#wordpress 2023-01-07

2023-01-07 UTC
[iambismark] joined the channel
Hey GWG, is there any way to default a synd links provider to on (checked) for all posts?
I tried adding a filter to syndication_link_checked that always returns true for the uid i want, but that didn't do anything
[snarfed]: After an issue some years ago where I imported my old Livejournal and autoposted it, I've been reluctant to add that without more controls.
But I'd love a comment on the issue
[preview] [dshanske] #89 Syndicate Based on Other Parameters
If I could figure out what other conditions I can put on it...
Understood. How can I do it with custom code, that filter, anything else?
[snarfed] Is there any other way to obtain the Mastodon token for publishing using micropub through Brid.gy? Can I add an app on the Mastodon site in my account settings?
[snarfed]: Let me look...I know that I was working on it because of a Micropub option that we discussed at the last Micropub popup. It was a while ago
@gwg I saw the option in the Syndications Links settings. It has worked for Github and Twitter perfectly!
[TMichelleMoore]: I set it up because I felt it would make sure that things worked without worrying about microformats, which many WordPress users aren't going to be able to do.
I've never tested the Mastodon option, but it's the same as the others, so it should work identically unless [snarfed] tells me I misread the doc
[TMichelleMoore] you get your Bridgy micropub token from your Bridgy user page. Is that not working?
@gwg I like it. I saw the other option for Mastodon of webmentions, but don’t think I can publish anything if I can’t successfully authenticate to Mastodon on Brid.gy. (My assumption may be totally incorrect.)
[snarfed] That isn’t working…#502. I get the error from Mastodon.social.
Oh right, the Mastodon auth bug, ugh
I have another lead on fixing that. In the meantime, sure, I can DM it to you in a bit
[snarfed] Thank you!!
Sorry, had a bit of a problem with my BiB. Going to look at the filter.
Will see about fixing the filter in the next release. I thought I tested it, but I didn't write a test for it.
[TMichelleMoore] moving back here from DM...are "publish" and "published" wordpress terms?
[snarfed] Nah..I just meant, when I hit the publish button in WordPress to when its published on Mastodon.
ah. Bridgy's publish is synchronous, but Syndication Links defaults to running in the background, which in my experience can take a long time
GWG knows better though
you can turn off that background part in the Synd Links settings, Providers tab
[snarfed]: Mine refreshes in about 10 seconds, to be honest.
ah nice! GWG++ that log is great
[snarfed]: I added the setting in the last update, along with the log box, for better troubleshooting.
Although sometimes with the non-background setting, for some reason, it blanks out the links.
I need to figure out what is overwriting it
RasAlGhoul, jsbach, RasAlGhoul_, angelo, RasAlGhoul__, [James_Van_Dyne] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[dshanske] FYI: I added some comments to the db migration PR
antranigv joined the channel
GWG: I still need to pull my logs for you to troubleshoot my issue— I’ve got another one where where the dateline link that should show the individual post is instead showing activitystream formatted output.
jsbach, RasAlGhoul__ and angelo joined the channel
GWG I just tried to test your PR request for comment representation
I see no grouping at all
can you tell me what I have to do?
[pfefferle]: I just added a review. There are still two questions I documented
[pfefferle]: What data is in the site you are using?
I know I tested it when I wrote it and I was getting the new display. It essentially unhooks the comment template, then hooks a new template in, then that template after it is done loads the comment template that would have loaded anyway. So, it should work better than our previous implementation
I'll recheck the code, as it has been months, but it was working when I wrote it.
so we have to migrate the comment meta semantic_linkback_author_url to author_url in comment?
[pfefferle]: Yes, the way we set it up in the parsing code, yes.
and I can ignore canonical url completely?
[pfefferle]: That goes into just url in the code.
We need it to cover things like Brid.gy, I believe
Where the source url and canonical URL aren't the same.
added the changes
do we have to re-add canonical?
found some more issues regarding avatars
we added avatar support to the webmention type... now we have several types...
[pfefferle]: URL would be canonical, vs source_url which isn't.
will add a PR for that
[pfefferle]: Okay.
Tell me what I need to check
but still see no effect for the output
I'll have to recheck
[pfefferle]: Also congratulations on your recent fame.
added some changes to the frontend PR
[pfefferle]: I saw you appeared on another podcast
ah, I see
yes, the activitypub hype
[dshanske] what theme have you used to check the comment output?
[pfefferle]: I was using mine, the IW26 one.
I should check multiple ones.
And there was that plugin interaction with Jetpack we had at one point
shit! it seems to crash on FSE themes
[pfefferle]: Sorry, I never tested on them
I hate FSE!!!!
[pfefferle]: It's frustrating
nothing works like before!!!
Might have to approach classic vs block themes differently
should we file an issue for that?
[pfefferle]: Yes, is there an interim fix? To be honest, the old way probably isn't working on block themes either
ok, let's stick with that and maybe find someone who can help us with blocks
but the output is still a bit hacky
I'm sure there's a..is this a block theme check we can use
shouldn't we try to group them?
[pfefferle]: I think it's unavoidable
Group which?
I'm willing to push some things to a 5.1 because I think it won't be as long in the future as this version vs the last
I added some changes
maybe you can have a look
I do not like that the mentions are above the comments
[dshanske] what is a nice name for the plural version of the comment-type label?
[dshanske] and should we rename "handler" to "parser"???
[dshanske] there is a 'singular' field and a 'label'
currently only label is used
thanks 🙂
RasAlGhoul joined the channel
It isn't a parser exactly
Is handler fine?
Just asking… you are the native speaker ☺
angelo joined the channel
[pfefferle]: Yes, it is.
Sorry for the delay..got caught away. Have a flight in 4 hours home
But we may need singular in future
For different presentations
I always wanted to make it possible for others to design a different way of showing Webmentions without too much trouble
gRegor joined the channel
Had made a lot of changes, also to simplify code and to remove redundancy
Let me know what you think
[fluffy] joined the channel
[pfefferle]: Looks good so far
I think we're getting closer.
But what about the author link thing?
And anything but these two issues can be pushed to a 5.1. Which, as I said, I think will be much faster than it took us to get to 5.0
[pfefferle]: I still think we put author url into the comment data where it belongs instead of overloading it as pingback does for source url
If you look at the code, it initially sets it to source then overwrites it after parsing
Spent some time trying to find out what the problem was with my site’s critical error issues after every post from the backend editor; wound up white screen of death on the whole thing… ugh.
I’m gonna tear the whole thing down and spin up a DO droplet.
What’s your recommendation for setup guys?
(Database is still intact of course but just a bunch of test posts so not a big deal)
I still would like the error message?
I don’t know GWG — I never could get it!
I’ll do back in and see if I can salvage something after dinner
I'd say disable all plugins, and bring them up one by one to see if one of them is responsible then
Did that. No plugins at all and only twenty twenty one for a theme.
It’s on managed hosting so I suspect there’s some shenanigans with caching
Should’ve just did a DO droplet and been done with it but it was free for me to do this so ¯_(ツ)_/¯