2013-06-23 UTC
# 00:02 tantek greetings - HTML is your data session starting in main room (Earth) now
b0bg0d joined the channel
# 00:05 aaronpk digital preservation in the Wind room (in the front with the long table)
jacksenechal, fmarier, aszs, erinjo and pfenwick joined the channel
ozten joined the channel
brianjesse, scor and ozten joined the channel
caseorganic, b0bg0d, KevinMarks, brianjesse, smus, tantek, erikmaarten, aszs, poppy, erinjo, npdoty and erinjo_ joined the channel
tantek and smus joined the channel
smus_ and caseorganic joined the channel
# 04:42 donpdonp bret: they were headed to Amnesia Brewing an hour ago
# 04:56 bret Maybe I'll swing by, see if anyone is still there on the way home
smus joined the channel
dreeves and jessykate joined the channel
ozten joined the channel
fmarier joined the channel
b0bg0d and smus joined the channel
# 06:15 bret How do I "follow" someone on the indiweb today?
jacksenechal and erinjo joined the channel
tantek, poppy and bizybee joined the channel
gjones joined the channel
acegiak__ joined the channel
# 07:40 bret but aparently rss and atom are dead, so I learned today
# 07:40 acegiak__ and yeah, it's a wordpress plugin but by the time I'm finished adding mf2 it will probably be useful to grab code out of
# 07:41 bret are people still thinking a similar format to google reader though?
# 07:41 bret it seems like there is a huge potential for post processing
# 07:41 bret but not much work has gone into things like that
# 07:43 bret it could mean a lot of things, basically any kind of special sorting, grouping, filtering. Anything besides just a straigt chronological list of all your subscription items
# 07:50 bret do you think any of the larger feed reader programs or providers would be interested in implementing hatom?
# 07:52 acegiak bret, I don't know. I started building my own because I didn't like the way I saw reader going with google plus
# 07:53 acegiak google plus is google realising that they can make more money if they don't share data and it shits me to tears :P
# 07:54 bret its great you are building that! maybe just doing things like that to build indiweb consumers is the way to go, rather than hope some other consumption model will evolve this way
# 07:56 bret I would love to see a reader type system that is flexable to handle your traditional feeds, but also some of these other styles of posts like notes, likes, checkins, whatever, in an appropriate manner
# 07:57 bret the post processing I was talking about is mainly my hope that better tools are developed to help deal with the fire hose effect of following 500+ sites
seyz and friedcell joined the channel
eschnou joined the channel
catsup, scor, pfefferle, barnabywalters and melvster_ joined the channel
sandeepshetty joined the channel
# 12:45 pfefferle barnabywalters: that's why you were last last one yesterday ;)
# 12:45 barnabywalters pfefferle: yeah, Iceland is closest to the US, and I get to control when night is ;)
pfefferle joined the channel
# 12:56 barnabywalters sandeepshetty: yeah, h-feed. I use it, I think tantek does too, maybe aaronpk
# 12:58 sandeepshetty I've seen that but nothing on the uf2 page? Also people using it don't have things like channel names for providing tag specific feeds.
# 12:59 barnabywalters which used to change depending on the tag it was being filtered by but I broke it and haven’t fixed it yet
# 13:01 barnabywalters on my notes page it’s adding each of the notes’ content property to the h-feed content property
# 13:03 sandeepshetty I also plan on looking into the <3 bug and see if it's something that can be fixed with proper encoding.
# 13:04 barnabywalters sandeepshetty: just to recap, what is the <3 bug and does it get fixed by upgrading to 0.1.15 and setting $parser->htmlSafe = true?
# 13:04 pfefferle barnabywalters sandeepshetty i also use h-feed but only on the !permalink pages
# 13:11 barnabywalters sandeepshetty: that already happens in e-* properties, and will happen in non e-* properties if htmlSafe is set
# 13:12 sandeepshetty I think it something I need to do add well in converspace before it gets to php-mf2
# 13:13 barnabywalters yeah, any < in your source which isn’t part of a tag should certainly be <
# 13:17 barnabywalters resolves any relative URLs in @src @data @href in children of an e-* parsed element
# 13:19 sandeepshetty I should add support into my http lib to just return dom from #id if fragment is specified
# 13:21 sandeepshetty If you plan on giving xpath based support in the future you could add a "from" to the name
# 13:22 barnabywalters actually parseFromId is just a handy shortcut, adding context DOMElement as second param of ->parse
scor joined the channel
# 13:33 pfefferle barnabywalters: i tested the mf version from yesterday and it doesn't encode the < and >
# 13:34 barnabywalters pfefferle: my tests are passing, can you please a) check your version, b) check you’re setting $htmlSafe to true (e.g. $parser->parse(true) and c) if neither of those solve the problem raise an issue with code samples?
# 13:35 barnabywalters I’m just adding documentation covering htmlSafe — it’s not the default behaviour yet
# 13:37 pfefferle but i saw that you updated a lot, 20 minutes ago… will try this version...
# 13:38 barnabywalters let me finish writing these docs and pushing ID parsing then I’ll have a closer look
# 13:38 pfefferle ok, i wait until the new version and will test it once again
sandeepshetty joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 14:12 tantek hey - when did you get displaying others' comments on your posts working?
# 14:13 pfefferle barnabywalters: oh no, it can't work! it's a copy and paste error! because the pingback header works different (with X-Pingback instead of Link)…
aszs, pfefferle and sandeepshetty joined the channel
# 14:39 tantek barnabywalters - thought I saw one from a few days ago but I can't find it now
# 14:40 barnabywalters so I’ve been working on styling and making author finding and h-entry finding more robust
gjones joined the channel
# 14:42 tantek barnabywalters that looks like you displaying reply context - which I know you've been doing for a while
# 14:43 sandeepshetty I got h-card working for likes, repost & mentions along with automated comments
# 14:45 tantek barnabywalters - do you know if you got that comment presentation working before/after Aaronpk?
# 14:47 tantek when did YOU start displaying comments from others on your posts?!?
# 14:47 tantek it looks like you've supersetted tumblr at least!
# 14:47 sandeepshetty Git it working yesterday... plus I also allow remote update by resending the webmention
# 14:50 tantek barnabywalters - looks like your CSS is changing
# 14:50 tantek I want to blog about your guys' comment-presentation implementations
# 14:51 tantek but want to wait to give you a chance to stablize your CSS since it seems in flux
# 14:51 barnabywalters tantek: yeah, I changed it a little. previous design was not optimised for comments
# 14:51 barnabywalters I just need to make it a big nicer on small screens, then I’m happy with it for the moment
# 14:52 gjones barnabywalters yes thats a bit of an issue we would have to consider \u char stuff as well. which also could return <tag>
# 14:52 sandeepshetty barnabywalters, pfefferle: thinking out loud about some stuff we discussed yesterday sandeep.io/79. Will add to the wiki when I get to my machine
# 14:52 tantek barnabywalters - looks odd to that the post date/tagged/also posted take up so much space between your post and the comment(s) on it
# 14:53 barnabywalters gjones: ooh, nasty, hadn’t considered that. The current version of php-mf2 escapes angle brackets on non e-* properties if you tell it to
# 14:54 barnabywalters tantek: yeah, it’s not optimal. struggling to come up with something I’m happy with which maintains the conversational flow but doesn’t overly de-emphasise the metadata
# 14:54 tantek barnabywalters - can you compress the metadata into a single line like Twitter does?
# 14:55 tantek and is the explicit "tagged with …" needed? (since the link in the post works)
# 14:55 barnabywalters tantek: I want to, probably will end up doing so. working on about 12 other things right now though ;)
# 14:55 tantek whereas in the reply-context you put the person next to the their post
# 14:56 barnabywalters mm, I didn’t like having my photo next to the main content as it looks silly in the stream and if there’s no reply context
# 14:56 tantek stream is different though than permalink display
# 14:58 tantek alright - I'll give you guys another hour of tweaking your styling and then I'll post about two more implementations of indieweb federated comments :)
# 14:58 barnabywalters tantek: [tangent] you don’t publicly expose the URL a reply note is in-reply-to?
# 14:59 tantek "in-reply-to markup (and minimal presentation) support in reply posts "
# 15:01 tantek his indieweb checkin plus POSSE to Foursquare is still blowing my mind
# 15:01 barnabywalters hm, that might actually be worth implementing now I’m posting photos more often
# 15:01 tantek I think he's now working on reply-context displaying too, and wrapping up his comments-presentation implementations
# 15:02 barnabywalters I worry a little that the progress we’re making will be intimidating to people wanting to roll their own indieweb sites
# 15:03 barnabywalters if we don’t continue extracting all this goodness into small reusable components and documenting the hell out of it all
# 15:03 tantek barnabywalters - re: intimidating - it had the OPPOSITE effect on benwerd - because of all our progress, our open source libraries etc., he claims it made everything *easier* for him to move so quickly
# 15:04 tantek so let's not hold back, let's keep brainstorming/developing in the open, and let's keep open sourcing our building blocks so people can re-use them without having to commit to a "solution"
# 15:04 tantek sandeepshetty - it doesn't work on list pages
# 15:04 tantek the webmention of a like always uses its permalink page
# 15:04 tantek barnabywalters - I see no sign of momentum slowing, quite the opposite
ozten joined the channel
# 15:05 tantek we basically have to come up with a short/simple word/phrase for
# 15:06 tantek the "like" version of "object of my affection"
# 15:06 tantek in-reply-to was "easy" only because there was some prior art there we could adopt
# 15:07 tantek sandeepshetty because the SOURCE of the post is the "like", not the destination
# 15:07 tantek rel values are named in terms of the DESTINATION of the link relative to the SOURCE
# 15:07 tantek it's probably the hardest thing about creating new values - is understanding how to do that
# 15:08 sandeepshetty Will take a look in a bit... wrapping up some comment presentation stuff... Will come up with something tonight.
# 15:09 tantek feel free to just brainstorm about it here in the channel
# 15:10 pfefferle barnabywalters: how much work will it be to also implement rel values into the parser? what do you think?
# 15:10 barnabywalters tantek: is there a template sentence to use for rel design checking? e.g. “destination is the x of the source”
# 15:11 tantek nah - the AS wording sounds even more awkward
# 15:11 tantek barnabywalters - that FAQ I posted is the closest we have
# 15:12 tantek so maybe rel="like" to link back to likes, and rel="like-of" to link to something that is being liked.
# 15:12 tantek sandeepshetty - no because each of those is only one like
# 15:13 tantek e.g. you would have on that page <a rel="like" href="http://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/4QTCcn/">...
# 15:14 tantek sandeepshetty - why the past tense? and a "liker" implies an active agent
# 15:15 tantek so really we should solve the rel=like-of problem
# 15:15 tantek the rel value came first, with proper semantic
# 15:16 pfefferle tommorris: can i find your header regexp (you mentioned yesterday) somewhere on github
# 15:16 tantek and then we developed u-in-reply-to as an alternative
erikmaarten joined the channel
# 15:21 gjones how about i-like - as we already have terms such as friend referencing relation to author
# 15:22 tantek rel=author is very straightforward - the destination represents the author of the current page
# 15:22 tantek btw - for more such wording, see the existing-rel-values page
# 15:31 tommorris find a PHP Link header parser - the regex will just break
# 15:37 tantek sandeepshetty - reconsidering AS-like wording
# 15:37 tantek or rel="object-of-liking" (for the verb centric)
# 15:38 tantek of course if we followed that pattern for ActivityStreams direct objects, we may want to try to keep consistent with others e.g.
# 15:38 tantek just tossing some more ideas out there - looking for feedback & iteration
# 15:41 barnabywalters “destination is a like-of of source” vs “destination is an object-of-liking of source”
# 15:47 tantek we should test this pattern with other potential activity streams direct objects and see if it works
# 15:48 tantek other activities like liking (ahem) - friending
# 15:50 tantek barnabywalters - added as a friend, or became friends
eschnou joined the channel
# 15:56 pfefferle tommorris: i tried it anyways "/<(.+)>;\s+rel\s?=\s?[\"\']?http:\/\/webmention.org\/?[\"\']?/i" ;)
erikmaarten joined the channel
smus joined the channel
# 16:02 sandeepshetty Any suggestions for representing pushes that might not have a h-card? See sandeep.io/39
ozten joined the channel
# 16:02 Loqi sandeepshetty meant to say: Any suggestions for representing users that might not have a h-card? See sandeep.io/39
ozten joined the channel
brianjesse and ozten joined the channel
# 16:21 pfefferle sandeepshetty: the question is: do you want to show them?
# 16:27 pfefferle barnabywalters: is the url pack required by the latest version of php-uf2?
# 16:28 sandeepshetty Domain is a good suggestion but misleading sometimes when it's a community site. "Facebook.com likes this" is weird no?
# 16:29 barnabywalters if you’re not using the composer autoloader you’ll have to include both webignition Url and Resolver
friedcell joined the channel
auggernaut joined the channel
jessykate joined the channel
benwerd joined the channel
# 16:43 jessykate blargh, just missed one bus, next bus eta 9:52. guess the 4 is less frequent sunday mornings! see y'all just after 10
# 16:43 Loqi barnabywalters meant to say: woah.net php.net
# 16:49 sandeepshetty barnabywalters: what's the post type wiki page work out opinions about them?
# 16:49 Loqi sandeepshetty meant to say: barnabywalters: what's the post type wiki page about our opinions about them?
auggernaut joined the channel
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erinjo, brianjesse and aszs joined the channel
indiewebcamp joined the channel
# 17:01 barnabywalters benwerd: you mean you have indieweb checkins *and* indieweb checkins? this is going to get confusing, fast ;)
# 17:01 aaronpk barnabywalters: can you start the hangout again so I can join? I don't know how you set it up yesterday so we don't get spammed
# 17:02 benwerd barnabywalters: I hope you'll agree that the h-as-chicken microformat was an important touch
brianloveswords joined the channel
dpk joined the channel
# 17:09 aaronpk sandeepshetty: we have the hangout open again, audio is much better today!
bizybee joined the channel
# 17:10 benwerd Alright, today I'm going to fix my buggy indieweb comments / likes / shares implementation. It is decided.
# 17:10 aaronpk benwerd: while you're at it can you also add the syndication link to your twitter copy?
jacksenechal joined the channel
# 17:15 jessykate can someone let me in downstairs?
# 17:15 jessykate w00t, thanks
willnorris and pfenwick joined the channel
# 17:23 benwerd That comment also shows that I only screw up with barnabywalters's site so far - I need to take another look at the mf2 there and make my interpreter a little (a lot) smarter.
# 17:25 barnabywalters benwerd: yep, for some reason your interpreter found the last h-card on my site instead of the p-author h-card of the note
# 17:27 barnabywalters pass getAuthor the h-entry you want the author for, the context (output from php-mf2) and the page URL and it’ll get you the right author (hopefully)
cweiske joined the channel
# 17:32 benwerd sandeepshetty: well, my template needs work (thinking I didn't upload some of it), but it registered the like! Thanks
sandeepshetty joined the channel
npdoty joined the channel
jessykat1, bnvk, glennjones and ozten joined the channel
# 17:45 pfenwick I think I need a bazillion more cups of coffee before code... 1pm - 1am seems to be my peak productivity according to github.
tilgovi and tantek joined the channel
# 17:50 aaronpk there are almost a bazillion cups of coffee in the ktichen!
auggernaut joined the channel
# 17:52 bnvk About to pull the trigger on purchasing indiewebify.me
# 17:56 pfenwick bnvk: That's perfect! You can give people turn-key managed hosting so they don't have to manage their own machines. And I'm sure you could team up with content writers and SEO engineers to provide them with content synergistic with readers' core interests.
# 17:57 bnvk pfenwick: interesting, I was thinking about making an uber simple to follow checklist type site that helps ppl implement the stable aspects of a indie web node with greater ease
auggernaut joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
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# 18:08 tantek you can walk up to any computer and sign into IndieWebCamp.com without having to sign-into any OAuth provider with your user/pass
# 18:08 benwerd more secure. Vastly prefer it to using (eg) GitHub to log in
# 18:08 tantek and then when you're done you can simply log out of indiewebcamp.com
# 18:08 tantek and there's no access nor record of it on the computer you used
smus joined the channel
# 18:09 tantek it doesn't matter if they're logging all your keystrokes
# 18:09 benwerd (but I totally want an option for it to call me and read out the code in a silly voice, like my bank does)
jacksenechal and sandeepshetty_ joined the channel
# 18:11 tantek aaronpk - could this notion of send a one-time code through another channel be expanded to: FB Messenger (not sure of URL), or skype? (e.g. callto:tantekc )
# 18:11 tantek aaronpk - except that there's no URL for IRC private messaging :(
sandeepshetty joined the channel
smus joined the channel
# 18:13 benwerd one more dumb question: what format are you expecting the cellphone link to be in on my homepage?
aszs joined the channel
pfefferle joined the channel
# 18:18 ozten pfefferie: thanks for your help, will see about upgrading
# 18:19 tantek aaronpk - you need to tweet this out, and cc @jf and @twilio noting that you used Twilio to implement federated identity sign-in without a password using SMS
# 18:21 eschnou willnorris, seems like it worked :-)
# 18:23 eschnou willnorris, although I don't know what I grabbed more than the content, probably due to mf markdown issues
# 18:25 willnorris eschnou, if I send a second ping for the same URL, will your site update the existing comment, or create a new one?
# 18:26 eschnou willnorris, it will ignore, I need to implement updates. But I can delete this one if you want to try again.
# 18:27 eschnou woaw.. did not realized we pass the 60 users in the channel ! awesome.
# 18:28 eschnou I wish it would stay like that all year long!
# 18:28 barnabywalters the obvious response is “build one” but would be worth analysing what medium has which other platforms lack
# 18:28 barnabywalters eschnou: it’s growing steadily — we’ve consistently had around 40 for the last few weeks IIRC
fmarier joined the channel
# 18:28 smus barnabywalters: any self-hosting incurs a usability penalty
# 18:29 eschnou willnorris, done.
# 18:29 smus for one. also, medium's editor is really nice, posts have beautiful typography, etc.
# 18:30 barnabywalters smus: I’ve heard good stuff about their editor — according to tommorris the upcoming wikipedia WYSIWYG editor will solve all our editing problems ;)
# 18:30 eschnou willnorris, It seems you have only mf1 markup and not mf2, I guess this may be the cause. I use the php-mf2 lib from barnabywalters for extracting the relevant content.
# 18:31 barnabywalters eschnou willnorris: php-mf2 has limited BC support, certainly a good plan to add mf2
# 18:31 smus barnabywalters: haha, we'll have to wait and see, i guess. but i'm not holding my breath for wp to solve that problem... writing wp articles is much more involved than blog posts
# 18:32 sandeepshetty benwerd: how do you plan on handling situation where you don't find a h-card?
# 18:32 smus sandeepshetty: 1) yes 2) don't understand. how is it not a feature?
# 18:33 sandeepshetty smus: It just something everyone should do, like write bug free code, etc.
# 18:33 willnorris it's pulling out the mf2, but the entry name has that extra content in it
glennjones1 joined the channel
# 18:34 smus sandeepshetty: if all of your competitors had tons of bugs, being bug-free is definitely a feature (s/feature/selling point)
# 18:35 sandeepshetty jsut saying you don't have a feature list item that says bug-free code.. it's a given
# 18:36 benwerd Wait, we're supposed to be writing bug-free code? :(
brianjesse joined the channel
# 18:38 smus sandeepshetty: fair enough
# 18:41 erinjo eschnou: I'm trying to install Storytlr, but getting a 500 error. It looks like it's "Invalid command 'php_flag'" and if I remove these lines from the htaccess the installer will come up. I'm on a shared host, is there something I can add to a php.ini file to get this working?
# 18:43 eschnou erinjo, hmm, I don't know where this command come from, don't have any php_flag in the default htaccess. If the installer comes up, it means it could not find the config file.
# 18:44 eschnou erinjo, if you are upgrading an existing setup, instead of the installer you should get an upgrade screen.
# 18:44 erinjo eschnou: I trying a fresh install right now
# 18:45 eschnou erinjo, ha ok. So, if you get the installer, that's a good news no? Where does it break?
# 18:46 benwerd barnabywalters: I'm here to hit things indiscriminately with hammers and chew gum. And I'm all out of gum.
# 18:47 eschnou erinjo, my bad, there is indeed a php flag in the htaccess to force the short_open_tag which is required by storytlr.
# 18:47 barnabywalters benwerd: might I suggest an extra twitter account which gets POSSEd to instead of your main one if content is tagged with #test?
# 18:47 eschnou erinjo, you can remove it from there but then need to put it in your php.ini.
# 18:47 benwerd barnabywalters: I do actually own @benwaeiourd, which would be a good candidate. Nice idea
# 18:48 erinjo eschnou: can you point me to the right text to include in the php.ini?
# 18:48 bret Everyone should try passwordless SMS indiauth
# 18:48 eschnou erinjo, this is what I have: short_open_tag = On
# 18:49 brianjesse wondering - do any other #indieweb fans play tennis?
# 18:49 erinjo eschnou: Thanks, let me give that a try.
# 18:51 pfefferle Should i Save it as normal comment for better compatibility?
# 18:52 willnorris I was just thinking… for the longest time, pingbacks were second-class citizens in terms of blog comments. Now we're moving to a model where they're they *only* option. Our UI patterns certainly have to be updated to reflect that
# 18:52 willnorris yeah, maybe store as a standard comment, with some additional data in comment_meta tracking the original URL and such
# 18:53 pfenwick !meme ERMERGERD
# 18:56 pfefferle willnorris: yes, that would be necessary if we want to send pingbacks for comments on comments
# 18:59 pfefferle willnorris: That's the next point on the list... Did something similar for the salmon plugin...
# 19:00 sandeepshetty pfefferle: since you've done comments in pingback, salmon & webmention... it'll be interesting to her your perspective on pros and cons of each
# 19:01 Loqi sandeepshetty meant to say: pfefferle: since you've done comments in pingback, salmon & webmention... it'll be interesting to hear your perspective on pros and cons of each
# 19:02 pfefferle sandeepshetty: You can have my comment on salmon right now: way too complicated!
# 19:02 sandeepshetty pfefferle: but it does do sending comments upstream... something we don't have yet
# 19:06 willnorris we were actually just discussing this [very briefly] this morning… how do you do replies to replies. Should the new comment follow the chain up and send webmentions to each, or should it just call it's "parent", and the parent then passes along the webmention, or something else?
aszs joined the channel
# 19:07 benwerd You know that bit in Shawn of the Dead where they briefly encounter their friends who are in a much bigger movie?
# 19:07 benwerd That's what being around the Camlistore hackers feels like
glennjones joined the channel
# 19:08 pfefferle willnorris: Is there anything in the wiki now? Before I start implementing it...
# 19:11 sandeepshetty willnorris: I prefer the latter... and each parent pick up the comment post along with it's p-comments...
pfenwick joined the channel
# 19:12 willnorris you don't think a non-root node should still display it's child comments?
# 19:12 pfefferle i would prefer the other variant, because it is easier to implement
# 19:14 sandeepshetty willnorris: it will... but it will have only its children... only the root has it all (threads)
# 19:14 pfefferle Sending it to all other comments on the same hirarchie level including the root
# 19:15 sandeepshetty pfefferle: the latter distributes the load... so each instance has to a make only one wenmention
# 19:15 barnabywalters eschnou: yeah, but maybe more useful than that one ;) one actually focused around *reading*
# 19:16 eschnou barnabywalters, well, it is quite similar to the google plus ripples, I don't think the primary focus here is reading, more like grasping the spread of a conversation accross nodes.
# 19:16 pfefferle sandeepshetty: But a comment is not an answer to only one comment per se
# 19:18 pfefferle But that means only you as blog owner should be able to comment comments
# 19:18 barnabywalters bret: pretty good thanks :) just working on some mundane stuff — editing UIs, comment deletion UIs
# 19:21 pfefferle sandeepshetty: It's difficult to explain without a pencil and a paper :)
# 19:22 pfefferle sandeepshetty: Should others be able to participate on the discussion through your post... Like a comment form?
# 19:23 sandeepshetty is typing with one hand with the chicken in the other... so excuse the delays and typos
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 19:26 pfefferle A but then the source and target will not match any more, or?
# 19:27 willnorris pfefferle: right, I think you need a third identifier now, in addition to target and source
# 19:28 bret do you guys use p-summary on the content of your notes?
# 19:28 willnorris sandeepshetty: ah, right. so this is no different than sending a follow-up ping if I've updated my entry. I'm just requesting that my page be re-processed, including all child comments on the page
# 19:29 sandeepshetty pfefferle: you will be parsing the whole page in any case... it just that you pick up more info
# 19:30 bnvk tantek: lo there sir, I'm tinkering with better defining / explaining what having an IndieWeb site means and what one needs to do to get there. I love the IndieMarks stuff so far
# 19:30 sandeepshetty my current thinking is based on our discussion from yesterday and the new knowledge of p-comments
# 19:31 bnvk tantek: what do you think about making Level 2 be the aspect whereby one makes their site archive & display Reply contexts and Mentions?
# 19:31 sandeepshetty if you want to reply to a comment you do... but you also render comments with the parent post
# 19:31 pfefferle You parse all h-entries and take every node that refers to you including the tree
# 19:34 pfefferle Which comments are already saved, which one do I have to update... And so on
# 19:35 pfefferle You have to check the whole stack, even if only one is new
# 19:36 sandeepshetty yeah I need to figure that out as well... right now comments in converspace are only in thwe webmentions table... so my assumption that comment = webmention will break
# 19:37 sandeepshetty though I can just get away with storing the comment along with children as a blob
# 19:39 pfefferle Everyone should be able to reply to any node of the stack nor?
# 19:41 pfefferle If you save the stack as a blob, how will you be able to update single trees?
# 19:43 pfefferle No, because I can send a web mention to any comment in the tree
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# 19:48 pfefferle the next problem… if you have a lot of comments in one stack, you get a lot of webmentions and your site will include the stack several times
# 19:50 sandeepshetty pfefferle: back.. now that I have both my hands I'll create a wiki page.. I think I sorta understand what you are talking about.. (comments of comments)... you can add your scenarios to that page
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# 20:05 www.sandeep.io created /comment-propagation (+790) "Created page with "{{stub}}
How we send comments to posts that are themselves comments upstream to the root post? == Brainstorming == * Alice publishes a post. * Bob comments on Alice's post an..."" (
view diff )
# 20:06 sandeepshetty pfefferle: I've added the scenario. You can add your scenario as well that doesn't work using this model...
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# 20:17 pfefferle sandeepshetty: this is a good example and the case why you can't save it as blob
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# 20:19 pfefferle and what if someone answers daves comment, but on alices site over a comment form...
