#wordpress 2023-10-17

2023-10-17 UTC
[snarfed] Yeah. I can see how Mastodon differentiates these, although I’ve been torn on how I should do it. For better or worse I’ve created some special “/activitypub” URLs that used behind the scenes. Mostly to avoid content negotiation if I’m being honest.
gRegor joined the channel
conneg has -2 karma in this channel over the last year (-38 in all channels)
amusingly Mastodon does both, it has separate URLS for frontend and AP activity, but handles both URLs in both frontend and AS2 conneg
[tw2113] joined the channel
[snarfed] [manton] do you also have some problems lately with platforms hosted on masto.host? I have weird issues that the Accept request does not come through and the Mastodon platforms then stays in an inconsistant state, sending no other inbox requests, until I send an @-reply from my blog, then following works perfectly after I retry.
hmm! not sure. you mean when someone on a masto.host instance follows a WP site?
but other instances get the Accept ok?
interesting. I don't know offhand
I already found out that I had to increase the timeout (tripled) but still glitches
gRegor, sebbu2, [jamietanna], [jeremycherfas], [benatwork], jeremycherfas, [KevinMarks] and [campegg] joined the channel
[manton] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (43 in all channels)
gRegor joined the channel
[pfefferle]: Expect some more review requests in the coming days
have you looked at the WP-integration?
it really seems that the get_headers method of WordPress is broken and strips a lot of the attributes
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[pfefferle]: In reference to what?
I can't find the links header using the WordPress http functions
[pfefferle]: Which URL so I can reproduce?
I want to use a site that doesn't work. And which header?
GWG++ pfefferle++ for the webmention data display on the comment admin page in the WM 5.0 plugin, it's great!
GWG has 27 karma in this channel over the last year (49 in all channels)
[snarfed]: We appreciate your feedback
[catgirlinspace] joined the channel