Loqisandeepshetty: barnabywalters left you a message on 6/14 at 11:58am: RE rel vs class, I wrote http://indiewebcamp.com/comment#FAQ — does it adequately capture and answer your question?
barnabywalterspdurbin: oh great, I’d be interested in your thoughts on how easy the process was, how usefully the data was provided, anything in particular you’ve done with the data
pdurbinand doing the same for my Google+ data (a "takeout" of my posts). I only post things publicly to Google+ so it should be fine to publish the takeout
pdurbinthis is why I feel relatively confident using Twitter. now that they have data liberation in place, I can download my tweets, parse the JSON, and display them however I like
melvsteri think virtuoso does an export from lots of web2.0 places such as, amazon, delicious, ebay, flikr, google, lastfm, ning, rss, twitter, yahoo, zemanta etc.