# 20:24 sandeepshetty since Alice's site is the only one that is supposed to have the entire thread.. that last case might not be a problem.
# 20:25 pfefferle yes, but it makes it difficult to save the complete conversation
# 20:25 pfefferle and another problem… if two persons have a long discussion
# 20:26 pfefferle then the system will send the whole stack several times and you have to parse it several times
# 20:26 pfefferle no advantage of sending a web mention to every note on the same stack up to the top root
# 20:27 sandeepshetty pfefferle: it shouldn't be difficult to "save the complete conversation" Since your saving allthe children with the comment that is sending the webmention..
# 20:27 sandeepshetty pfefferle: sorry don't understand "sending the whole stack several times"
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# 20:28 barnabywalters pfefferle sandeepshetty: I would almost be tempted to say don’t bother to do nested/threaded comments and leave it up to a comment crawling client
# 20:28 pfefferle if alice is answering bob and bob is once again answering alice and so on
# 20:29 barnabywalters does storing a copy of potentially vast amounts of comments branching off from your content actually enrich your content?
# 20:29 sandeepshetty barnabywalters: that's where I was till yesterday.. like on twitter.. you can always have a client that follows the in-reply-to's and lets you read).. but based on new info yesterday I think it might be doable.. (but maybe not easy)
# 20:29 pfefferle then alice get's the updates several times because she is in the list more than once
# 20:30 barnabywalters consider also the fact that we’re not only threading in one direction, we’re also POSSEing and having threaded conversations off those as well
# 20:30 sandeepshetty barnabywalters: +! to "because it mimics the structure of the web - we don’t need to mimic the structure of the web"
# 20:31 barnabywalters as opposed to aggregating the content *directly related* to it, which *enriches* it and provides context
# 20:31 sandeepshetty barnabywalters: the hope is only the root aggregates but I agree with what your saying to some extent
# 20:31 pfefferle yes, because not every site has the whole stack, so it is possible that you get only parts
# 20:32 pfefferle so its not that easy to take the latest web mention and save it like it is
# 20:32 sandeepshetty aaronpk: though I'm having trouble loging in from persona on mobile chrome
# 20:32 barnabywalters how about this: each reply collects a reply context, and any comments in-reply-to it. then, we have a browser extension or some other service which crawls all of the in-reply-to, comment and syndication links and builds up a huge graph of each conversation, it’s branches, including POSSEd branches
# 20:33 ozten aaronpk just got rel=mailto working for IndieAuth in dev. Persona is used for verifying the email
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# 20:34 barnabywalters 3) service crawls in-reply-to, comments, syndication, mentions etc and displays whole conversation
caseorganic joined the channel
# 20:35 Loqi sandeepshetty meant to say: pfefferle: it does if we don't send webmentions for comments we receive
# 20:38 barnabywalters pfefferle: you think? I’d say trying to come up with complex ways of aggregating comments and sending mentions upstream is fairly geeky ;)
# 20:39 pfefferle that's why i would prefer sending a web mention to every node in the same tree
# 20:40 sandeepshetty sending to each node doesn't work cause when the target tries to verify the children don't point to all parent node till root!
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# 20:42 sandeepshetty I think we've made some good progress if we want to go in that direction... lets park it for now...
# 20:44 Loqi aaronpk: fix handling errors on mismatched email
# 20:58 barnabywalters 37signals have a blog post about how they designed their default profile photo
# 20:59 Loqi aaronpk: add site name to login screen
# 21:01 barnabywalters sandeepshetty: how so? glancing over I’m not seeing it, but it’s a while since I read that post
# 21:03 barnabywalters sandeepshetty: the old one is/was, yes. They probably should have noted that the improved ones are better as they’re without gender
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# 21:09 barnabywalters is wrapping up the day by starting implementing auto-adding of contacts when I mention all you good people, so I can spam filter later on
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# 21:14 hadleybeeman I'm just catching up on IRC and posts here... but it looks like you all have had a busy time over there!
# 21:15 hadleybeeman s/posts/notes
# 21:15 Loqi hadleybeeman meant to say: I'm just catching up on IRC and notes here... but it looks like you all have had a busy time over there!
# 21:15 hadleybeeman Wow. How thorough of you, Loqi!
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# 21:25 mathpunk current IWC project is setting up a vps for the first time. Would anyone like to evangelize/anti-evangelize a service?
# 21:25 KevinMarks so, anyone in the room can add things to my camlistore. Neat.
benwerd joined the channel
# 21:27 sandeepshetty benwerd: think it's a problem with line-height.. sentences are overlapping... trying a hard refresh
# 21:28 benwerd thanks, that's a good reminder to mess with my cache
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# 21:30 benwerd I've just worked out what's wrong with my webmention mf2 handling
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# 21:37 brianjesse kevinmarks: nice!
