#wordpress 2023-04-23

2023-04-23 UTC
RasAlGhoul, RasAlGhoul_, antranigv, fef, [TMichelleMoore] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[chrisbergr] Thank you for letting me know. @gwg I tried to test this and received the following error on the pingback. “Not enough data.” When I used Webmention.rocks last week, I was able to receive a webmention. And I can directly enter a comment. So it appears to relate to the pingback. I tried to use the Tools > Webmention - Webmention Testing Tools but wasn’t sure which URL’s went into the text boxes. So I
it both ways and received these 2 errors: 1 Critical Error, 2 Circular Reference. Do you have any hints for how I can troubleshoot this?
antranigv joined the channel
[TMichelleMoore] [chrisbergr] it checks for at least author name and content
so it does not seem to get your name and/or the webmention content from your site.
the test works fine, so no issue on the site of [chrisbergr]
do you use the latest version of the plugin? v5.0.0? and no semantic linkbacks?
RasAlGhoul_ joined the channel
Hello [pfefferle] I have 5.0.0. Could it be that I have an h-entry on the content and didn’t add an e-content? That’s one thing different about my reply. The post should have that. (That’s one thing in the background…) Oh and I removed the multi site last week but didn’t change anything in htaccess. (Just thought I would mention since these are two differences in my site since last week.)
Without e-content, there would be no comment on your reply...it can't detect it. Unless you have a fallback
The Tool can show you what it finds from a source+target though
I added it for manual debugging purposes
I have a similar one in Post Kinds so I can see what mf2 comes out
[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
@gwg I will try with an e-content class.
[TMichelleMoore]: But you were the receiver
The markup issue I thought was the sender of the reply
Maybe I was confused.
[dshanske] is right, but I added a test with [chrisbergr] markup and it worked fine
Maybe another 5.0.0 glitch
[pfefferle]: I think it would be one 4.x had too..we didn't change it that much
But as I said, the test works fine! See my last pull request
[davidmead] joined the channel
@gwg I tested it myself with another post.
Sorry, multi-tasking Getting ready to flee the country
[pfefferle] @gwg [chrisbergr] I just tried it the e-content class on one reply, no e-content from another website and then again on another post and it worked (the two from the sandbox had the Webmention plugin deactivated and I guess that is why they are listed as pingbacks). But entering a URL in the ping me field didn’t work and came back with an “not enough data availalble. That seems odd. And then I copied the
reply that successfully “webmentioned” and posted the same html in my sandbox and used it’s url in the ping me field. I received the error “Cannont find target link.” Is there anything special about that ping me field?
[TMichelleMoore]: What did you fill in?
@gwg I used the Ping Me text box.
Yes, what URL did you put in the box?
@gwg Oops my webmention one had the wrong link. Give me a second.
[preview] Michelle Sandbox
So, you are trying to test mentioning your site from your sandbox?
Yes, I tried it from my website and then moved to the sandbox.
When I entered this comment the webmention worked as normal through the commenting system. https://wpsandbox.tmichellemoore.com/testing-webmentions/
Maybe you need to reexplain from the top. I may have lost the thread
[preview] Michelle Sandbox
@gwg I think in it’s simplest form it is that when you reply to my posts using that ping me text box and enter a URL, you get an error (that’s what I did and I believe [chrisbergr] originally saw). Alternately, when I used the microforms h-entry and e-content with a u-in-reply-to, the webmention plugin did what it normally does and added a comment for me to approve.
So, is the problem [chrisbergr]'s microformats then?
I suspect it could be the pingback feature. Because I got the same result. And then I added the microformats to my posts and got the same result.
Which is strange, as your post isn't the one it looks at. It should be looking at his. I'll have to check the code
@gwg And then [pfefferle] made this comment which seems like [chrisbergr]’s is fine.
His post parses correctly, and it does so using your site as the target
So, the question is, what triggered the error?
I may have some time on the flight.
What does that pingback text box do differently?
Nothing. The testing just shows what was found. The pingback box does the whole webmention process, which means source verification
@gwg And don’t forget, the majority of the webmention.rocks tests passed last week on this site. (Actually probably all, I don’t think I tested deleting.)
[TMichelleMoore]: And to [pfefferle]'s question, you have V5 of Webmention and you got rid of Semantic Linkbacks?
So, I need to analyze the code that matches, and also the return
I had waited to test the Webmention plugin because I was waiting for the update and the automatic deletion of Semantin Linkbacks. And found out that it didn’t autodelete on Multisite. I deactivated and delete it. And then removed multisite. (The one thing I didn’t do was make all of the htacess file updates, it looked to complicated. :-)) Don’t know if it is related, but I don’t want to leave that out as I have
experience of someone leaving out the good parts while I tried to fix something and that was the one thing…)🙂
@GWG I got a “forbidden” message on the receiving page after using the ping me form with my url on [TMichelleMoore] s original post.
Forbidden sounds like an auth issue
But the Webmention endpoint has no auth
Yes, thought this is strange, so that’s why I started the discussion here.
I'll have to read closely while I travel and see... but that code didn't change in version 5
Hope you’ll have a good flight :)
We'll see.
First transatlantic flight in 3 years
Yes @gwg Safe travels!
[timothy_chambe] and sebbu joined the channel