#tommorrismostly, it's gonna be talking about how we (as in free culture projects) could not suck at publishing data such that indiewebsters can use it to build their own publishing platforms
#barnabywaltersis there any chance you could add in a map at the top of the search results showing the user’s current location? I’ve had some weird results and wasn’t sure if it was a GPS error or something on your/OSMs end
#tommorrisbarnabywalters: may just add a link to OSM centered on that point.
#barnabywalterstommorris: that would be really helpful for debugging
#tommorrisbarnabywalters: have you seen in the HTML? all the tags are in <!-- comments --> ;-)
#tommorrisso, it comes from Cloudmade who are a commercial provider around OpenStreetMap
#barnabywaltersheh, I typed in a random lat/long because my laptop won’t do geolocation, and it came out 300m from my grandparent’s house!
#tommorrisgetting OSM data directly is painful and computationally expensive to process
lmorchard joined the channel
#barnabywaltersbut presumably they offer the service you’re using for free?
#tommorriswhile Cloudmade have a free-for-non-commercial-use POIs API
#barnabywalterstommorris: what about the Overpass API? Is that what you were using for osmcheckin?
#tommorrisyeah, problem with Overpass it it's slow and gives you back a gigantic XML file which you have to parse into a location list
#tommorrisCloudmade API just gives you back simple JSON list of places. and you can specify the number of venues you want and a maximum distance around a point
#barnabywalterslooks good. I’ll knock together a rough "checkin" implementation which offers a list from there and adds venue information to the note, the worry about storing my own copies later
#tommorrispersonally, I'm ignoring anything which doesn't have a name, and I'm also excluding things that are amenity=post_box (because who wants to check into a post box)