#wordpress 2023-10-16

2023-10-16 UTC
jimmy, [catgirlinspace] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[manton] I found the problem, why @-mentions of http://micro.blog profiles do not work: we require a `url` field and http://micro.blog has only `id` I will add that as fallback with the next release!
[tantek] joined the channel
[pfefferle]: Got a minute re Webmention? There are a few things I wanted to run by you?
[snarfed] and [manton] joined the channel
[pfefferle] Great, thanks for looking into it! I can add `url` too… Need to figure out what value makes sense for http://Micro.blog there.
[pfefferle]: The issue is how to eliminate dependency on pings_open
[pfefferle] Curious if WordPress assumes that `url` is the actor URL, or more like a web home page URL? Or does it matter?
it doesn't matter... I think
It's simply to have something to link to
because it seems to guaranteed that the ID alway returns HTML
because it seems to NOT guaranteed that the ID alway returns HTML
Got it, thanks. I’ll add `url` today, should be an easy change to roll out.
we need a way for AP implementations to track all the little quirks we add that are required for interop and who they're for 😢
[aciccarello] and [schmarty] joined the channel
Yes, I wish I had taken better notes about that. Almost like an annotated JSON example that says why certain fields are there.
[dshanske] the WordPress API integration in the Webmention API is completely broken and "get_header_links_by" seems to also not work like expected 😞
I think we need some unit tests!
tests has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
[pfefferle]: My original version was tested, but there were some iterations. Agree unit tests make sense.
gRegor joined the channel
[pfefferle] By the way, I added that `url` field earlier and @-mentions from http://WP.com works great to http://Micro.blog now. I decided to just make the `id` and `url` match for now, until I fully understand how other clients might use it.
[manton] I think it's generally the frontend/human-facing URL, eg https://mas.to/@snarfed/109668310494520038 vs id https://mas.to/users/snarfed/statuses/109668310494520038 which serves the AS2 object