#wordpress 2023-01-12

2023-01-12 UTC
doug_c_im joined the channel
Congratulation @eathboundvalkyr! Could there be a mistype bracket? Review the html to make sure it’s correct.
doug_c_im and EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
I used the h-card widget so i cant see the HTML, but im going to try changing to using an HTML widget where i input the HTML myself and see if i can get that to work
That’s what I did and it validates fine.
Make sure you are using the text editor and not visual mode or else it will almost always show HTML as something that can be seen
EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
Well, I deleted the H-Card widget (that creates it automatically) and still had the <span> text showing around my name, so apparently something ELSE has inserted an h-card into that author element on my posts and I have no idea what did it or where I'd find it,
I'm debating now if I want to change to a different theme (and throw away 4 days of work getting this one looking right) or what...
doug_c_im joined the channel
You just need a reference h-card on the index of your site.
That will tell whatever is needing it “this is the main h-card for the whole site, all others are extra info”
EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
Yeah, but something has put an H-card on my site and changed the HTML for my author name, and I don't know what did that or how to turn it off.
Oh, ok - reference h-card. How do I do that, do you know?
What is reference h-card
It looks like we don't have a page for "reference h-card" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "reference h-card is ____", a sentence describing the term)
i can google for it
I'll try that and see if it'll make that span thing go away.
What is representative h-card
The representative h-card for a page is an h-card on that page that represents that page, if any, as not all pages are about a person or organization, a page might not have a representative h-card https://indieweb.org/representative_h-card
That’s what you need
That’s what I have on my “front page” that is being read by BridgyFed so it can resolve properly
I see a lot of things that I can answer.
EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
I'm here and would be very much appreciative!
I think I've figured out a lot of it, my biggest problem right now is the visible <span class="p-author h-card">kriselda</span> in the author field on each post and page
The span is the Microformats 2 plugin. It's why we have issues with recommending it still
EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
Will things still work if I remove that plugin?
earthboundvalkyr: Of course.
It's supposed to be a way of dealing with no microformats in your theme
But WordPress now has escaping for that filter, so...there we are
Ok, I'll do that! Thanks :)
Do I need to do anything to escape that filter?
doug_c_im joined the channel
No, just disable the microformats plugin for now.
EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
Ok, that fixed it! I've got all the other plug ins from the package installed and I think configured - I changed very little except where I had to put in my own info. Should I be ok and connected now?
Oh, do I need bridgy and/or bridgy fed?
doug_c_im and angelo joined the channel
Re Syndication Links, the other settings are general preferences, but I have [snarfed]'s suggestion I adjust the settings pag.
starrwulfe[m]: You must be using the Webmention version if you are just getting the title, as it uses microformats you may not have exactly.
EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
GWG - I just tried posting from my Micro.blog to my WordPress site but nothing showed up. Where do I look to get things coming back to WP?
Where can I find [snarfed]'s suggestion on how to set that up?
that wasn't me 😁
EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
Oh. Sorry! BTW: If I'm using something like SNAP, do I need to use Syndication Links?
earthboundvalkyr: How do you post from your micro.blog to WordPress?
doug_c_im joined the channel
I'm trying to figure that out. I've got the micro.blog posting my stuff FROM WP, but I haven't figured out how to get stuff FROM micro.blog back to WP
You mean responses?
You need nothing really for that except webmentions
I haven 't gotten any responses yet, but I can't get my posts made at micro.blog over to WP
I'm not sure if anyone built anything to have posts made at micro.blog go over to WordPress. Might have to ask [manton]
I've only looked at the reverse
Ah, ok! And for webmentions, I put @earthboundvalkyrie.com in the post itself, right?
doug_c_im joined the channel
It should figure it out
EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
Ok, thanks! I think I'm gonna take a break for a bit now... if I have to type earthboundvalkyrie again, I may go nuts :) Next time I do a blog, it's gonna have a SHORT name!
[Tim_Nolte] joined the channel
[snarfed] in reply to your question about writing my own plugin vs using ActivityPub and/or Friends. I'm not looking to replace the ActivityPub plugin but add a plugin to at the very least hook into the ActivityPub plugin but provide the missing elements needed for a WordPress site to act/respond like a Mastodon instance so that you can use a Mastodon app, like Tusky for example, with your WordPress site.
