aaronpk!tell tantek ok! webmention.io is now set up to handle and display comment counts for your site! There should be enough instructions/code on the home page! http://webmention.io/
shanersi think you should optimize for "the site still exists, i should link to that" and if/when it dies then host your own copy of the linked to page
Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message on 8/10 at 3:01am: you in particular have a nice web UI for editing / deleting your posts, and you POSSE publish them, thus I'd be interested in your feedback on this full POSSE CRUD thinking: http://indiewebcamp.com/POSSE#CRUD
bret!tell tantek Just read http://indiewebcamp.com/POSSE#CRUD Looks good, although back feeds seem like there would involve a lot of caveats relating to replies being updated on the silos after they have been back fed to someones site.
bretCould microformats-2 essentially ally with JSON-LD so that the two were consistent? At least on the vocabulary side of things? MF2 could be be the representation of the data inside of HTML and JSON-LD could be the JSON representation
bretThe vocabulary from uF2 should be reusable no matter the representation, it might be worth trying to keep it consistent with something like json-ld, or at least a subset of some of these other specs
shanersnot to mention there's a pretty Religious™ separation between the Semantic Web / Linked Data crowd and microformats. Which is why they keep re-inventing the everything instead of building on top of the mf work
Loqitantek: aaronpk left you a message on 8/10 at 8:22pm: ok! webmention.io is now set up to handle and display comment counts for your site! There should be enough instructions/code on the home page! http://webmention.io/
Loqitantek: bret left you a message 2 hours, 2 minutes ago: Just read http://indiewebcamp.com/POSSE#CRUD Looks good, although back feeds seem like there would involve a lot of caveats relating to replies being updated on the silos after they have been back fed to someones site.
tantekaaronpk - I wonder if it'd be worth collecting some donations for indiewebcamp to pay for things like hosting/domain fees for the site and community sites like pingback and such
tantekshaners - also - note that indiewebcamp.com is CC0, so if you want, you could setup a mirror at any domain you wish to put the time into registering, hosting, and implementing.
tantekat this point, indiewebcamp.com has a lot good google juice too, so any proposal to move away from it would need to justify the work involved (or volunteer to do so, shaners ;) ) and the work to restore its linkrank/pagerank etc.
shanersok ok. i think you're both wrong. i think we're still early days with this thing. and i think the camp.com domain is too event specific. but i'll move on.
tantekshaners - I'm thinking long term to the point where we keep so much of this content on our own pages that we're not even using a wiki-silo/commons any more ;)
shanersall the time we're hash tagging things #indieweb, but our domain is indiewebcamp. i think building/making/proving is part of our long term success. but part of it will be the branding/marketing.
aaronpkshaners: that sounds fine with me. I do like the idea of bringing more of the indieweb content up to the front and moving the event stuff to the event-specific pages
tantekaaronpk - a while ago I edited the home page to be split partly about the next event on top, then indiewebcamp in general (what is the indieweb etc.), then some archive notes about previous camps
tantekone thing we could is simplify the home page to just: 1) next indiewebcamp, 2) about the indieweb in general, and then 3) most recent previous indieweb (so folks looking for what just happened can find stuff)