#wordpress 2023-01-11

2023-01-11 UTC
doug_c_im, RasAlGhoul, gRegor and [Tim_Nolte] joined the channel
↩️ I took have been thinking about what it would take to get a WordPress site to work with a Mastodon app.
↩️ *too
doug_c_im joined the channel
[Tim_Nolte] That would be very interesting to see your evolution of a Mastodon app!
[Tim_Nolte] you'd write your own instead of using/extending the ActivityPub or Friends plugins?
doug_c_im joined the channel
Having a Wordpress site act as a custom Mastodon-style instance complete with a dedicated app would be an interesting concept... and be a true definition of decentralization IMHO
that's what both the ActivityPub plugin and https://fed.brid.gy/ do!
I don't know if I've got the technical skills as of yet to attempt the BridgyFed route. I've had to pause work on my site for a few days as I get used to a somewhat major transition, getting used to a different OS that isn't from Microsoft.
RasAlGhoul and [will] joined the channel
<[chrisaldrich]> "starrwulfe I saw your reply..." <- [chrisaldrich]: thanks—
Post may have disappeared because I nuked my install and started over.
wagle and EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
I was looking at BridgyFed - how difficult is it to use compared to the ActivityPub plugin
jsbach, doug_c_im and EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
If I set up an IndieWeb site using WordPress, how do I find other IndieWeb users to read their stuff and how do they find me?
EarthboundValkyr, doug_c_im, [James_Van_Dyne] and sebbu2 joined the channel
The ActivityPub plugin is probably easier to set up than Bridgy Fed
It’s pretty easy to set up but you will be an instance of one; you’ll need to have at least one other account on another ActivityPub server to subscribe to your posts so everyone else can start seeing your posts in the timeline.
[Murray] and doug_c_im joined the channel
that's true for Bridgy Fed too, and arguably of all fediverse accounts
jsbach joined the channel
Morning all
doug_c_im and RasAlGhoul joined the channel
So, curious to know what the best settings to use when configuring the syndication links plugin for Wordpress... I've got the Micropub token for Twitter, but there's three other settings on the page I'm confused about. Should I have Bridgy ignore the formatting and what about using excerpts? Anyone got any advice there? Thanks.
Actually that should have been two not three... oops.aa
[tantek], IWSlackGateway, [snarfed], [manton] and doug_c_im joined the channel
@earthboundvalkr I agree with @snarfed ‘a assessment on which is easier, but if you get the redirection plugin setup correctly, BridgyFed is easy also. I have both and experiment with them by disabling and enabling.
doug_c_im, IWSlackGateway, [tantek], [KevinMarks], EarthboundValkyr and [snarfed] joined the channel
If I start getting set up on WordPress and find I'm just way in over my head, can I remove the plugins and have my site back to normal, or will I need to undo any of the changes manually?
Yes, it goes back to normal without any changes EarthboundValkyr
Thanks! In case it isn't obvious, I'm pretty new at a lot of this :)
So are we! I got started 2 weeks ago myself
How's it going?
I’ve got @starrwulfe@starrwulfe.xyz set up with the ActivityPub plugin and all the webmention stuff works with GWG and [pfefferle]’s plugins as well
Nice! I've got mine set up on Activity Pub as well, though I'm not familiar with GWG or [pfeffele] yet.
I noticed that the plugin page says it hasn't been tested with the latest version. I take it it's working ok, though?
Working on [snarfed]’s Bridgy integration right now with getting tokens to use. I even got some Facebook Swarm and Instagram back feeds happening now
What are backfeeds
It looks like we don't have a page for "backfeeds" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "backfeeds is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is backfeed
Backfeed is the process of syndicating interactions on your POSSE copies back (AKA reverse syndicating) to your original posts https://indieweb.org/backfeed
[schmarty] joined the channel
Loqi doesn’t do fuzzy logic. 😆
[campegg] joined the channel
earthboundvalkyr: Works just fine
Cool! I got my Activity Press set up at earthboundvalkyrie_crqp6i@earthboundvalkyrie.net. I so wish I could change that username, but I know I can't change what WP has assigned and don't see any way to do it in the Activity Pub plugin :(
Right now I’m having a problem with it just posting the title and not the whole post for things. GWG any ideas?
I was looking at Bridgy, but I don't use any silo sites. Is it useful with just the Indie/Mastodon type stuff, do you know?
earthboundvalkyr: Yeah, that’s a problem. I’m lucky in that I can set that myself… do you have access to the database?
On the ActivityPub plugin Settings page, I just chose the option that posts and excerpt, and that's working just fine for me.
No I mean the underlying SQL that runs your site
I don't think I have access to the database - my host set it all up, but I can check on that
You can go thru the standard Wordpress method of changing the user name.
Or just create a new user in Wordpress and post as that user
Oh, my comment on the ActivityPub settings page was trying to answer your question about your posting problem :)
Oh, use a different user - there's an idea - I may do that!
