brbcoding, tilgovi, tantek and ShishKabab joined the channel
#JonathanNealHave you guys seen a demo of jQuery does something like the old iGoogle, where a user drags a "handle" into a "placeholder" and it loads something? Maybe the handle is an app icon, and the placeholder is a column on the page, and it loads some data (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) associated with that handle into that placeholder.
#@benwerd@sandeepshetty Thanks, and me too ;) It'll be a little while. Looking forward to discussing some of the ideas at #indiewebcamp.
b0bg0d, spinnerin, tantek, jedahan, tantek-ipod, mxuribe, mxuribe1 and andreypopp joined the channel
#barnabywaltersI pinged about rel=me, let’s see what they say
#erinjoGithub worked! But not Flickr, Twitter, or ADN...
#barnabywaltersI would try adding my domain to my flickr account to see if I can see what’s wrong with flickr login, but flickr won’t let me log in at all! Hmph.
#barnabywalterswe really need to get a non-commercial auth provider working with indieauth — it looked like OSM was the best bet
#barnabywaltersI think tommorris sent a pull request, not sure what happened to it
#cweiskeopenid is as non-commercial as it can get :/
#barnabywalterscweiske: agreed, we should look into reenabling it again
erinjo joined the channel
#barnabywaltersIIRC the problem last time was that it worked inconsistently — but with the new service picker UI, that wouldn’t be such a problem as you could just switch to another service if openid wasn’t working
#barnabywaltersthe argument that other services are more reliable is, for the most part, no longer true :(
#cweiskeaaronpk, we once talked about a separate pingback server that watches your atom feed and sends out pingbacks on your behalf. does this, and now the first version of my own implementation is working
#tantek.comedited /ActivityStreams (+166) "denote different categories of indieweb implementations of ActivityStreams, latest JSON spec vs. previous Atom XML" (view diff)
#sandeepshettyCame up with a way to map RSSB microformats to Activity Streams yesterday as a side-effect of trying to figure inconsistencies between the two models.
erinjo joined the channel
#sandeepshettyand while I was at it, I also server all posts in the mf2 output json
#sandeepshettyso I don't have to go to every time :)
#JonathanNealSo, if has 5 iframes running things from, it looks like they can['the other iframe reference'] into the other iframes running from
#sandeepshettythe inconsistencies between using the RSSB microformats and AS is very interesting... looking at the algo ( highlights the weird way objects needs to be interpreted depending n verb
#sandeepshettytantek: the atom model for AS seems to introduce new elements for activity, right?
#tanteksandeepshetty - maybe? I don't have the AS spec memorized unfortunately (or fortunately, saving braincells for more useful things :) )
#sandeepshettyI started of trying to see how to implements AS in microformats and then just ended up mapping RSSB to it. Wondering if this can help in any way define AS microformats
#tantekI don't plan on doing much more work on my Atom AS implementation
#tantekI don't know of anyone consuming it and doing anything with it and idno seem to be based around AS...
#tanteksandeepshetty - it's not clear there's any real need to define AS microformats - since nearly no one is publishing/consuming AS on the open web
#tanteksandeepshetty - where did you get that information? There's no documentation on the AS wiki about it
#sandeepshettyI'm exploring it to see how the new stuff I'm doing with like, repost, etc fit it.
#tanteksandeepshetty - I think your UI/UX/presentation explorations are far more valuable than any AS API calls that anyone is supporting
#tantekyou're doing far more interesting work, frankly. /Web_Action_URL_APIs (+248) "/* Web */ added newly discovered Facebook sharer URL API, noted that the feed dialog is still the only choice if you require a redirect" (view diff)
#sandeepshettyI was seeing if there was a better way to model the like, repost, stuff.. there is an asymmetry between marking up links with "in-reply-to" and verb likes "like" and "repost"
benwerd joined the channel
#tanteksandeepshetty - the verbs aspect of activity streams may have been too much complexity too soon.
#benwerd(Happened to be reading the IRC logs to see what was new and saw idno come up - to be clear, I'm using AS as a handy abstraction layer, not because I think anyone's reading it)
#tantekand no one is going to bother to dig through email archives