#wordpress 2023-02-10

2023-02-10 UTC
RasAlGhoul and RasAlGhoul_ joined the channel
Released a point version for Syndication Links to fix some of the issues people raised here. Hopefully it did
blindnerd joined the channel
Okay... I am done. Since it seems a bug in the syndication links plugin has broken my site to the point where WP-CLI can't recover it, I am just going to call this whole IndieWeb thing a failure. I've rebuilt my site 4 times now, and my frustration has grown each time til this latest straw finally broke the camel's back.
It was nice to experiment with, but the tools don't seem built for a normal user like myself, but more for technically advanced users. I tried, I really did, but I'm sorry... I just can't go through this poor user experience any more.
blindnerd joined the channel
I wish I knew what the bug was
[TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
Good Morning @blindnerd! I am sorry to hear about your issues. And I understand your frustrations. At first, I was a little frustrated. But remembered that software is never done and always has a feature missing that I want. 😊 When you mention the term WP-CLI, I am thinking your are pretty technically savvy. I am ok enough to read instructions and try to figure things out and will experiment, so way less technically
savvy than you are. All of the above to say, don’t give up! That is what this chat is for. Why don’t you tell us your setup (WordPress version, theme, plugins), what you are trying to do or make your site do, and then what’s wrong? I bet someone here can help. Also, to avoid all of that rebuilding I just make sure to use the backup in my cPanel to make a backup that I can restore in less than five minutes. I use t
because I have no idea how to manually backup the database. So hoping you try it again. Sincerely from Michelle a person who has learned about her WordPress database table, learned how to use the WP-CLI, and other stuff just by trying to implement IndieWeb features on my WordPress site.
[TMichelleMoore]: How is your experience going? I'm hoping I fixed most of the Syndication Links problems last night... but everything is a work in progress
Hey @gwg! I haven’t had time this week to work on my site. Work was busy. I don’t think I am seeing any issues. I still do need to test a few items we messaged about last week or so. I hope all is well! Thank you for asking!
trying to spin some negative into positive, this could be considered a usability test opportunity
[tw2113_Slack_] Interesting, elaborate so that I can understand. Lol
Sorry Michelle, I was referring to blindnerd from earlier, who was having a lot of frustrations getting things working
I always want that feedback... I am too close to the problem.. I understand everything because I built it
[spieper] joined the channel
This update has caused a critical error on my site too. Had to do a restore from yesterday.
[tw2113_Slack_] I meant elaborate on the usability test opportunity. Would you see that as maybe a set of test scripts that new people could use to test if their site is working right maybe paired up with some of the validators? Of course I am not volunteering for any of that. I am failing at my 100 day project. Lol
[spieper] Can you describe the critical error and can I assume it is the Syndications Link update? I want to see if I am having the same issue. (Well, I had better check to see if my auto updates worked.)
gotcha. Michelle. What I meant was going to be reaching out to the person to get feedback on the biggest pain points that they’re experiencing, so that our devs can actively review further on how to smooth those wrinkles. It sounds like there could potentially be some accessibility things as well, but I can’t guarantee if that was part of the issue
[tw2113_Slack_] Got it! I hope @blindnerd replies!
we want them people wanting the independent web
[tw2113_Slack_] I agree!
[TMichelleMoore] It’s definitely Syndication Links. Happened as soon as I updated. I have an email with the error details but is this the right place to share it @GWG?
It’s quite long.
[asuh] joined the channel
[spieper] Do you know how to create a Github issue? That would be the best place to report the error:
The newest issue in the list might be the same you want to report
[asuh] Yes. I’ll do that. My error looks different.
I will release a different fix for that tonight and any other items I'm shown
RasAlGhoul joined the channel
@gwg Confirmed. I just updated and I am getting the same error. I just restored from my backup and it’s working. If you need any logs, just let me know how to obtain and I can send. The symptom was critical error and I could not get back to the admin panel.
Okay...will be done before sunup.
looks like this hit my site too ☹☹
I fixed it by opening admin in recovery mode and deactivating synd links
I went the backup route, but you could always just rename the syndication links folder in the plugins folder.
you can get to recovery mode with `/w/wp-login.php?action=enter_recovery_mode` on your site (I think)
[benatwork] joined the channel
Recovery mode wouldn’t work for me. I had to go for a full restore.
