#wordpress 2023-04-08

2023-04-08 UTC
GWG aaronpk here's the short list I'd vote for in 5.1:
[preview] [snarfed] #341 If an existing webmention is in trash or spam, resending it shouldn't duplicate it
[preview] [florianbrinkmann] #310 Add option to set parent comment ID for webmention replys
[preview] [snarfed] #359 Are source URLs getting incorrectly URL-decoded?
[preview] [snarfed] #199 incoming webmentions with emoji chars in the source URL fail
RasAlGhoul and [asuh] joined the channel
GWG I think I’ve been beating this drum since 2019, and I haven’t tested the 5.0 update yet, but does the update address the email notification issue that was caused by some filters? That’s one of the issues I was most excited to review.
That, and [chrisbergr]’s discussion on the comment walker update. Having more control of the markup and styles is very appealing!
RasAlGhoul joined the channel
[asuh]: I tagged notifications to work on
Very nice, looking forward to testing it
[asuh]: Check out milestone for 5.1
RasAlGhoul joined the channel
[asuh]: I hope you like the 5.0 update overall. It will allow us to do all sorts of things.
I just updated to it on one of my sites, and magically Semantic Linksbacks is gone 🙂
[asuh]: It's a major rewriting of the code that used to be Semantic Linkbacks and incorporatingit
Nice. I’ve loosely followed some of the ideas since 2019 so it’s great to see this all come to fruition. Next, I need to revisit my theme’s templates to reconnect code for everything to work correctly. I’ve avoided this for too long
[chrisbergr]: Wrote out something. I think we can tweak it a bit and iterate
[marksuth], IWSlackGateway, [KevinMarks], fef, [snarfed], [schmarty], [manton] and RasAlGhoul joined the channel
[pfefferle]: Trying to figure out how to proceed on templating. I wrote out thoughts.
I tried Avatar Privacy again...it still blanks out my Webmention avatars
[tantek] and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
Is there an alternative to get_linkbacks_number( 'reply' ) in new webmention plugin?
[chrisbergr]: I'm not sure we need it specifically
Yeah, just wrote my own function, using separate_comments and checking for given key and if exist just count the values...
[chrisbergr]: I don't think you need that
get_comments with the argument count=true will work
But then I get the number of all comments, not seperated by type.
Oh sorry, I confued it with get_comments_number
You can specify the type
I looked at your response to the templating by the way
Re 4.9, it was mostly to keep support for ClassicPress but we can deal with that
ClassicPress v2 is rebasing to 6, so it should solve itself, but we can add a polyfill.
ClassicPress is still a thing? Have not followed their progress.
[chrisbergr]: That's a reason not to let it limit the version
This is, of course, a difficult topic. On the one hand, WordPress users are required to always update to the latest core version for security reasons. On the other hand, it is a real pain not to be able to use great new functionalities of the last 6 years. Of course it is nice to be able to serve as many people as possible, so also the ClassicPress people. But at the end of the day, we are the WordPress group talking about
a WordPress plugin. That's just my 2ct.
But as far as I remember, there was some possibility to pass variables to templates with a query vars function.
RasAlGhoul joined the channel
[chrisbergr]: I may merge the PR then do a PR to address
I am curious to see what we ultimately achieve 🙂
[chrisbergr]: I set a bunch of little goals for 5.1