# 21:40 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 21:46 tantek sandeepshetty - how did you find #indiewebcamp? and when did you find us?
# 21:47 sandeepshetty think it was when barnaby got in touch with me when I published all the activity* stuff I was doing.. including activitydialog which was a similar to webactions
# 21:47 aaronpk was surprisingly easy, and also is done with only static files, no server-side code
# 21:47 tantek we're trying to figure out when everyone got involved
# 21:53 willnorris aaronpk: you can also just go to client.webfinger.net… same code, but much easier to remember
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# 21:57 benwerd I hope so ;) I built this from a spec for webfinger json
# 21:58 benwerd I wouldn't make the assumption that I used the latest spec or anything ...
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# 22:08 aaronpk where on earth is this stuff actually documented?
# 22:09 aaronpk i don't want to read mailing list archives to find the spec...
# 22:10 sandeepshetty pfefferle: how do you figure out if it's the latest version? (other than being on the list?)
# 22:11 pfefferle sandeepshetty: i am on the list and the old spec was deprecated
# 22:12 aaronpk or I can, but I need a rewrite rule to change the query string back into a path on disk
# 22:12 aaronpk boo, I want microfinger, webfinger using microformats
# 22:13 sandeepshetty aaronpk: IIRC, Blain was the only guy fighting for the small guys and allowing for static files
# 22:13 pfefferle aaronpk: no please… it was hard work to recode the plugin for the latest spec!!!
# 22:14 pfefferle sandeepshetty: i think the easiest way is if i add dt-published :)
# 22:15 pfefferle aaronpk: but if you want to stay with the host-meta version, xrd is the default and jrd is triggered by host-meta.json
# 22:16 aaronpk orly? benwerd why don't you have a host-meta.json or host-meta file?
# 22:16 benwerd because <whistles nonchalantly, jumps out of window>
# 22:21 brianjesse damn I've got web mentions between instances of my own app, but now I see eschnou's post doesn't support it yet!
# 22:23 brianjesse kevinmarks: tried to sign up and got "The Twitter REST API v1 is no longer active. Please migrate to API v1.1"
# 22:24 brianjesse sandeepshetty: will do!
# 22:25 aaronpk sandeepshetty: you should use the pingback.me bridge to also support pingback!
# 22:25 brianjesse sandeepshetty: i'm going to try to add ping back before 4pm deadline in 34 minutes
# 22:28 brianjesse aaronpk: cool stuff
# 22:33 sandeepshetty aaronpk: just realized as i was adding the link that it wouldn't have worked for benwerd if he had done per post webmention endpoint :)
# 22:34 aaronpk sure it can, you can swap out the forward param dynamically too
# 22:37 aaronpk if we are not right now, I will start it back up!
# 22:38 brianjesse there is a pingback module for node!
# 22:47 tilgovi can anyone point me to any doc on the mentions/replies ?
# 22:55 sandeepshetty pfefferle, aaronpk: let me know when the demos start.. and I'll going the hangout
# 22:57 benwerd I'm trying to get it back - not actually logging the responses
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# 23:10 sandeepshetty benwerd: I can't seem to get to my appfog logs to figure out what happened.
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# 23:17 sandeepshetty benwerd: I'm pushing some code.. I'll test by sending the webmention myself.. what was the other post?
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# 23:22 barnabywalters Not all implementations search any further than the author property for h-cards
# 23:24 barnabywalters benwerd: I replied to your request for a reply but nothing showing up — any idea what the problem is?
# 23:25 sandeepshetty benwerd: like 2 min ago... I meant I send the webmention for the like on your behalf
# 23:25 benwerd now to figure out the issue with incoming mentions
# 23:26 barnabywalters Did you add checking for u-in-reply-to on the URL? Because my reply contexts are a bit weird about that
# 23:26 sandeepshetty benwerd: so sandeep.io seems to be working fine.. not sure why your webmentions didn't go through...
# 23:26 benwerd sandeepshetty: something changed - I just sent a like fine!
# 23:29 sandeepshetty has to go back and resend all webmentions to fix date issues he had earlier
# 23:30 bret barnabywalters: its tagged with class="u-in-reply-to"
# 23:30 barnabywalters Bret: still not quite in the right place — p-author h-card on the same element
# 23:31 benwerd ok, I get why sandeep's likes etc won't come through
# 23:33 benwerd sandeepshetty: can I trouble you for one more try?
# 23:34 benwerd (it's the author details that are causing isssues)
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