GWG if you're still debugging, I'd strongly recommend yanking this current release from the plugin directory first, so it doesn't brick more people's sites as they upgrade
[snarfed]: I am going to try when I take lunch in a few minutes.
I got bricked…. I’m dumb for not making a restore point
WordPress itself sends an email with a rollback link, or should
Going forward, I need to test on php8.. I'm running 7.4 where that's a warning not an error
It didn’t send me one for some reason… at first the plugin just refused to activate. Should’ve known then it was an issue and waited.
I'm embarrassed whenever this happens... I worked on that update for 2 weeks
starrwulfe try recovery mode ^
testing has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
GWG: no worries, it happens— I found out my host upgraded to PHP 8 last week and I never noticed. It turned off automatic backups and in the release notes it was on us to reenable. What’s the use of that, I might as well self host in this case!
[snarfed]: will try after lunch
GWG: going forward you might want to have some of us beta test for you before a wider release since we’re all using slightly different architectures
Happy to get testers on some of the bigger changes.
But I definitely need to test on 8 because it has stricter reactions
The only reason I haven't upgraded is I run compass on the same server and it crashes on 8 so I had to roll back
@gwg If you don’t have backup, rename the SL plugin folder. It should work, I have done that before successfully.
Or delete it and reinstall later
gRegor joined the channel
But I see exactly what the problem is
IWSlackGateway and [snarfed] joined the channel
" Active installations: 400+" on https://wordpress.org/plugins/syndication-links/ , keeps ticking up, would be really good to yank this release to contain the damage before debugging
[preview] [David Shanske] Description It supports adding rel-syndication/u-syndication links to your WordPress posts, pages, and comments, indicating where a syndicated copy is, in the form of a text or icon link. You can do this manually and some plugins support automatica...
(I guess that's total, not this version. Better version details on https://wordpress.org/plugins/syndication-links/advanced/ . Still though!)
[preview] [David Shanske] Statistics Active versions Downloads Per Day Downloads history Advanced OptionsThis section is intended for advanced users and developers only. They are presented here for testing and educational purposes.Previous VersionsPrevious versions...
[tantek], [KevinMarks] and [jacky] joined the channel
Issued emergency update 4.4.6 which should address all issues.
It appears, when I removed access to the webmention settings, there was still a piece of code looking for them.
[benatwork] and [TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
@gwg That fixed it. The only thing I see now is that I had a CSS to Hide my h-card on the posts. (Long story don’t know why the one in the footer doesn’t work.) But that code has disappeared in the customizer. I am going to fix it, but if it’s related to the update others may have CSS issues.
I couldn't have done that
is this kind of total breakage something that we could catch with testing? with github actions we should be able to run a test that installs a wordpress, installs the plugin through CLI(?) and sees if important things still load? how much on that depends on config that might be hard to automate?
@gwg I added it back. Probably unrelated. I think there is an activity log that might provide me a clue.
[spieper] joined the channel
Fixed here too.
sknebel: I have some testing, but it was a load issue that would only happen to people who enabled a feature [snarfed] suggested I remove
Maybe I should have listened instead of hiding it
I am going to write code to test dynamic loading of files
Which should help
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
@GWG If you are setting up an environment in PHP 8, please go directly to 8.2, that would be very helpful 🙂
[chrisbergr]: I would.. I'm going to move Compass into another system
great 🙂
I wonder if I can write a docker container for it.
it's the only thing I have that needs 7.4
[asuh] joined the channel
GWG would a sandbox environment be useful? I’ve found this resource incredibly useful to do one-off testing in sandbox WordPress environemnt ad hoc: https://tastewp.com/
sknebel++ testing++ CI++
CI has 1 karma over the last year
sknebel has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (43 in all channels)
@starrwulfe[m] Go into the files/folders and rename the syndication-links folder to syndication-links-del or something like that. Most likely your site will come back up.
[schmarty], [tw2113_Slack_], angelo, [aciccarello] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[TMichelleMoore]: ok, will do. Thanks for the heads up
GWG++ thanks for the quick fix!
GWG has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (58 in all channels)
@gwg ++ Thank you!
@gwg has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (59 in all channels)
[dshanske] joined the channel