#wordpress 2023-09-20

2023-09-20 UTC
[nsmsn] joined the channel
Is there a simple way to change the default URL for the RSS feed in a WordPress site? I'm getting serious about migrating from a static site to WordPress, but I don't want to lose any RSS subscribers in the process.
I'd guess the redirect is the overall more reliable option
gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__ and jeremycherfas joined the channel
morning [pfefferle]! are you demoing at fediverse today?
yes, but the forum software is way to complex for me 😄
the qiqochat usability is really bad!
[pfefferle]: If I had an author profile in your activitypub plugin, can I migrate to a blog profile and how?
Is that an issue worth filing?
is is not yet possible
[pfefferle]: Yet as in Activitypub or WordPress level challenge?
more an ActivityPub thing
there is no standard way to migrate an account
but there is a mastodon way for example
[marksuth] and [Jo] joined the channel