#wordpress 2023-01-21

2023-01-21 UTC
to2ds, JohnBeales and Gremblo joined the channel
@starrwulfe[m] Webmention reply to your post is posted.
JohnBeales, gRegor, gRegorLove_, starrwulfe, RasAlGhoul, angelo, IWSlackGateway and [pfefferle] joined the channel
Hey [chrisbergr] long time no read!
We worked on a simple comment-type implementation
But we haven’t switched to custom post types (yet).
@starrwulfe[m] I am not sure I understand your problem correctly. I try to give some hints anyways! Formatting shouldn‘t interfere between plugins. The formatting settings you do on the ActivityPub should simply work. But Mastodon does not really support other post types than „Note“ (maybe that’s why mastodon simply shows the link and friendica the whole post). I would recommend to use „Note“ as post type, then i
play nicely with most of the platforms.
[KevinMarks], [pfefferle]1, [KevinMarks]1, [TMichelleMoore], dtw and JohnBeales joined the channel
[pfefferle]1: Can you temporarily remove the review requirement for me on the Main branch? I didn't realize it was imposed and I want to push the changelog and such.
I didn't realize it was on because you were committing yesterday to it since the change.
to2ds, [jeremycherfas], JohnBeales, RasAlGhoul and starrwulfe joined the channel
Unless someone remembers the commands to extract a diff, revert to a point, then put that diff into a branch. I always forget how to do that
I also found a mistake
[aciccarello] joined the channel
[pfefferle]: I think it’s the webmention mf2 interaction in the theme I’m using that is interacting with posting *formats* (not webmention post *kinds*) that is doing this. Has nothing to do with your plugin and everything to do with Wordpress doing to much 😆
I think I can mitigate it on my end and will let you know what I find.
* [pfefferle]: I think it’s the webmention mf2 interaction in the theme I’m using that is interacting with posting formats (not webmention post kinds) that is doing this. Has nothing to do with your plugin and everything to do with Wordpress doing too much 😆
I think I can mitigate it on my end and will let you know what I find.
gRegor, [tantek], [snarfed], starrwulfe and RasAlGhoul joined the channel