#wordpress 2023-01-16
2023-01-16 UTC
dronerdud joined the channel
# starrwulfe[m] That’s odd. Then again I have too many showing !
# [TMichelleMoore] @gwg++ It’s in the footer. That is exactly what the problem is. Thank you!
jsbach joined the channel
# [TMichelleMoore] @gwg I’m not sure how to do the second thing. But Adding it to single template fixed the issue!! Thank you!
# starrwulfe[m] Which template are you modifying [TMichelleMoore]?
# starrwulfe[m] Thinking about looking for a really minimalist template at some point and just adding a microformats child theme in there
# [TMichelleMoore] @starwulfe[m] The “single” template. I am using the Twenty Twenty Three theme.
# starrwulfe[m] Should I attempt to use blocks and mark up a theme 🤔
# starrwulfe[m] Well two or three sets of eyes on it are better than one so that works for me.
# starrwulfe[m] Can always experiment a bit then put things back to normal since it’s a theme I suppose.
doug_c_im joined the channel
# [TMichelleMoore] @starwulfe[m] Make your life easy…do a backup first. :-)
# starrwulfe[m] Of course! I’ve learned my lesson
doug_c_im, starrwulfe, [aciccarello], RayManD, RasAlGhoul, gRegor, jsbach and dronerdud joined the channel
# dronerdud I need help with a wp_login action... I dressed the script down completely but cannot get it to trigger (I get nothing in the console). Please see: https://pastebin.pl/view/28056687
# dronerdud I suspect it's something really simple that I'm overlooking
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
# [chrisbergr] The wp_login action fires after the user has successfully logged in. And then you'll get redirected, Maybe you'll see something if you add die(); after your echo statement. But this ist not the right place to deal with Javascript I guess...
starrwulfe joined the channel
# dronerdud thanks [chrisbergr].. but I think it must be something else: if I (only) change wp_login to wp, it fires (on page load) and the msg is shown in the console so somehow wp_login doesn't seem to trigger...
# dronerdud Perhaps something is preventing that trigger, no idea what that could be. It's typically one of those problems that can keep a guy occupied for days before finding the ridiculously simple explanation ;-)
# [chrisbergr] Try this https://gist.github.com/chrisbergr/81e67b30f699dc6f86e38a4271b2923b to see what else is hooked into wp_login. But still.. I don't think this is going to work, due to the time this action is fired. "The `wp_login` action hook is triggered when a user logs in by the wp_signon() function. It is the very last action taken in the function, immediately following the wp_set_auth_cookie() call."
# dronerdud I used wp_login before, to redirect people based upon their user status.. worked just fine (on another site). This time the objective is to change the (WPML) site language based on their profile, I don't why that couldn't work. In any case, gonna try your function first, looks promising!
# dronerdud I don't see*
starrwulfe and blindnerd joined the channel
# [chrisbergr] I just tested your code on my current local site. With die(); after the echo I can see the following in the console: 'Debug Objects: this'. Without die() it is too fast the get because of the redirect to the Dashboard
# dronerdud ahhh that's what you meant! \
starrwulfe joined the channel
# dronerdud YES that's it indeed :) Many thanks! I'll be fine now
starrwulfe and gRegor joined the channel
# [chrisbergr] It's been a while. I realized 28 woocommerce shops in 2022... So there was not a lot of time for my own private projects.. I did something. But slow. And then you see the progress of wp core and some indieweb related stuff running forward and forwad and I got frustrated not beeing able to get on with the same speed
# GWG What disappoints me is less than ten people using https://wordpress.org/plugins/tempus-fugit/
starrwulfe joined the channel
[Murray] and doug_c_im joined the channel
# [chrisbergr] I've noticed that you published this plugin. But I don't need it, unfortunately. I've done an onthisday archive myself, if I'd like to have something like weekly archive or random post I'd do it the same way. My main archive is more like a normal blog post list with a lot of filters by tags, years and months, wildly combined.
# GWG I'm contemplating https://github.com/dshanske/tempus-fugit/issues/3 This.
# [chrisbergr] "Add flag that would not update the last updated field on update for minor update." This is the best sentence I've read today. And I don't know what it means 🙂
# [chrisbergr] No
# [chrisbergr] My whole wiki experience is.. 3-5 edits in the indieweb wiki, that's all 🙂
# [chrisbergr] I like how you've done this ordinal dates url structure.. It is pretty intuitive how to get to your archives even without any navigation 🙂
# [chrisbergr] Talking the geek factor: https://david.shanske.com/2022/12/13/6193/ this reads like it is the 6193rd post on this day... Maybe instead of the ID you show a counting number, starting every new day with 1?
# [chrisbergr] You can have duplicate names if the posts are in differend "folders". So maybe it's possible to hook into save post action an set the name by counted posts for today + 1. That will do it for future posts. The other way, manipulating the permalink structure and sql querys per code may be possible too, but due to the huge possibility to break everything I would not do this....
[chrisbergr]1 joined the channel
angelo, starrwulfe, [chrisaldrich], dronerdud, RasAlGhoul and jsbach joined the channel