that, possibly extensions too and was hoping to find someone that has done it before
I think you have to know someone else who has the plugin installed and activated, and there's supposed to be a way to send a friend request. Beyond that, not sure how it would work
I haven't myself
so, if I understand the screen correctly, if you know someone has the Friends plugin, all you need is the URL for their site to send them a friend request. I suspect it's not the base URL, but something like https://gregsplace.net/friends Please correct me if I'm wrong...
Oh, and discovered something about Wordpress. Unless you have a specific reason to use a subdomain, it's better to use the base URL of your domain for a fresh instance. At least that's the advice the Wordpress codecs (hope I said that right) offer.
That's what I do
Yeah, the base URL is easier to use with all the different plugins that go into making IW and AP work without needing to add some rules in your web server config AFAIK.
I’m still waiting getting the critical error screen on each post 😞
What is causing it?!
It looks like we don't have a page for "causing it?!" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "causing it?! is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Oops… need to not ask rhetorical questions to Mr Loqi here 😅
I might run into a problem on the wiki since I fixed my mistake of not using the base URL... sort of related to Wordpress, but also not
RasAlGhoul and gRegor joined the channel
Odd curl error when I try to send a webmention to tracydurnell "cURL error 28: Connection timeout after 10001 ms" but it's definitely not that long, happens after like 3 seconds.
Probably a server config I realize, just mentioning here since it's WP site
doug_c_im joined the channel
Sending out the [chrisaldrich] signal
(Using my best Lurch voice): You rang?
Wow... look at all that scroll to catch up on....
welcome to the Wall in GoT Chris
Chris, first of his name of house WordPress 🙂
[chrisaldrich]: WordPress discussion in -dev, main, and here.
I figured that you would want in
I've seen some tidbits, though I'm stuck in a meeting ATM and have another in 30 minutes. I did see a few pop ups and at least a bit of concatenation may be helpful. It's tougher for those who already have multiple things set up already and potentially easier for others just starting out, though having some reasonable defaults and documentation of the moving parts will be crucial.
agrees, as some of the settings pages for some of the plugins can feel a bit difficult to parse for those just starting out. I certainly got a bit confused
[pfefferle]: Can I ask you one more favor?
blindnerd: That's where we need feedback and it is easy to fix
Writing copy
[pfefferle]: I wrote a long post on why I have so much trouble figuring out a block way forward for my plugins... I thought you might have some advice
I have read it
I found myself in a lot of your points!
Not really, because that’s also my drive… I build the plugins for myself!
And that’s why I do not want to have webmentions bundled with something else besides SL
[pfefferle]: I'm willing to discuss anything... I just want to make sure it makes sense...
I love Post Kinds for me.. I know some people do and some don't. I'm not sure it should be together
I'd like to read that post on WP blocks GWG.
Enjoyed the article. Pretty much sums up my own hesitance to get into wp blocks
I have my own reason for disliking blocks, as they are a pain to work with if you use a screen reader. It can be done, but it will stress you out, or at least that was my experience.
↩️ Interesting! I'm sorry you have that experience.
starrwulfe joined the channel
well, in a way I'm also forced to use the classic editor and widgets plugins as the Post Kinds plugin requires the former and to get the HCard widget to show up proerly, you need the latter.
properly... just can't type today it seems
and I should clarify, the HCard widget that's available once the IndieWeb plugin is installed
GWG: I think the only time I ever used blocks on a regular basis is when updating http://morethanrelo.com and adding embeds from other sites/media because it's really flawless when doing so. Other than that, I'm using Ulysses.
More of a workflow issue with me than anything probably.
blindnerd: How are you following other accounts? RSS reader?
Never used RSS before, just always visited the site if I knew the URL
I'm trying to have a one-site-to-do-it-all kind of thing here and I'm wondering what's the best way to follow other sites/accounts then be able to reply/react/base an article off of it...
Where I'm stuck is coming up with a focus and therefore somey for my site...taxonomy
um, meant taxonomy for my site, not sure why my client sent it klike that
I'm doing something like a "life-hub" sort of place where I can be as focused or random as I get; I'll post about different things and if it turns into a focus, it gets it's own series category/tags and a page. Loosely based on what I see being done with lots of people on micro.blog
Can be simple status updates: "Trying not to FAAK (fall asleeep at keyboard)" all the way up to a dissertation on terrible Azure VM maintenence and update schedules (which is my homework I'm doing for the day job right now 😉)
blindnerd: I definitely think the H-Card widget could be a block
It's a perfect item for it...if someone wrote a wrapper
[Mike_Little] joined the channel
[pfefferle]: how is the Friends plugin supposed to work with ActivityPub in terms of workflow? There's no real documentation or examples in the wild I can see-- not even a set of screenshots.
(not sure if this is even the right place to ask since its technically an ActivityPub question but I know no other place to do it)
dronerdud, petermolnar, nertzy[d], IWDiscordRelay, doug_c_im and [arush] joined the channel
↩️ Completely agree with @blindnerd blocks are an absolute pain to use with a screen reader and I've been using a screen reader since the DOS days and WP since 2005. Never mind the parts where you're working on a project and Gutenberg just falls over because WP leadership hasn't yet thought through how they're going to deal with particular pieces (looking at you custom meta boxes and custom fields), at best we get these as a
↩️ Sorry for the rant I have been around this block multiple times in both personal and professional capacities.