2013-06-18 UTC
josephboyle joined the channel
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# 01:59 sandeepshetty !tell tommorris: Are you doing the "read more/less" stuff based on manually providing summaries or is the summary auto-extracted (based on length) from the content?
# 01:59 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jfranusic, morrocco_mole, tantek, bnvk and b0bg0d joined the channel
melvster joined the channel
spinnerin joined the channel
b0bg0d joined the channel
# 05:49 tantek.com created /OAuth (+2631) "drafted a stub with definition and some Twitter / RelMeAuth / tmhOAuth troubleshooting notes in progress" (
view diff )
bnvk and cweiske joined the channel
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# 06:33 aaronpk heh...what is the proper way to indicate sub-events?
# 06:34 aaronpk like if I wanted that and the other two days to be a child event of the main "indiewebcamp 2013" event
b0bg0d and seyz joined the channel
eschnou and bnvk joined the channel
josephboyle1 joined the channel
tilgovi joined the channel
bnvk, adactio, seyz and erikmaarten joined the channel
bnvk joined the channel
melvster_, hmans, bnvk, mxuribe, tantek and singpolyma joined the channel
# 13:13 tantek good morning aaronpk - looks like indiewebcamp.com is getting a lot of traffic
seyz and erikmaarten joined the channel
# 13:21 tantek aaronpk, seeing ~20% packet loss on ping indiewebcamp.com
melvster joined the channel
xtof joined the channel
# 13:37 xtof href hi. how about #mydatalabs channel on irc to invite french people
# 13:48 aaronpk still seeing packet loss on indiewebcamp.com? looks ok from here now
brianloveswords joined the channel
spinnerin and melvster joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 15:13 tommorris tantek: are you guys going to be providing an audio/video feed from Portland this weekend?
# 15:14 Loqi tommorris: sandeepshetty left you a message on 6/17 at 6:59pm: Are you doing the "read more/less" stuff based on manually providing summaries or is the summary auto-extracted (based on length) from the content?
# 15:16 tommorris !tell sandeepshetty the summary is auto-extracted based on length using JavaScript. it's a jquery plugin for doing read more
# 15:16 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 15:19 aaronpk tommorris: i think we'll try a google hangout again
# 15:20 tommorris I have no other plans this weekened besides domestic chores, exercise and coding (possibly on Ferocity), so I'd love to join in
scor joined the channel
# 15:24 JonathanNeal Too often I forget that attachEvent fires in reverse order as addEventListener.
# 15:25 JonathanNeal Or rather, every great often, I don't like being reminded. How long until IE8 is dead?
bnvk joined the channel
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# 15:57 tommorris aaronpk: twitter auth still not working for me. github will have to do the job
# 15:58 aaronpk i feel bad I haven't had time to fix some indieauth issues
seyz joined the channel
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hmans joined the channel
barnabywalters and xtof joined the channel
tantek, melvster, xtof and spinnerin joined the channel
tantek, smcgregor, bret and eschnou joined the channel
# 18:44 scor JonathanNeal: I guess it depends on the type of jobs you are looking for
barnabywalters joined the channel
sandeepshetty joined the channel
# 18:59 Loqi sandeepshetty: tommorris left you a message 3 hours, 43 minutes ago: the summary is auto-extracted based on length using JavaScript. it's a jquery plugin for doing read more
# 19:06 scor JonathanNeal: yeah, you could easily find remote work, but local is harder… I have some colleagues who are based in the Orange County though, not sure if they work from home or share offices
# 19:11 scor JonathanNeal: did you just move there? I'm told Google and lots of other tech companies are there
# 19:12 scor in the Orange County
jfranusic joined the channel
# 19:15 scor JonathanNeal: let me private message you the contact info of my colleague
# 19:15 JonathanNeal Created a ton of cool stuff, I've been a part of a lot of great projects, but something doesn't translate.
