#wordpress 2023-04-09

2023-04-09 UTC
RasAlGhoul, bob1, RasAlGhoul_, Retro, antranigv, fef and [pfefferle] joined the channel
the webmention plugin shows the wrong URL for brid.gy for example
[pfefferle]: ?
fef joined the channel
We show the brid.gy url instead of the twitter url
For example
I saw that...but I lacked context for you mentioning it now.
But I know we have things to fix
I hope he have not messed up the migration
the brid.gy url should never be used as author url
and I get an 500 error if I try to use the internal parser 😞 `/webmention/1.0/parse/`
Add it to the list?
I intend to work on some of these
and the mf parser seems broken for your site 😳
Can you document in an issue?
I'm looking, and some of the bridgy webmentions on my site didn't migrate to other types.
Also, since the links are down, I can't try reparsing. May have to put in something to allow people to fix.
I fixed it.
I actually pushed that into the repo, but forgot to release a new version.
It was a S instead of s somewhere
ok, fixed the tools page
The issue was what?
IWDiscord, Gremblo[d], Silicon[d], steinaech[d], Tuck[d], shaunix[d], marksuth[d], Hazel_[d], Bainstor[d], singlequbit[d], Grayson[d], indieweb-irc-bri, FoondyChop[d], DJ_[dj_je][d], IndieWebCamp_IRC, who[d], Nezteb[d], fernandolguevara, hollie[d] and aaronpk[d] joined the channel
why have we deleted `semantic_linkbacks_author_url`???
now we have A LOT of broken URLs because of abandoned brid.gy URLs
I can look into serving them from storage instead of the API
that would help us re-parse some of the urls
but I will also have a look, to use the permalink of the tweet in the meantime
Did you not always store the parsed mf2?
I hope we kept that at least
we do not store it, because it would mess up the db with a lot of unused data
[pfefferle]: We were supposed to move the author url into the Author url field
[snarfed]: Can you keep them up from storage for a bit at least?
but we haven't, because it is not how the old code worked
we use the author URL to check if it is an update or an insert
I will re-think the db design and make a doc, to not do this again!
[pfefferle]: Document it and we'll figure out a solution
disk is cheap, databases are good at storing lots of data, in general I lean toward storing data in case I need it in the future
I'll look at serving Bridgy Twitter URLs from storage now
we also messed up the update process I think
I can not find a point where we check if a new webmention is an update or not 😳
but is the check correct?
comment_author_url ???
No, Webmention source url
It uses author url as a fallback only
it is very misleading
it includes the source at this point, but it we should use `$commentdata['comment_meta']['webmention_source_url']` or `$commentdata['source']` instead
I agree.
I think I should push off [chrisbergr]'s PR until we work on some of the other issues, then come back to it. I've been looking at that problem,. but better to work on fixes for people's issues before enhancements
[chrisbergr]: I want to get a version into the next major release, but I think this takes precedence
RasAlGhoul_ joined the channel
ok [pfefferle] GWG, Bridgy Twitter URLs are now serving from storage
(only from the last 18 months or so, since I don't keep them in storage forever)
[snarfed] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (135 in all channels)
[pfefferle]: Now the work begins
[pfefferle]: Suggest we look for things that aren't needed anymore and for places we can add comments for future versions of ourselves
[snarfed]: And I thought it would be smooth sailing post 5.0
hah, no way, there are always bugs and issues to fix with a change this big
and they often show up slowly after a while, not just immediately
GWG++ pfefferle++ again, thank you for landing the merge and fixing these issues!
GWG has 17 karma in this channel over the last year (60 in all channels)
I thought it would be about adding in features like avatar caching and finer control of the templates... maybe parsing reviews...
I didn't think there would be no bugs, but...
the bigger the change, the bigger the bugs and issues
always 😁
[snarfed]: Do the stored Twitter Bridgy pages have non broken avatar URLs in them?
I am still wondering if I could add in the code to store them before they vanish.
I know [pfefferle] wants to use avatar privacy, but it doesn't store Webmention avatars, only gravatars.
I think the Author of that plugin is willing to work with us though
We just have a solution ready to go now.
GWG Bridgy Twitter's avatar URLs are Twitter's own URLs. Bridgy doesn't store or re-serve images
so yes they generally work, but not all, eg I think if someone changed their profile picture, URLs to their old profile pictures may not work
[snarfed]: I know.. just wondering how many are broken
no way to know
and yes! I've been talking with that plugin's author about backfilling avatar images, https://github.com/mundschenk-at/avatar-privacy/issues/269
ah that issue is probably what you're thinking about
[preview] [snarfed] #269 Backfill avatars on old comments
[snarfed]: Maybe I should do a new PR that Avatar Privacy could trigger or I could use the local code we wrote for same..
