tommorrismostly, it's gonna be talking about how we (as in free culture projects) could not suck at publishing data such that indiewebsters can use it to build their own publishing platforms
barnabywaltersis there any chance you could add in a map at the top of the search results showing the user’s current location? I’ve had some weird results and wasn’t sure if it was a GPS error or something on your/OSMs end
tommorrisCloudmade API just gives you back simple JSON list of places. and you can specify the number of venues you want and a maximum distance around a point
barnabywalterslooks good. I’ll knock together a rough "checkin" implementation which offers a list from there and adds venue information to the note, the worry about storing my own copies later
tommorrispersonally, I'm ignoring anything which doesn't have a name, and I'm also excluding things that are amenity=post_box (because who wants to check into a post box)