#wordpress 2023-02-08

2023-02-08 UTC
angelo, blindnerd, RasAlGhoul_, gRegor and janboddez joined the channel; GregL[m] left the channel
Definitely agree that the checkboxes on the Syndication Links setting page should be better labeled, as context for what they're intended for is missing for screen readers. Can confirm this is the case for NVDA on Windows, ChromeVox on ChromeOS and Orca on Linux, so tossed my two cents into the issue discussion on GitHub
Quick Q: I built a sort of "Syndication Links"-like block, to display links from my "Share on Mastodon/Pixelfed" plugins (I'm also adding an option to add the to Syndication Links "normal" list of links so that folks already using SL [but not Bridgy, I guess] can add them there effortlessly)
So, because it should cover links from different plugins, it makes sense to make this a standalon/add-on plugin
It'd also make sense, I guess, to add it to ... something like Syndication Links?
Anyway, I think I'm asking for opinions / thoughts :-)
I guess the point I'm trying to make here is when a screen reader user like myself is using keyboard shortcuts to quickly modify a setting on the SL settings page, there's no immediate context to indicate what the checkbox that the screen reader has focus on is tied to. You can use the arrow keys to get to the label next to it to find out what it's meant to change, but that's actually an extra step that could be corrected qui
te easily by using a proper label for the checkboxes.
[dave], [pfefferle], [tantek] and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
Happy to accept changes
I just saw that issue come across my inbox and had to comment since it was accessibility related
gRegor joined the channel
Can you open it as a GitHub issue on the repository.. I'm working on the plugin this week anyway..if slowly. That's where I remind myself
If you mean me, someone already beat me to it
I was speaking in general
For any of my stuff...if someone mentions something, then I generally will make an issue to remind myself
IWSlackGateway, [snarfed], [tw2113_Slack_], [dave], [manton], [tantek], RasAlGhoul, [KevinMarks], gRegor, [hollie], [jamietanna], [schmarty] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
Interesting that Yoast SEO Premium is adding some Mastodon integration https://yoast.com/yoast-seo-february-7-2023/
[asuh] joined the channel