#wordpress 2023-05-25
2023-05-25 UTC
RasAlGhoul__, JanMiksovsky, RasAlGhoul, KMF, greglopez, RasAlGhoul_, IWDiscordRelay, mouse[d], petermolnar, gRegor, IWSlackGateway, [tantek], [jacky], [schmarty], [snarfed], sebbu and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[tantek] Is anyone using the ActivityPub for WordPress plugin to use their domain as their username for fediverse/Mastodon interop? I saw that [pfefferle] is using @pfefferle@notiz.blog but I'm looking for examples like just @notiz.blog or @-@ style @notiz.blog@notiz.blog ? I didn't see any in https://indieweb.org/WordPress_ActivityPub_plugin#IndieWeb_Examples or https://indieweb.org/ActivityPub#IndieWeb_Examples

[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] We just think about a blog user, that publishes all blog posts regardless of the author

[pfefferle] And this was one proposal, the problem is, that http://fed.brid.gy is already using it and there seem to be people who are using both

[pfefferle] Only the domain @notiz.blog is not working

[pfefferle] If the feature is released I think about using either @mailto:notizblog@notiz.blog or @mailto:notiz.blog@notiz.blog

[pfefferle] And that will show up as simply @notizblog or @notiz.blog in the UI

[pfefferle] mailto:pfefferle@notiz.blog is because I started user-centric and not blog-centric

[pfefferle] True. But it does not always work… it might be difficult for long domains or the http://WordPress.com structure

[pfefferle] @pfefferle.wordpress.com@pfefferle.wordpress.com :face_with_peeking_eye:

[snarfed] related background: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/22213 , https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/3 . (early BF history, it originally used @me@domain, but switched to @domain@domain pretty quickly)
[pfefferle] Have you seen my http://WordPress.com example [tantek] ?

[pfefferle] Not in the wiki, some comments above

[pfefferle] It looks really bad with the subdomain structure

[pfefferle] Nope

[pfefferle] Because it looks so ugly

[tantek] also http://Wordpress.com is not an IndieWeb (personal) domain so I'm not worried about that either

[pfefferle] As I said we discuss that currently for the single-user mode of the activitypub plugin

[pfefferle] At least for the .org version

[pfefferle] Because you can’t change the username atm

[pfefferle] It uses the login

[pfefferle] Speaking for the AP plugin

[pfefferle] But I am not sure if this is a common pattern for non techies? I asked on Mastodon for ideas how to name the blog-wide user and nearly all mentioned “usernames”

[pfefferle] If you are interested https://mastodon.social/@pfefferle/110422213725766877

Loqi [preview] [Matthias Pfefferle] RE: ActivityPub Plugin for WordPress: let's assume I would work on a feature that would allow you to follow a complete blog, what would be the best identifier for that account? `@feed@example.org`? `@blog@example.com`?
What are your ideas?https://git...

[pfefferle] But the domain idea was also mentioned https://sociale.network/@oblomov/110422244704732958

[manton] and RasAlGhoul joined the channel
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
[chrisbergr] I think [tantek] has some pretty good points here. After reading all that (especially the relatable cunfusing with email problematic) I'd also prefer @tld@tld - But I'm always a fan of giving the user the choice.

[snarfed]1, [jacky]1 and [pfefferle]1 joined the channel
jeremycherfas and RasAlGhoul joined the channel