#wordpress 2023-09-19

2023-09-19 UTC
joe, angelo and greglopez joined the channel; greglopez left the channel
hey GWG [pfefferle] have all the webmention plugin 5.0 migration issues been worked out? upgrading from 4.x shouldn't be dangerous any more?
[pfefferle] joined the channel
should be fine now! no data should be deleted any more, that might be important for recovering informations
[manton] and [campegg] joined the channel
[pfefferle]: Were you going to release IndieAuth or was I?
Could you do it?
[pfefferle]: I'm in a hotel room at Dublin Airport...so I have some free time.. I'll do it
amitp joined the channel
Does this mean I should have another go at a Wordpress enabled blog? 🧐
amitp joined the channel
Up to you