2012-03-28 UTC
# 00:01 tantek "the site allowed users to share pictures, videos and status updates with friends. They also emphasized the sharing of music as MP3 files"
# 00:02 tantek "The site first debuted in May of 2009…Meme blogs will be available up until May 25, 2012, and until then users can export their posts into a file to save them."
# 00:02 mkowens tantek: I got an email from Yahoo Meme that just said "Thanks for being a Meme User\n- The Meme Team" and that was the entire body of the email.
# 00:03 mkowens (or something similar)
# 00:03 mkowens I never actually used it. It was basically a Tumblr clone.
# 00:03 mkowens I registered for my URL and that's it.
# 00:04 mkowens That was all it was.
# 00:21 tantek why you should own your content, your links etc.
spinnerin and davida joined the channel
# 04:31 aaronpk wow.. that's a fancy way of saying "we broke the internet"?
tantek, josephboyle, voxpelli, barnabywalters, paulbooker, elf-pavlik, davida and danbri joined the channel
tantek, danbri, davida, tilgovi and josephboyle joined the channel
BarnabyWalters, spinnerin_, paulbooker, davida, hober2, dietrich_, tantek and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 21:31 barnabywalters he makes some good points. The blog/forum interaction is something I've suggested to a few people but has never been implemented. I'd do it but I've never had a need
# 21:38 tantek barnabywalters, I'm fairly convinced from a few key experiences that I don't want general open comments on my site. I *may* implement a whitelist based commenting system at some point.
# 21:38 tantek i.e. if you're on my blogroll, or I follow you on Twitter, then you can comment. that kind of thing.
# 21:39 barnabywalters my plan is to pull in responses from the cloned content on related networks - on my scale it will be easy to manage
# 21:39 tantek the average person, even the average friend of a friend, or following of a following, cannot really be trusted to not be trolling. some people I follow on Twitter themselves follow some trolls for example.
# 21:40 tantek yeah, pulling in responses from cloned content (what I call reverse-syndication in my diso2 summary) is a good approach.
# 21:40 tantek I don't want to even have to waste time moderating
# 21:40 tantek I kind of want to treat comments on my site like comments in my living room. I have to have already trusted you well enough to let you walk into my house, and hang out and have a conversation.
# 21:41 tantek If I don't know you or feel comfortable with you, then you're likely not getting invited into my living room.
# 21:41 tantek with some notable exceptions, like a sweetheart of a friend etc. (per XFN)
# 21:42 barnabywalters one thing that did occur to me was the domain messaging system that's mentioned somewhere on indiewebcamp
# 21:42 tantek oh yeah - that's a fun hack that aaronpk and I thought up last year
# 21:42 barnabywalters it sends a ping back to the supposed originating server to check to see if it's a legit message
# 21:43 barnabywalters cheers, I've been using my site as a semi-wiki to document stuff as I go along, in case it can help others
# 21:43 tantek great idea - really enjoying your thinking out loud
# 21:43 barnabywalters helps me get things in order too — I had 'status' marked down as a content type until I actually wrote about it
# 21:43 aaronpk yes great writeup! I really enjoy seeing this stuff written more
# 21:44 tantek in my experience it requires in-person discussion before it makes sense
# 21:44 tantek statuses aren't notes, statuses tend to have some sort of temporally decaying relevance. that's the key insight.
# 21:44 barnabywalters I'm determined that there should be something (preferably note) for meaningful articles without structure
# 21:45 barnabywalters Well, I thought that for a while — but then where does all the nonsensical rubbish people post on twitter go?
# 21:46 barnabywalters not meaningful enough for a note, but too wordy for the use of status you're proposing
# 21:49 tantek I think the twitter nonsense you speak of is more note-like than status-like in general
# 21:49 tantek though some folks do use twitter to post statuses
# 21:50 tantek would qualify as a status, its meaning/relevance decays with time.
# 21:50 tantek the "shouts" on foursquare checkins are also statuses
# 21:51 tantek as they're also typically only temporarily relevant
# 21:51 barnabywalters okay, not familiar with those but I see the theme — statuses are extremely short (nanoblogging?) and decay very quickly
# 21:52 barnabywalters but the difference between a status-note and an article-note is too large for me to consider them equal
josephboyle, josephboyle1, danbri and davida joined the channel