2013-06-14 UTC
# 00:00 sandeepshetty tantek: The model itself doesn't feel very complex to me.. it's pretty simple actually
# 00:00 tantek sandeepshetty - RDF folks say the same thing. what's so complex about triples?
# 00:00 tantek the complexity arises when you try to actually map it to real world coding / publishing / consuming needs
# 00:01 tantek not really interested in talking about it - as it doesn't productively help me build anything
b0bg0d joined the channel
# 00:02 tantek just giving you reason enough to blow it off ;)
# 00:03 tantek sandeepshetty - eventually yes - I'm trying to keep up with you, aaronpk, barnabywalters, eschnou, benwerd, etc. :)
# 00:03 tantek so I'm a bit behind you guys - trying to catch up! :)
# 00:04 melvster i wasnt able to login last time due to some twitter change
# 00:06 melvster it's all about having enough technology to get your use cases working
# 00:06 melvster my personal interest is payments which is quite a complicated use case, but it also provides incentives ... which i find interesting
# 00:08 melvster hmmm auth doesnt pick up <a rel="me" href="http://twitter.com/melvincarvalho">Twitter</a>
# 00:09 tantek you need to use https since Twitter has canonicalized profile URLs on that
# 00:12 melvster hmm still get No supported rel="me" links were found on your site!
# 00:15 sandeepshetty benwerd: any particular reason you put idno under "Other Experimental Projects" instead of with the rest of the projects currently powering personal domains?
fmarier joined the channel
# 00:20 sandeepshetty tantek: does my lo-fi approach of adding the share to twitter link to each post that I click on manually to edit and share on twitter count as POSSE?
# 00:21 tantek sandeepshetty - it counts as "manual POSSE" :)
# 00:21 tantek I think I started by manual POSSEing just to get a feel fro what I wanted my POSSE tweets to look/feel like
# 00:22 erinjo melvster: Just had the same rel=me problem. Only Gitbhub works or app.net if you verify your URL with them first. Twitter and Flickr aren't working
# 00:22 sandeepshetty I do it avoid having to deal with api changes, etc. simplest thing that could possibly work
spinnerin joined the channel
# 00:28 sandeepshetty I used the old facebook share link and I can't remember what I used for G+ but it's there... I don't use G+ a lot so dont POSSE there
# 00:36 aaronpk what! I was using the twitter v1 api?? "The Twitter REST API v1 is no longer active. Please migrate to API v1.1."
# 00:42 benwerd I had that issue too. I just never saw a warning about it until it was too late, because I don't follow the official API account. Irritating.
tantek joined the channel
tantek, hmans, b0bg0d, josephboyle and bnvk joined the channel
# 02:57 JonathanNeal Has anyone blogged a comparison of all these bootstrap frameworks coming out?
andreypopp joined the channel
# 03:08 aaronpk :( been unreasonably busy/frantic the last couple days, going to have a lot of reading to catch up on from this channel
andreypopp, bnvk, tantek, melvster, b0bg0d and maxlath joined the channel
ShishKabab, julien51, eschnou, fmarier, tilgovi and sandeepshetty joined the channel
bnvk joined the channel
# 10:09 pdurbin aaronpk: good stuff in this channel in general but I can't keep up :)
peck_lx and bnvk joined the channel
bret, pfefferle and friedcell joined the channel
bret, hmans, brbcoding, scor, mxuribe, sandeepshetty, bnvk, bnvk_, bnvk__, brianloveswords, slvrbckt and barnabywalters joined the channel
bnvk, amblin, barnabywalters, eschnou, spinnerin, tantek, b0bg0d, sandeepshetty, friedcell, b0bg0d1, b0bg0d2, brianloveswords, melvster and smcgregor joined the channel
# 18:32 smcgregor The first speaker will be the president of the Freedombox Foundation
eschnou and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 18:58 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
bnvk joined the channel
hmans joined the channel
# 19:33 waterpigs.co.uk edited /Taproot (+1441) "/* Storage */ updated, expanded on storage structure and schema. Added notes on activitystreams as that’s something which has been discussed recently." (
view diff )
eschnou joined the channel
bnvk joined the channel
bnvk_, bnvk and benwerd joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
tilgovi and harpo joined the channel
# 22:33 harpo thank you! glad to be here everybody!
tilgovi, bnvk and scor joined the channel