#wordpress 2023-01-18

2023-01-18 UTC
starrwulfe joined the channel
GWG, [pfefferle] Catching up on the WP plugin, is there anything with the db migration I can help test / review? What's the best way to set up a test WP site with some dummy data to try out the migration with? is there a db dump I can use?
dummy webmention data, that is
starrwulfe joined the channel
gRegor: Someone probably has to dump their database or handcraft the data.
Would it be worthwhile to add tests that populate some placeholder data? I can take a try at that.
I have not dived deep into this yet so apologies if it's already there
gRegor: [pfefferle] created a few, I believe. https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-webmention/pull/348
aha, nice
starrwulfe, RasAlGhoul, RasAlGhoul_, [iambismark], gRegor, billbennettnz, RasAlGhoul__ and jeremycherfas joined the channel
Hey [gRegorLove] and [dshanske]
I thought about the comment meta fields for the last few days
[dshanske] you said that source is for brid.gy for example
But let me try to some up my thought issues
If source is for brid.gy and admin_url for the website domain, where do we store the real permalink (the link to the tweet for example)?
(We have to publish this as soon as possible, I canβ€˜t remember stuff we did in the beginning πŸ˜” )
starrwulfe, jsbach, dtw and gRegor joined the channel
That's what is stored in URL
sebbu2 joined the channel
So, Bridgy Webmention comes in with source url = bridgy and that is stored as the Webmention source url meta property. It's saved as the author url on the event parsing doesn't find one.
IWSlackGateway, starrwulfe, Guest6, [snarfed], [tantek], [jacky], jsbach, [Jason_Tucker], [Tim_Nolte], gRegor, jgmac1106, [schmarty], [marksuth], [TMichelleMoore] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel