#wordpress 2024-06-19

2024-06-19 UTC
[snarfed] I did a quick search but couldn't find anything that wasn't a complete overkill. Now thanks to @janboddez it feels like I've wasted half a day 😂 yours seems to have most of what I need already!
[jantuomi], [KevinMarks], Guest6 and Oscar joined the channel
Maybe better for #dev, but here goes. I am looking to work on a ClassicPress site on my MBAir while away from home. At home I use MAMP and like it. I'm reading about syncing MAMP with shared symlinks, and also about using Docker. While I know a little about symlinks, I know nothing about Docker. Does anyone here have a strong opinion on whether I should try to learn about Docker? My candid view is that it would be
overkill for my puttering.
[Murray], [davidmead], [bneil], [snarfed] and [qubyte] joined the channel