#wordpress 2023-02-07

2023-02-07 UTC
[asuh] joined the channel
aaronpk: Does Okta have localhost support for WordPress? In other words, if I pull a production site to a localhost version, will Okta be able to authenticate and re-route to a local domain name, such as `.local`?
RasAlGhoul, gRegor, gRegorLove_, ben_thatmustbeme, blindnerd, Loqi, [tw2113_Slack_] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[dshanske] there are still issues, reported by shawfactor for example https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-webmention/issues/353
[preview] [shawfactor] #353 old wemention comment type creates fatal error
He seem to found a case that was not tackled by the migration script
So what else should I check?
How important is the Limitation feature of the facepiles?
To show only the x first facepiles and hide the rest behind a button
moderately important, for scalability? the facepile images are from all different places, so if you have eg 200 likes, that's 200 different HTTP requests. many will hopefully share domains and get pipelined, but still
so we should Port that too as part of the 5.0.0 release
I can do that tomorrow
Shouldn‘t be much more than copy&paste
And I hope shawfactor will send some feedback about the missing migration case asap. I fixed the fatal error, but Inwould love to fix the migration too, to have a consistent db
[preview] [pfefferle] @shawfactor is this one of a few or have you found some more of these comments? Can you check the comment-metas for this comment and add them to this issue? So maybe I can modify the migration script.
[jeremycherfas] and RasAlGhoul_ joined the channel
I still want to, in a future version, have different presentation options either built in, or documented for people to implement
sebbu joined the channel