#wordpress 2023-04-07

2023-04-07 UTC
gRegor, RasAlGhoul, gRegorLove_, sebbu, massageball, IWSlackGateway and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[chrisbergr]: Sorry for the delay. Want to give a detailed response to what thoughts I have on templating...but I have a question for you...what is your goal? What do you want to be able to do? Obviously, customize the presentation...but in what way? Without reference to the actual code?
[tw2113_Slack_], [snarfed] and RasAlGhoul joined the channel
[pfefferle]: I want to start a milestone for 5.1 to include the final templating, the various highlighted issues to fix, and avatars. Thoughts?
[pfefferle] joined the channel
I am not sure about avatars
There so many good plugins
*Avatar Privacy works like a charm*
I agree on the rest though
[schmarty] joined the channel
[pfefferle]: Caching Webmention avatars instead of loading them from the third party site. We had a PR
Does Avatar Privacy do that for Webmention now?
I'm not suggesting locally hosting avatars for users.
nsmsn joined the channel
I know, but avatar privacy does that also for webmentions and any other avatar, like gravatar
And we had to do it mainly because of twitter, which is no longer a case :face_with_peeking_eye:
[pfefferle]: I still want to address broken links.. but I could make an optional plugin to do a store rather than making it part of the main plugin
I will think on that and focus on the templating question
I want to try to continue the idea of features that, if they replace built in functionality... do so in the least intrusive manner.
But why making an extra plugin if avatar privacy is already doing a perfect job caching images locally?
[pfefferle]: I will revisit it.. for a while there it was messing up my Webmention avatars so I had to turn it off
Now it works… just saying ☺
Now that Webmention 5.0 is out.. I have a lot of little things to look at that I didn't want to tackle without this being finished
Yes, I think we should try to work on the bug list ☺
And I also have some parts in the code that I find hacky
[pfefferle]: I think 5.1 won't take as much time as 5.0
But little bugs, minor fixes, etc can all go in
[tantek], nsmsn, gRegor, gRegorLove_ and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
@GWG re what I want be able to do: My theme has it's own comments walker, displaying other html structure, using my custom author vcard function and adding some action hooks. Because of the walker provided by webmentions, I loose all of that. With a template solution like the one provided by me, I am able to add wp-content/themes/my-theme/webmention/comment-item.php and bring back all my custom code/structure. Super simple.
aaronpk left the channel
[chrisbergr]: I think we hooked in low enough to be overwritten deliberately... but I want templating also
I remember there was a discussion 3-4yrs ago. As far as I remember you prefer filters over templates. Of course, this would also be a possibility I could work with. But templates are so much easier to use, and thanks to major plugins like woocommerce this was is very well known and accepted.
Can you tell me in detail what your concerns are?
[chrisbergr]: I don't prefer filters over templates. I'd actually like to have a mix.
I don't have any concerns about adding templating... I am looking at the implementation only
Trying to figure out how to make it the most flexible
Okay, sorry. I was worried, as I said, a few years ago you were against it :) In the end I realized https://cho.bz/t/mA with it. Whatever the final implementation of templates in webmention looks like, if I can't produce this layout, I just have to go my own way again, that's no problem either.
What I provided is the possibility to overwrrite the code for comment list item, reacion list item and the reaction list in a whole, in case someon wants to put the reactions into some sort of container or anything. I would say this is pretty much flexible 🙂
I had always planned on restoring a version of it as part of a templating system
I don't recall being against it, I remember saying it needed to wait till Webmention 5.0...which took longer than expected
I honestly thought we'd finish it in 2020
I like the idea of having the individual comment and individual reactions renderable.
I'm not sure about some things being in the templates because I worry about complexity.
GWG pfefferle how do you want input on prioritizing bug fixes for 5.1? Github 👍s? Something else?
So, reaction list is my current focus of thought.
[snarfed]: I'll go set up a milestone
[snarfed]: I thought you were waiting
But only you all can edit a milestone, right?
Oh I am waiting
But I still have opinions on what to focus on next 😁
One second, need a bandage.. just dropped something on my foot
Okay, reaction list is perhaps a bit much functionality. We could also limit ourselves to the various items and include an action hook both before and after the list. 'before_reaction_list'
Milestone created, adding stuff to it
[chrisbergr]: I think deciding what items go in the reaction list doesn't need to be a template, for example.
I think rendering individual items inside a list should be templated
I can agree with that.
Let me adjust the code a little bit....
[chrisbergr]: I also want to add a template for people who want their reactions to render as comments. There is at least one in the issues.
[snarfed]: The milestoning continues
[dshanske] have you only created a 5.0 tag without an release?
already did
[chrisbergr]: Note the last bullet on the release notes?
I think there should be a setting for the decision to render reactions as comments.
I would also love to disable templating at all
That's the idea.
should write an issue for that
We need to write the options to allow for easy satisfaction of most use cases
some parts are not that easy with the new structure
limiting the items that should be displayed for example
time to go to bed 👋
[pfefferle]: I'd like to bring in different presentation methods
For example, instead of individual images, and option to just show number of likes for people who don't want to show who, and clicking to show the full list, etc
me too, but I want to do it on theme level
Why disable templating? If you don't add custom templates in your theme, you'll have the default views.
I want to add everything in the theme
I want Webmention to ignore output templating completely
because then I do not have to use hooks, to display facepiles, but can add them directly to my comments.php
That is understandable. Just like I don't want CSS files to be loaded 🙂
whereever I want them
have you worked with theme.json yet?
yes of course 🙂
[pfefferle]: I want to allow for all possibilities.
Anyway...that said...to do block... we'd need to add a Webmention comment endpoint to the rest API as they don't expose custom comment types by default
[pfefferle] https://fullsiteediting.com/lessons/global-styles/ this is such a great help to get into all this theme.json stuff 🙂
[pfefferle]: The current hook just loads a second template before the first to show reactions... but I was thinking that should be overridable in the theme also.
That's why I didn't finish writing my response to [chrisbergr] yet... I have to really organize it in my mind to be appropriately minimal and flexible
@GWG I'd love to see those endponts in the rest api. But for fse support, we need our own comments block, I'm working on that.
It's hard to figure out how not to build everything in.
There is a get comments function. With own block, we can use our own get comments
[chrisbergr]: I intend to have 5.1 out sooner than 5.0. I milestoned a lot of little things
Sounds good 🙂
[snarfed]: Did I miss anything you wanted to consider before a .1 release?
[chrisbergr]: The floodgates are open
I also need to add code for the new Webmentions to my other projects
For example, Webmention no longer stores location by default.. I want Simple Location to hook in to handle that now
Did we had code for swarm coins before in semantic linkbacks?
[jacky] joined the channel