But the trigger for refreshing old avatars can be on the Webmention sode
I'd recommend putting it in a WP-CLI command or standalone script. for big sites, doing it in background cron seems like a recipe for pain
eg I have ~15k comments on my site, and it's probably only small to medium, I expect other people have way more
[snarfed]: We support multiple ways for migration now
you all are the pros 🤷
No, we just had time to discuss and rediscuss
But that's why I have moved to advocating for simple structures easy to hang different methodologies on
So we can build a nice default and let others enhance it if they want
So... opinions with ways to make options
Although some things have to be as settings
GWG++ for the WP webmention 5.0 release!
GWG has 18 karma in this channel over the last year (61 in all channels)
[pfefferle] has 16 karma in this channel over the last year (30 in all channels)
RasAlGhoul and RasAlGhoul_ joined the channel
Is avatar caching really a feature that belongs in the webmention plugin instead of its own?
discussed here on Fri, [pfefferle] agrees, the Avatar Privacy plugin seems like a good existing one, not sure if it fully works yet with webmention avatars though?
I'm happy to go my own way if majority feels differently. Thus the statement about making it flexible
It works with webmentions for me
[pfefferle]: How?
Avatar privacy
I tried turning it in and all my avatars vanished
You can see it running on notiz.blog
The developer admitted it doesn't store Webmention avatars as recently as today. https://github.com/mundschenk-at/avatar-privacy/issues/269
At least, it doesn't work retroactively
If you didn't have it on...
Where on your site is it storing a Webmention avatar as opposed to a gravatar?
specifically, If I understand him right, he said it works with existing webmention avatars, just on demand. it doesn't proactively go fetch and store them as soon as you install it
Ah, now I get it... no, you can't restore images if you haven't used it before
It is hard to tell what is a Webmention on notiz.blog. Can you show me one that is being stored?
every facepile
[preview] Vor zwei Jahren wollte Twitter in das „Dezentrale Netzwerke“-Business einsteigen und gründete eigens dafür das Projekt Bluesky. In den folgenden zwei Jahren wurde viel evaluiert und diskutiert, was wohl die beste Lösung für Twitter sei und wi...
That's what I was looking for
every facepile on my site is a webmention
and in the comments there are also activitypubs
(a second raison why I would love to use a separate plugin instead of a webmention one)
[pfefferle]: I am looking at the code
it works 😉
[pfefferle] has 17 karma in this channel over the last year (31 in all channels)
[pfefferle]: If we want to trigger it retroactively... I have to figure out how it works
you still want to build your own solution?
[pfefferle]: I would at least have to address retroactive. I'm looking for how to do that.
So many files
GWG on that issue, the Avatar Privacy author said to just use an existing cache warming plugin, or write a script to do it by fetching all posts
seems fine
I still want to know how it saves it
A cache warming plugin would reload every post to address the issue, which I suppose is fine
[snarfed]: I turned it on.. it doesn't like you. https://david.shanske.com/2022/10/26/5665/
[preview] [David Shanske] Why don’t people wear hats outdoors anymore in large numbers? In the past, it was considered inappropriate to go bareheaded in some contexts.
Or specifically, Webmentions with gravatars
Oh the avatar privacy plugin? 🤷‍♂️ I haven't actually tried it
[preview] [dshanske] #270 Does Not Cache Gravatars received via Webmention
That's why when I tried it...the last Webmention avatars disappeared...they used Gravatar
I also need to see the cache time
I don't follow though. my h-card profile picture (which is therefore the one in the webmention on your site) isn't a gravatar
Hmm...it only stores it for a day or t6
That's configurable
Yes it is, I just checked
[snarfed]: But we have an issue with avatar images no longer being available... which I suppose is fine because it would now replace it with a mystery image... better than a blank space, I suppose
I'm just thinking how s bunch of silhouettes will look
Right. They're unavailable *_now_.* This might change them, but it wouldn't make them worse
This is why I'm tempted to run a parallel solution that stores them forever.
And individual sites would opt into avatar privacy themselves. you all wouldn't be imposing this on anyone, you'd just help make it compatible
But this _is_ that solution
Eh, this us the same conversation you had with [pfefferle] earlier
[snarfed]: I don't see an option to turn off the cache invalidation.
I intend to work with the developer, but I still might not choose it for myself
Cache invalidation?
There are so many other webmention plugin bugs and improvements to be done, I don't see why you'd prioritize reinventing the wheel here, but up to you all
[snarfed]: I'm not prioritizing it, we already wrote it.. I'd just take the PR and put it into a separate file.
And remove the Gravatar caching code from the plugin entirely
[tantek] joined the channel
The initial implementation is only the first 20% of the work; the next 80% is maintaining it 😎
It just means we'd remove the Gravatar and the local mystery silhouette from the code and let avatar privacy or something handle it
I know... my intention is to remove the Gravatar code for now
Up to you all!
For now, as you said, lots to do
Like filing my taxes