#wordpress 2024-06-18

2024-06-18 UTC
sdavidprince and [lcs] joined the channel
Been using Reeder as my RSS reader, but sometimes it's a bit annoyting to not be able to access it in the browser. So was thinking I need to switch to a cloud based RSS reader. Then thought it would be nice to have it directly on my WP site (since that's essentially my "online home" anyways) so now I'm working on an RSS reader plugin for WP.
Any ideas for cool features, given it's on WP? Auto generating a blogroll complete with OPML is on my to do list!
the_kovah[d], capjamesg[d], _graysonarts[d], _the_kovah[d], Kaja_, [Jo], lazcorp, mary1, [bneil] and [snarfed] joined the channel
interesting! I assume you've seen all the existing WP RSS/feed readers?
[Otto_Rask] joined the channel
Also, there's Yarns which I should try to resurrect
gRegor and [asuh] joined the channel
For the h-card, I’m currently using `get_the_author_meta()` to return the author ID and name. I hadn’t yet considered what to do if there are more than one administrator or even profile in a WordPress instance. I know I could hardcode this data, but I’m curious what would be a good way to assign a primary user profile for this h-card. Should it be a new form field inside of all profiles that someone enables? I’m curious what othe
done about this
[asuh]: Well, there are a few options
In the IndieWeb plugin, I have the option to set a user to be the primary.
And there is a way to check for single author sites and default it
Ah, that’s right, it’s been so long I forgot that existed
That takes care of this concern for the classic theme plugins. Now I need to review the Indieblocks plugin to see Jan’s approach. I assume this is a standalone plugin that wouldn’t necessarily need the Indieweb plugin, but I need to verify this assumption
Re: single author sites - I’m always Player2 admin profile on WordPress instances so I have to make sure I remember to assign primary profile for the h-card on these sites
janboddez joined the channel
[lcs] I don't hang out here very often :-) but maybe https://github.com/janboddez/feed-reader may be of use. Serve as inspiration, I don't know.
[preview] [janboddez] feed-reader: A very simple feed reader plugin for WordPress
[tw2113] joined the channel
Oh, hey janboddez, what does Indieblocks do to account for multi-author sites to determine the primary author for the site’s representative h-card?
[asuh] It doesn't really do representative h-cards. It just adds a couple classes to the Post Author block (and on my site I simply make sure every post gets one, although I mostly hide them).
That’s helpful to know. I will have to try out Indieblocks with the Indieweb plugin which handles the default author and see what happens. I’d like to have both representative h-card support as well as post author h-card support. Thanks for the feedback
[benatwork] joined the channel
The way I'd maybe do it, I think (?), is add a Custom HTML block to the site's sidebar or footer? I'd have to try it though. IndieBlocks uses the body element to tack h-entry (single posts) or h-feed (archives, etc.) classes onto. Don't think that's a problem, although I have mostly forgotten about representative h-cards (since I moved back to WordPress, haha).
That is, I *think* I used to use one, before.
I’m playing catch up with h-cards and representative h-cards myself! I didn’t realize I had a partially valid h-card all this time, and I was intending it to be a representative h-card. So this is all helpful.
Oh, and janboddez, I was able to understand the representative h-card issue by reviewing https://indiewebify.me/validate-h-card/. It said I was partially done but needed a few missing classes
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
GWG, you might want to review the security certificate for your site https://david.shanske.com/. I have strict settings in my browsers to always resolve HTTPS for sites and it’s giving me a warning in both Blink and Gecko based browsers.
That's interesting.
I haven't seen any issue on it in ages... wonder what happened.
I tried incognito/private mode with both browsers and similar results
[asuh]: Might be the renewal of the certificate failed
I'll have a look, thanks
`notAfter=Jun 17 07:07:14 2024 GMT` - Let's Encrypt renewal a prime suspect.
I thought I got notifications of that
Found it. When I migrated to the new server a few months ago, I named the config file david.shanske.com instead of david.shanske.com.conf
`Certificate chain`
`i:C=US, O=Let's Encrypt, CN=R10`
`0 s:CN=http://david.shanske.com`
`v:NotBefore: Jun 18 21:14:59 2024 GMT; NotAfter: Sep 16 21:14:58 2024 GMT` loading fine in Safari now too.
`a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 2048 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256`
There isn't a good way I've found to migrate a LetsEncrypt directory to a new server with all the symlinks and such
I consolidated Wisdom 1 and Wisdom 3 into Wisdom 2. Moved me to a new version of the distro and saved me a few dollars a month
You mean certbot right? rsync of the full /etc/letsencrypt directory should do it
Though nowadays I'm leaning toward http servers that deal with certs directly like caddy
ptramo[d]: It didn't handle the symlinks for some reason, I tried. So I figured I didn't have that many, I'd manually fix it
[edit] You mean certbot right? rsync -a of the full /etc/letsencrypt directory should do it
Yes, I did.
lazcorp joined the channel
hopefully I won't move for another 13 years
That's how long Wisdom1 was online, I believe
Wait, 9 years. The other server was 13
You should have received emails as your certs were about to expire, if I'm not mistaken. Might want to check which email you registered with / change it / monitor that inbox more carefully
it is probable
[schmarty] joined the channel