#wordpress 2023-01-10

2023-01-10 UTC
RasAlGhoul, GregL[m], doug_c_im, petermolnar, nertzy[d], IWDiscordRelay, jsbach, antranigv and [TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
Mastodon/WordPress Morning Thought: You know what would be great? Combining the ease of use of the [pfefferle] ‘s ActivityPub plugin with the follow/unfollow features of [snarfed] ‘s BridgyFed, Mastodon delete post capability, and the ability to use a Mastodon app with all of this.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
I have some plans to have way more time (if not fulltime) to work on the IndieWeb/Fediverse plugins starting in april
so I hope I will be able to add a lot more features this year
(fingers crossed!!!)
[pfefferle]: I owe you some further review. I've been very tired for the last few days for some reason.
[TMichelleMoore]: yep, I said the same in the last IWHB meeting last week. I do have a workflow using a combination of Friends, Aperture (MicroSub), and any other RSS reader that kind of works for now, but it’s a bit cumbersome. Would be nice if there were some import features to get all the people I’m following elsewhere in position to be re-followed from here.
[pfefferle] no doubt has seen that comment before but I’ll scope thru issues in GitHub to make sure. 👍🏾
doug_c_im joined the channel
@starrwulfe[m] I forgot the import! Agreed! I wish I had the bandwidth to learn how to develop stuff and I would be happy to help. But that’s a whole new realm and mountain that is steep. But I am always willing to test.
doug_c_im, [manton], RasAlGhoul and [benatwork] joined the channel
Hmm, now that's interesting. Minor differences in how FireFox renders my site versus the way Chrome does it, but then again it could also be the screen reader changing things up slightly.
doug_c_im, jsbach and gRegor joined the channel
GWG: in your Post Kinds plug in, is there a way to make it so anything posted under a particular Kind can also get a tag or placed in a category?
<[TMichelleMoore]> "@starrwulfe[m] I forgot the..." <- I know the feeling; I learnt most of my programming while on the job trying to fix stuff that was taking IT too long to get back on and holding up my job. Making lemonade outta lemons and pulling rabbits outta the void are my superpowers
Tag or category is possible, but not without code
How do you do it-- manually?
Add the tag in the editor?
That's what I've been doing-- mostly.
Otherwise, I added a hook that fires when a kind is changed or set m
So, you'd have to hook into that
The micropubs sometimes have no tag area in their forms...
starrwulfe[m]: So you want a tag set on Micropub posts only?
I've got one -- notes. But I'd like to further categorize them so I can build a menu and some feeds
starrwulfe[m]: But if they are note kinds, they have an archive and feed
[preview] [aaronpk] #28 Allow the user to set a default category for posts created by the application
doug_c_im joined the channel
Ahh, Thanks!
I didn't know the taxonomy. Easy to build menus and a post page now.
So there should be /kind/reply, /kind/bookmark etc in this manner?
Answered my own question.
GWG has 8 karma in this channel over the last year (60 in all channels)
doug_c_im and RasAlGhoul joined the channel
starrwulfe[m]: There are more..check the readme
doug_c_im and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
starrwulfe I saw your reply the other day and tried to reply back, but your post had disappeared. Beyond the usual /like, /bookmark, and /reply types, you can reply with emoji if you want.
What are reacji?
reacji is an emoji reaction, the use of a single emoji character in response to a post, introduced as a feature by Slack[1] https://indieweb.org/reacji
doug_c_im and gRegorLove_ joined the channel