Where else did I post it? I can’t remember 🤪
Just up a few lines - you were saying you could only get it to post your title and not the whole post. I was just saying I set mine to do excerpts and its working fine
What is GWG?
David Shanske is an Indieweb enthusiast from New York, working on Indieweb WordPress plugin development https://indieweb.org/gwg
Yeah you’re using most of his work with the plugins. LOL
He also hosts the indieweb online meetups over zoom most weeks as well. There’s one tonight.
Oh, cool! OK :) Well, I'm going to go try to get this set up. If you're still around, I'll probably be back when I run into trouble. :D
If not, it's been nice chatting and I hope to see you around again!
I’m here on my phone, so ask away!
[TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
@earthboundvalkyr It’s possible to change the username. It’s not pretty but I did it. I had to setup another user. Transfer authorship. And I think dig around in the database. I am sorry I didn’t write down all of the instructions, but wanted you to know it is possible to “fix” the name. I also changed my URL to remove the www. Again, it’s not pretty and will take exploring the database. Before doing any of
you have a good backup.
Yep, if already have an established blog, it’s a bit harder because there’s the issue of transferring authorship over all the previous posts if you want to edit them in one place or there’s a byline that gets shown automatically.
Just finished work heading to dentist... will scroll up later
EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
Thanks [TMichelleMoore}! I created a new user. The problem I'm having at them moment is getting the H-Card profile link to work. It says to go to https://MYDOMAIN.COM/wp-admin/profile, but when I go there, I get a 404 page error
doug_c_im joined the channel
@earthboundvalkyr I don’t have the suggested themes installed so I had to setup the h-card using html on my home page. Use the simple card here - https://indieweb.org/h-card and place it on your home page and verify it works with https://indiewebify.me in the Validate h-card field. Start with this.
EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
@earthboundvalkyr If you need an example I can post my html here. But I am a beginner also, so you will be better off using the example.
[snarfed] I tried another test of Mastodon via Webmentions and received an error. Do you think its related to my original Mastodon authentication issue? 2023-01-11T16:48:21-05:00: Mastodon via Bridgy Webmention
"status": 400,
"webmention-mastodon-bridgy_publish_error": {
"data": null
"message": "Unknown Mastodon via Bridgy Webmention Error"
[TMichelleMoore] looking at the log of that attempt on https://brid.gy/mastodon/@tmichellemoore@mastodon.social#publishes , it says "Couldn't find link to brid.gy/publish/mastodon"
doug_c_im joined the channel
Do I have to add the link in the html?
cc GWG, that error was included in the JSON response to the webmention publish attempt, should be straightforward to include in the error that the plugin shows
Restate… Oh! I thought that is what the checkbox on the post did. Lol
you need it for webmention, not for micropub. which as a user ideally you wouldn't have to choose between or even know about 😀 https://github.com/dshanske/syndication-links/issues/174
[preview] [snarfed] #174 Drop webmention vs micropub options
EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
Where do I find the HTML code pages to edit them? I thought I'd seen something that let me access them prevoiusly, but I can't find it now
doug_c_im, RasAlGhoul and EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
Continuing question from above - I'm specifically trying to find where I can edit the HTML page to add the h-card info. I tried adding it using a widget, but it couldn't link to the wp-admin/profile.php page and the verifier found an h-card on a different page that isn't what I want to use
@earthboundvalkry I hope I am guiding you correctly. But try this. Go to your home page. Edit it. Add a custom html block or if using the classic editor open the html view and paste in the content.
EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
I can do that, but first I have to find the home page to edit it, and I can't seem to find any way to access it. I was just going through the individual files in my FTP and couldn't find anything that looked right
I'm wondering if my theme somehow is blocking access to those pages
@earthboundvlakyr Are you using WordPress?
You don’t have to use the FTP…just go to the Admin and Pages.
Yes, I"m using WP. I'll check pages again - can you hold on one sec?
doug_c_im joined the channel
In the admin section under pages all I have are All Pages, Add New and Locations, but none of those options have access to the Index page
Maybe I need to have a static index page rather than having it show my blog posts, though I'd rather not do that
It sounds like you have all of your blog posts on your home page.
I do
Maybe someone else can chime in here on that. I have static home page.
Oh! I have an idea - I'll see if I can put it in a sticky "into" post
er, "intro" post :)
Let us know how it works!
gRegor, [aciccarello] and EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
Well, I didn't get the sticky post idea to work, but I did get my h-card working properly, so that's solves that issue! onto the next bit :)
EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
How long should I set the IndieAuth expiration for, or is that needed?
doug_c_im and EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
Actually, my h-card validates fine, but it's not quite working right. It's displaying "<span class='p-author h-card'>Kriselda</span>" in the author field on my pages. Any idea how to get it to leave the code part of that out and have just the name?