# 19:16 JonathanNeal I haven't asked my buddies to put out a good word for me, I've just tried doing it myself.
# 19:16 JonathanNeal I'm probably just not doing the right thing, getting my name out the right way.
morrocco_mole joined the channel
# 19:17 scor you gotta build a reputation for yourself, it helps - share code on github, contribute to open source project etc…..
# 19:25 scor ho ho, hey melvster !
# 19:26 melvster scor: ive got the social pane in tabulator semi working ... i just need to work out how to provision your first identity and webpage
# 19:26 scor melvster: oh, awesome!
# 19:26 tommorris just realised I won't be able to make it to IndieWebCampUK
texburgher joined the channel
# 19:27 melvster scor: are you going to this year's drupal conference?
# 19:28 scor melvster: I went to Portland, but I don't think I'll be at Prague
# 19:28 scor are you going to Prague?
# 19:28 melvster no but i live in prague ... so we could maybe have a beer :)
# 19:28 scor melvster: ?? I thought you were in the UK
# 19:29 scor if I had known that earlier!
# 19:29 scor will you be in Prague in Sept?
# 19:29 scor melvster: I've got to connect you with some other folks who will be there and who are interested in social
# 19:31 melvster im going to a social thing with the CCC folks end of august in berlin, so i should have a semi decent tabulator pane working by then, you know -- social net in your browser, then commodity storage or host your own
# 19:32 scor we have call tomorrow morning actually, can you join us at around 2pm Paris time?
# 19:32 melvster may be possible ... ill have to see ... i should be on irc at least ...
# 19:33 scor there are plenty of Drupal folks in Prague :)
# 19:33 scor oh, those are everywhere too
# 19:34 melvster lol ... he's mega into drupal ... actually maybe he's one of your colleagues
# 19:35 melvster oh the unhosted conference is also september in prague
eschnou and |-{0}-| joined the channel
# 19:59 |-{0}-| might drop by on saturday
# 19:59 |-{0}-| brianloveswords: sup bro good job on openbadge ;)
# 20:02 |-{0}-| Loqi: time is hard or easy
# 20:02 |-{0}-| Loqi: you're fired
# 20:18 |-{0}-| bradfitz and some other googler are haxing it on 20% time
# 20:20 aaronpk loqi can't be fired, he's not on anybody's payroll
# 20:22 barnabywalters after one small package management hiccup it was a breeze to compile and run the server
# 20:23 |-{0}-| barnabywalters++
sandeepshetty, morrocco_mole and spinnerin joined the channel
# 20:38 barnabywalters tommorris: indieweb commenting? an automatic profanity inserter to save typing? awesome map stuff?
# 20:38 tommorris writing a little parser to extract in-reply-to/ h-entry/e-content
# 20:38 tommorris using waterpigs.co.uk as the implementation to work against
# 20:38 tommorris found the last time you replied and am using that as a test case ;)
# 20:39 tommorris also, some awesome map stuff, but that's a separate thing
# 20:39 sandeepshetty phew! finally done getting back previous functionality after the move to skeleton-based design from the default bootstrap one.
