#[pfefferle]it includes the source at this point, but it we should use `$commentdata['comment_meta']['webmention_source_url']` or `$commentdata['source']` instead
#GWGI think I should push off [chrisbergr]'s PR until we work on some of the other issues, then come back to it. I've been looking at that problem,. but better to work on fixes for people's issues before enhancements
#[snarfed]GWG Bridgy Twitter's avatar URLs are Twitter's own URLs. Bridgy doesn't store or re-serve images
#[snarfed]so yes they generally work, but not all, eg I think if someone changed their profile picture, URLs to their old profile pictures may not work
#GWG[snarfed]: I know.. just wondering how many are broken
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#[chrisbergr]Is avatar caching really a feature that belongs in the webmention plugin instead of its own?
#[snarfed]discussed here on Fri, [pfefferle] agrees, the Avatar Privacy plugin seems like a good existing one, not sure if it fully works yet with webmention avatars though?
#GWGI'm happy to go my own way if majority feels differently. Thus the statement about making it flexible
#GWGWhere on your site is it storing a Webmention avatar as opposed to a gravatar?
#[snarfed]specifically, If I understand him right, he said it works with existing webmention avatars, just on demand. it doesn't proactively go fetch and store them as soon as you install it
#[pfefferle]Ah, now I get it... no, you can't restore images if you haven't used it before
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#[snarfed]GWG on that issue, the Avatar Privacy author said to just use an existing cache warming plugin, or write a script to do it by fetching all posts
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#GWG[snarfed]: But we have an issue with avatar images no longer being available... which I suppose is fine because it would now replace it with a mystery image... better than a blank space, I suppose
#GWGI'm just thinking how s bunch of silhouettes will look
#[snarfed]Right. They're unavailable *_now_.* This might change them, but it wouldn't make them worse
#GWGThis is why I'm tempted to run a parallel solution that stores them forever.
#[snarfed]And individual sites would opt into avatar privacy themselves. you all wouldn't be imposing this on anyone, you'd just help make it compatible
#[snarfed]There are so many other webmention plugin bugs and improvements to be done, I don't see why you'd prioritize reinventing the wheel here, but up to you all
#GWG[snarfed]: I'm not prioritizing it, we already wrote it.. I'd just take the PR and put it into a separate file.
#GWGAnd remove the Gravatar caching code from the plugin entirely