#wordpress 2023-01-08

2023-01-08 UTC
starrwulfe[m]: It might also be what [pfefferle] and I were discussing. We need to test against block themes
[dshanske] but do we have all the data we need? not that we break updates from brid.gy?
gRegor joined the channel
[pfefferle]: I think we may need to generate an example that has a different canonical vs source
I try to generate a test
[pfefferle]: I'm at the airport, heading home, so can't code till morning
I'm here for anything that I can see on my mobile device
jacky, gRegor and jsbach joined the channel
I'm excited about impending merge
Need to reread the 250+ commits we did already
@Starwulfe[m] Have you tried to increase any of the PHP settings? My problem was probably different, but maybe some of the settings that caused me problems are the culprit. https://tmichellemoore.com/blog/wordpress-fatal-error-allowed-memory-size-of-268435456-bytes-exhaustedwordpress-error/ By the way, what is your real Slack ID? This ID does not show up with the @ sign.
[TMichelleMoore]: You're up late
<b​lindnerd#6539> evening all
[TMichelleMoore]: Didn't you tell me 9pm was late for you?
I'm standing at the curb at JFK waiting for pickup
So, exciting day... Webmention progress.... I did some bug fixes based on error messages I was sent...
gRegor and antranigv joined the channel
@gwg >> chat
antranigv and gRegor joined the channel
[snarfed] Question regarding the Mastodon token you provided for Brid.gy - Is there any way on your end to click the Publish button on my Mastodon Brid.gy page? I entered the token into the Syndication Links token for Mastodon. The error seems to point to that Publish button not being activated/pushed or something.
jeremycherfas joined the channel
[TMichelleMoore] I can try, but that skips the Mastodon prompt to approve writes, so it may not work
jeremycherfas joined the channel
[TMichelleMoore] Understood!
ok, done
[snarfed] I will see if it works, be right back.
[snarfed] Well it was worth the try. Darn…`{`
“body”: “HTTP Error 403: {\“error\“:\“This action is outside the authorized scopes\“}”,
“code”: 403,
“url”: “”
[snarfed] Can I make sure I understand correctly. Why would I select Mastodon via Bridgy Webmention vs Mastodon via Bridgy Micropub? I have read the Help but am not understanding. And the token aids the Mastodon via Bridgy Micropub right? What does the Mastodon via Bridgy Webmention do? Is that just for replies to people?
good question. there isn't really a meaningful difference to end users. the distinction is mostly for people writing tools and code that trigger Bridgy Publish
imho the Wordpress Synd Links plugin shouldn't show both options to useres for every provider, that causes exactly the confusion you're having right now, since users don't know the difference, and they shouldn't have to
this is an an example of why Wordpress itself for a long time now has tried to limit the number of options it exposes, since proliferating them often doesn't help users
Guest6 joined the channel
<b​lindnerd#6539> I remember when I tried to set up Bridgy to use Micropub to publish to Mastodon, it mentioned that the ability to do that was temporarily disabled due to a Mastodon bug... this was roughly 3 or so days ago. That's why I figured I'd be better off trying the ActivityPub plugin. Of course, since I completely redid my site, I haven't tried either let alone reconnected Twitter to my site via Bridgy as of yet
<b​lindnerd#6539> And I agree... all the options provided by the various plugins can be confusing, especially for less technical users like myself
[snarfed]: I suppose I could make one provider option and have it switch based on settings.
I did try to put a blurb on the settings page explaining it
@gwg Thank you for the explanations on the settings page. It’s me as a user that has limited understanding. 😊
Yes! But GWG i don't really think micropub vs webmention should be a user visible option at all. If you like micropub better now, just switch to it and drop webmention entirely
<b​lindnerd#6539> So, how's this for a simple guestbook page to collect replies from webmentions, tweets and toots? Would appreciate feedback to improve it... https://gregsplace.net/guestbook
<b​lindnerd#6539> I hope Akismet doesn't screw up functionality of the page since I have that enabled on my site
I think I need some volunteer copywriters
@gwg I can almost volunteer. 🙂 My hesitancy is that I just started a new job and am learning a ton on new processes and then I have to learn the customer. This should take about a month. If it isn’t like massive and doesn’t require meetings, I think I can volunteer. But you will possibly answer questions. Let me know if that can work and you have one volunteer copywriter.
[TMichelleMoore]: We've had this problem for a long time. I think, anyone who has any thoughts on how we might change the text in the Indieweb plugins to be more helpful...
At any time.
Count me in as well. I do/have done similar things before.
@gwg That might go along with my chart! Each time I am ready to start, something seems different from my assumptions. I am just going to make it. I will use the text from the plugins as the foundation and add comments based on what you all have answered or said. I will have a first draft before Friday. This chart isn’t complicated, its just seeing what actually does what because there seems to be a little overlap.
Anything you want to suggest can be discussed.
↩️ @starrwulfe[m] Can you direct message me so that I can know that you received this message?
I’m trying to resuscitate starrwulfe.xyz… if I can’t make headway within the hour, gonna tear it down and rebuild on a less constricting platform where I can control PHP and server versions.
What combination is the most compatible with your plugins GWG
starrwulfe[m]: Not sure. I am testing on PHP7.4. I'd go to 8 for testing, but my testing rig is also my Compass hosting rig, and that doesn't support above 7.4. Although I could juggle things around.
In 7.4, a type error is a warning. In 8, it's an error
And I am running 8 for sure.
Definitely will help test then, just tell me what you need to test for once I get it going again
Well, in this case, Any error messages you find in the logs, I'll fix.
I already fixed the ones I saw Wednesday, just haven't pushed to stable yet
<b​lindnerd#6539> When I rebooted my site, I elected to forgo PHP 8.1 and have gone with PHP
I really have to do something to get my dev site on 8.
[TMichelleMoore]: can’t DM you from here— I’m in Matrix and you’re in Slack. But that’s a cool trick slack does
GWG: Can just spin up a droplet and test then destroy it.
Won’t that work?
I don't use Digital Ocean, but I have multiple servers and I need to schedule an overall upgrade/reorg
<b​lindnerd#6539> Linode ftw, but then again I might be biased since they've been my goto since 2016
I use Linode, yes
But I host for others
↩️ As long as I know that you get a notice when I put your name in, that works.
It's an admin tax I need to pay every few years
starrwulfe joined the channel
@[TMichelleMoore] 👍🏾
@GWG Linode is also nice, I've been with them for a while. I do a lot of DO stuff because their CLI tool make it easy to spin up stuff. I guess they all have one now though these days
I'm a creature of habit
I also run a server in my house
So I figure I just have to decide what I'm putting where
There's also docker if I want to run a self contained old version of something
Me too, but my internet connection is via 5G and can suffer whenever there's an issue at the tower nearby. I was so used to FTTH in Japan... 😔 I guess in a pinch I can use a CloudFlare tunnel and do it again...
Could do Nix and keep libraries around too, right? I don't wanna cross the streams with so many things on the plate. Right now I just need to get a site going! LOL
gRegor, RasAlGhoul and starrwulfe joined the channel
so far no crash...