# 20:40 tommorris used the OSM OAuth login earlier, which means I can build tools that can edit the map...
# 20:41 barnabywalters sandeepshetty: looks that way, with tommorris’ coming soon by the sound of it
# 20:42 barnabywalters with the work I’m doing on php-mf2 and mf2-cleaner together with htmlpurifier I might have HTML comments enabled soon
# 20:42 barnabywalters sandeepshetty: I send webmention, will only take 30 mins to implement receiving
# 20:43 barnabywalters sandeepshetty: I’m already htmlpurifing everything, I just need to sort out the p-* e-* thing
# 20:44 barnabywalters just add an option to html-encode any non e-* properties, bringing everything up to the same level of encoding
# 20:44 barnabywalters sandeepshetty: basically yes, although purifying everything just to be on the safe side
# 20:45 barnabywalters sandeepshetty: not likely. html purifier only strips suspect stuff like <script>, some CSS and XSS attacks
# 20:46 barnabywalters sandeepshetty: by htmlencoding p-* properties there shouldn’t be any problem with that anyway
# 20:48 |-{0}-| i dare someone so make a purifier with a nazi reference
# 20:49 aaronpk that's why i just said screw it and am only displaying text
# 20:50 barnabywalters aaronpk: yep, that’s tempting. But I’d like to give HTML comments a go, even if I whitelist the people who are allowed to leave them
# 20:50 aaronpk if you really wanna see the formatting, click the permalink and go visit it on the author's site
# 20:50 sandeepshetty whitelisting sounds interesting... but it's only as secure as the site of the person you've whitelisted
# 20:50 |-{0}-| heh purify the whitelist
# 20:51 barnabywalters sandeepshetty: as secure as that site *and* htmlpurifier, which I’m fairly confident in
# 20:51 sandeepshetty Though I'm guessing eventually we might have to moderate comments anyway considering it will attract spam if it takes off
# 20:55 |-{0}-| proof of work algos are facisinating
# 20:55 |-{0}-| like bitcoin et al.
# 20:55 bret there was another program I saw recently
# 20:56 sandeepshetty there was interesting discussion on some list I'm on about charging for email :) and someone brought up hashcash
# 20:56 bret like bitcoin but its primary purpose was for sending messages
# 20:58 bret its like when someone keeps pressing your doorbell XD
# 20:58 aaronpk ok yea that probably could have been combined into a single IRC line
# 20:59 tommorris the nice thing about hashcash is that you can use it basically as an optional "skip moderation if you send a reasonably sized hashcash" ;)
# 20:59 tommorris so someone sends you a pingback/webmention or whatnot. it goes into a moderation queue
# 20:59 tommorris but attach a hashcash proof of work at level whatever, and you skip moderation
# 21:00 |-{0}-| the thing about hashcash is i don't think the premise really works with modern computing
# 21:00 |-{0}-| the goal is to make it computationally expensive for spammers, but they got mega botnets nowadays
# 21:00 |-{0}-| so i doubt that will slow them down
# 21:01 barnabywalters so you’d have to find a difficulty level which is not worth it for spammers, and require that
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# 21:14 sandeepshetty especially this: has a "url" property whose value is the url of the page (source)
# 21:15 |-{0}-| looks like theres a lot of brits in here
# 21:16 tommorris I'm not accepting webmentions/pingbacks yet - that's just a manually entered pingback
# 21:17 |-{0}-| i was wondering that
# 21:17 |-{0}-| persona login ftw
# 21:17 barnabywalters looks at that the representative hcard parsing and sees… tommorris writing PHP? huh?
# 21:17 |-{0}-| i like indie stuff but i am not a url man
# 21:17 |-{0}-| i am an email adress lulz
# 21:19 |-{0}-| tommorris: what does logging in allow me to do?
# 21:19 tommorris |-{0}
-|: not much. if you are me, it lets you post stuff. if you aren't me, you get to see your email address at the top of the page. ;)
# 21:19 |-{0}-| goes back to his corner
# 21:20 tommorris now I have a fake webmention on my site, I can start playing around with styling.
# 21:20 sandeepshetty and how do you apply a rel="author" if the only the u-photo is linked and not the name?
# 21:21 |-{0}-| tommorris: im pretty sure eggs contain precursors for animal flesh
melvster_ joined the channel
# 21:23 |-{0}-| but i guess that irrelevant if its a taste thing
eschnou joined the channel
# 21:30 sandeepshetty Anyone want to take a stab at applying the "representative hCard algorithm" to sandeep.io?
xtof joined the channel
# 21:43 barnabywalters ooh, wonderful! on which note — sandeepshetty, aaronpk, any chance of some webactions on your sites? would make replying/bookmarking/liking etc *so* much easier :)
# 21:45 barnabywalters sandeepshetty: it takes about 5 mins — basically just add <action do="reply" with="permalink">optional fallback</action>
# 21:46 barnabywalters if I’ve POSSEd the note in question to twitter I offer twitter URL API links as fallback
# 21:47 barnabywalters also, the even more experimental <action inline do="" •••>, which loads the web action UI into an iframe for in-context replying
# 21:47 barnabywalters but that takes a little more setup to work properly, easiest to stick with the plain <action> element for now
