#wordpress 2023-01-06

2023-01-06 UTC
doug_c_im, starrwulfe, [jacky], [asuh], RasAlGhoul, RasAlGhoul_, [zeina], jdzero, jsbach, petermolnar, nertzy[d], IWDiscordRelay and [marksuth] joined the channel
How selective?
starrwulfe joined the channel
Does webmentions have a shortcode that can be used? If so, that would allow you to apply to only the pages you want it.
[Rick]: Well, the question is what people are envisioning..it is the alternative to the comment form, so it appears where the comment form does
jeremycherfas, IWSlackGateway, RasAlGhoul, [schmarty], starrwulfe, gRegor, [tantek], [KevinMarks], [ricola], [aciccarello], [jacky], [snarfed], [chrisaldrich], [zeina], [tw2113_Slack_], [manton], [TMichelleMoore] and antranigv1 joined the channel