As for the Friends plugin, right now it doesn't provide any ability to be used with an actual Mastodon app. However, I have other major problems with how the Friends plugin was built using the WordPress user accounts, it's lack of MultiSite support, and the requirement that your account has to be an admin account to even be usable are all major blockers for me to even consider it a plugin I will recommend or use.
I like the idea [Tim_Nolte] !
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
It might be useful to have a Mastodon client support IndieAuth and Micropub so they could post not just to Mastodon, but to all the IndieWeb micropub capable sites.
Hi [chrisaldrich] I like that idea.
EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
So do I :)
doug_c_im, RasAlGhoul, blindnerd and jsbach joined the channel; blindnerd left the channel
@starwulfe[m] The table we *were going to* make already exists. https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Plugins
doug_c_im, [manton] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[TMichelleMoore] can you tell me what you prefer using brid.gy over the AP plugin for WordPress? no offence, just curious 😉
[Tim_Nolte] sadly Mastodon does not use ActivityPub for the native apps 😞
Bridgy Fed is more featured, but I like to support solutions that live entirely within my site
So I'm on team [pfefferle].
[pfefferle] I really like the ActivityPub plugin. But the reason I would prefer BridyFed over AP is because I don’t like the Friends plugin (someone listed it out somewhere but it was the addition of the people that you are following as WordPress users and I hadn’t even gotten to how do you read their posts). But I like the follow ability in BridyFed better than the Friends plugin. I like the username that ActivityP
provides but don’t like the one in BridyFed. I like how ActivityPub posts like automagically. I haven’t fully tested the delete/update capabilities of both, but would want that. If I had to give only 1 reason: the main one is the Friends plugin.
I see, but does brid.gy support following others?
I really have to check the competitors 😉
[snarfed] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (104 in all channels)
I am not saying I love the interface. But I can control it. I agree with GWG on the solution being inside of WordPress.
thanks for your feedback [TMichelleMoore]
[pfefferle] Thank you for asking for it. I saw a few other comments on it over the last few days. You know what I really would want next? I would want to be able to use the Mastodon App with my Federated WordPress site.
thats what I wrote [Tim_Nolte]
sadly mastodon uses some proprietary stuff and not ActivityPub :(
it'll be okay
[Murray] joined the channel
[TMichelleMoore]: even better though— we can add to that table
Especially since [snarfed] and [pfefferle] want to have feature parity I’m sure.
The question should be total self host vs an off-board solution.
Even better would be if both projects could work together in concert
The fact that I have to run Friends in the background in order to be able to follow others whenever I’m running the AP plugin is a bit hefty to me. Although its developer AKirk is working as we speak on its issues too
BridgyFed’s Solution is very elegant in that it can do everything and it’s database. So I kind of wish I can have my follow count and followers streams be provided by bridgy but all the pushing into AP be done by the AP plugin. A hybrid solution.
What I would do in that case is then install a basic RSS feed reader into my WordPress environment so then I can just read whatever bridge if it is spitting out and I can reply if I need to or from the backend.
Even better if BridgyFed could spit out in OPML file that can be used to update from time to time with new follows or be used to delete my followed streams
But I think it already does this with an RSS feed, right [snarfed]?
starrwulfe yeah your BF user page has links to feeds of your timeline in multiple formats
[preview] [StarrWulfe] #355 Import/Export followers list
doug_c_im, RasAlGhoul, RasAlGhoul_ and fady joined the channel
starrwulfe[m]: Do you want to play with yarns?
fady joined the channel
[pfefferle] yeah, I think what I would be after is a Gateway between how the Mastodon apps communicate with your ActivityPub plugin. I don't want to completely reinvent the wheel. If I can "bridge" between a set of existing WordPress plugins and Mastodon apps I think that would be the way I'd go.
<GWG> "starrwulfe: Do you want to..." <- Sure! I was looking at that wondering if it’s a thing I should try
starrwulfe[m]: jackjamieson has been busy..so I came on as a co contributor because the parsing code for reading feeds is the one I wrote for Post Kinds. But I have so much I want to do, have only done minor refreshes and it needs more
[Tim_Nolte] feel free to add a PR if your have a first working version! I am curious!
doug_c_im, RasAlGhoul_, gRegor and angelo joined the channel