# 21:49 sandeepshetty barnabywalters: in case you missed it, what does the php-mf-cleaner array look like?
# 21:50 barnabywalters sandeepshetty: actually cleaner is a terrible name. it was going to be a cleaner but ended up as a bunch of really useful little functions for extracting meaningful data out of mf2 JSON arrays. e.g. flatten microformats, find by property, find by callable, get published, etc
# 21:50 barnabywalters in the future will do things like fill in missing event properties e.g. if dt-start and dt-duration are given it’ll calculate the dt-end for you
# 21:53 barnabywalters sandeepshetty: thanks :) plus pure functions AND installable + autoloadable via composer, so best of both worlds :)
# 21:58 barnabywalters I’m in the early stages of building a python+fontforge tool for automating complex ligature-overload icon fonts
# 22:00 barnabywalters pfefferle: yeah, mainly for the one use case of creating an icon font for simple musical notation
# 22:01 barnabywalters the idea is I give it a folder full of svg files, named according to a convention, and it spits out an icon font
# 22:02 pfefferle wait a moment… i think i found something very similar on github...
# 22:04 sandeepshetty barnabywalters: you don't seem to be using use BarnabyWalters\Helpers\Helpers in php-mf-cleaner and I can't seem to find where Carbon\Carbon is coming from?
# 22:05 barnabywalters sandeepshetty: Carbon is required by Helpers, I was sure I was using it somewhere
# 22:05 barnabywalters in which case helpers should be a dev dependency, and carbon a normal dependency
# 22:06 Loqi sandeepshetty meant to say: yeah helpers pulls in a lot of stuff...
# 22:11 barnabywalters really it’s a dumping ground which needs to be organised into individual modules
# 22:12 barnabywalters like, there’s a lot of tag-related stuff in there which is probably worthy of it’s own package by now
# 22:12 sandeepshetty pfefferle: if you have any (code, security) suggestions for converspace, I'm all ears :)
# 22:12 sandeepshetty barnabywalters: yeah moving tag stuff into it's own package makes sense...
# 22:13 sandeepshetty I want to move out all the from converspace as well.. especially the machines tags bit cause there isn't a good lig fr parsing them out there
# 22:14 barnabywalters +1 for extracting extremely small, intensively useful, contagiously reusable packages from codebases
# 22:14 Loqi barnabywalters meant to say: +1 for extracting extremely small, intensly useful, contagiously reusable packages from codebases
# 22:14 pfefferle sandeepshetty: not yet, but i will have a look… perhaps i can reuse some code for the worpress plugin or vice versa...
# 22:17 sandeepshetty yeah. I hope it's useful :) I've just hacked up stuff to get it up (only happy case code and not handling errors anywhere)
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# 22:53 |-{0}-| bnvk: Þegar ég var eins árs fór ég til Bretlands
# 22:55 |-{0}-| Er einhver hér sem talar ensku?
# 22:56 |-{0}-| Hvar er klósettið?
# 22:57 |-{0}-| aaronpk: except im not using google translate
# 22:57 |-{0}-| im copy and pasting phrases from a phrasebook.
# 22:57 |-{0}-| google translate is bollocks to native speakers
# 22:57 aaronpk wtf why do you have an icelandic phrasebook and why are you not at osbridge right now?
# 22:57 |-{0}-| im at the office
# 22:58 |-{0}-| i'll stop by indiewebcamp prolly
# 22:58 |-{0}-| but im busy this week
# 23:03 |-{0}-| im in the middle of a code deploy right now heh
# 23:14 aaronpk "audience is how we protect data and privacy in a social network" -evanpro
# 23:17 |-{0}-| what is audience in that context?
# 23:20 Loqi aaronpk: use embedded ca file to fix ssl errors
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