#wordpress 2024-02-02

2024-02-02 UTC
gRegorLove_, [tantek] and gRegor joined the channel
I'm currently creating a "hybrid" theme. Using ACF to create some custom blocks. But the header, footer, and other 'site-wide' elements as I refer to them, are only editable in php page template files.
[Al_Abut], Game, antranigv, vhbelvadi, antranigv_ and [pfefferle] joined the channel
Jan Boddez already did a lot of work with it's IndieBlocks project, to bring MF2 to modern FSE/Block-Themes: https://github.com/janboddez/indieblocks
(I mean: "his IndieBlocks project")
gRegor, [KevinMarks], antranigv, Guest6, BIC, [Jo] and [snarfed] joined the channel
oh interesting! thanks [pfefferle], will look
antranigv joined the channel
Yes, I wanted to mention it, but it isn't a theme.
antranigv joined the channel
...which seems like the right idea, ideally we need to decouple mf2 rendering from themes
[snarfed]: For most things it would work for blocks it looks like
Guest6 and antranigv joined the channel
[snarfed]: Correct. I looked at it, even though I'm a classic type
antranigv, [Joe_Crawford] and gRegor joined the channel
what is mf2
what is mf2?
to2ds joined the channel
Loqi doesn't always answer the what is questions from Discord unfortunately
to2ds and j12t joined the channel
angelo_ and j12t joined the channel