#wordpress 2023-05-26

2023-05-26 UTC
RasAlGhoul, gRegor and RasAlGhoul_ joined the channel
You shouldn’t need to create a blank line between heading and paragraph. That’s what styles are for.
[jeremycherfas] and gRegor joined the channel
[tantek] I know, just wanted to share that others share your idea. and I also like it, I just think it is not practicable in every case.
gRegor joined the channel
[pfefferle] I agree it does not work in every case. I still think it's a better default, to encourage and empower single-user blogs
Whew, crossing my fingers and hoping I got the formatting right. Opted to go for HTML instead of Markdown to format the contact and guestbook pages... would like opinons if possible: https://gregsplace.net/guestbook
* Whew, crossing my fingers and hoping I got the formatting right. Opted to go for HTML instead of Markdown to format the contact and guestbook pages... would like opinions if possible: https://gregsplace.net/guestbook Sorry, had to edit a mistake there
[fluffy], KMF and Ww3 joined the channel
So, I'd like to add the following bit of code to my HCard, but I'm not sure if there's a spot to add it within the HCard widget provided by the IndieWeb plugin: <a class="u-url" href="acct:blog@gregsplace.netm"></a>
antranigv joined the channel
There is, in your user profile, other section