tantek.comedited /reply-context (+407) "/* Twitter home page */ feature has shipped, need to move this section to a new page, leave mini explanation behind" (view diff)
smus, npdoty, bnvk, jgraham909, scor, Nadreck, pippinlee, josephboyle, spinnerin, xtof, poppy and tantek joined the channel
tommorrisgot a nice long flight on Monday. really need to spend some time at the weekend getting my laptop ready for a few hours of transatlantic uf2 parser dev. ;)
gjonestantek looks like the first issue is that I am not joining objects i.e. [ "h-as-note", "h-entry" ] if there in the children section - I will look at sorting that now
gjonestantek is there any reason why your not adding p-entry into the class list "h-entry hentry h-as-note" so that each entry is part of the hfeed and a child of it?
tantekneuro` - #indiewebcamp uses #microformats as *some* of its building blocks. and indieweb sites are just one use-case of microformats (among many)
barnabywaltersit would probably be fairly easy to just have in-reply-to URLs with fragment identifiers, store the comments on post-level then move them around with js
tommorris(nutty comment was suggesting that the gay marriage bill was a plan to turn straight people in to a subservient class ruled over by evil rich nazi gays.)
barnabywaltersthen, once I’ve done that, and made them discoverable/actionable, if people start sending webmentions with target URLs which have fragment IDs, I can write some JS which displays them in the right place
barnabywalterstantek: currently alternating between creating UI for original post discovery and doing actual paid work, but I will note down my thoughts later on
tantek.comedited /webmention (+223) "/* checking target validity */ explicitly note need to support receiving webmentions that specify a target that is a permashortlink for one of your posts" (view diff)
Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message on 8/27 at 7:59pm: I'm looking at adding web actions to my notes to simulate Twitter like buttons (favorite, retweet, reply) - have you considered doing so for your notes?
benwerdI need to do some thinking on web actions. Right now I'm still thinking hard about internal web actions (i.e., selectively posting to different sites).
tantekI want readers that come from Twitter to my site to have a *better* experience on my site (at note permalinks) than they do on Twitter (on tweet permalinks)
benwerdI actually also made the point about it being PR, but I guess that was too many quotes. Anyway. Just tainted all of Silicon Valley in an article. Hope no-one minds.
jernstMy experience is that consistency trumps interviewing proficiency … and we geeks all have a tendency to confuse normal people by being too "complicated".
aaronpkand of course each journalist takes a very different approach to the story, but if you look at the quotes from amber, they're all very nearly the same
aaronpkthe wiki is a good collection of that information, but it's a matter of distilling that into something easy for each of us to communicate very quickly
jernstIt usually boils down to something like: what is it, who is it for, why does it matter to them, how is it different from other things and why is that important, current status and perhaps call to join
tantekre: distilling that into something easy for each of us to communicate very quickly - every wiki page should start with that - something easy to communicate about the concept (that the page is about).
tantek.comedited /challenges (+337) "added years headings for specific challenges. noting their timeframe will help us document them historically, especially as old challenges are over come, and new ones are encountered" (view diff)
tantekhadleybeeman - re: "few bullet points to respond to the main arguments against the IndieWeb movement", you can help by providing citations/quote-snippets of "arguments against the IndieWeb" here: http://indiewebcamp.com/challenges
@aralFolks, I know it’s a UX nightmare at the moment but please sign up on the Wiki, not Lanyrd, to attend Indie Web Camp: http://indiewebcamp.com/2013/UK
tantekClearly we need to document the "deliberate UX barrier by design to filter creators from talkers for limited capacity and time" aspect somewhere more discoverable.
tantekhadleybeeman - not sure. how about turning requests "And a few bullet points to" into next-steps for the requester to take towards having those requests provided? ;)
hadleybeemanI'm just teasing, tantek. When someone says, "It would be great if [whatever] was [done this way]," you reply "well vounteered!" to tell them you're misinterpreting what they've said to mean that they'll do it themselves.
tantekit's more like, if someone wants something or asks for it, better to turn it into a joint effort, of them doing some work towards that desired request first, to which others can build upon to satisfy the original request
tanteke.g. you asked for "And a few bullet points to respond to the main arguments against the IndieWeb movement." and I didn't ask you to do all that work yourself. I merely asked you to do half the work (what should be the easier half for you)
tantekif someone making a request isn't willing to do at least some work towards satisfying that request, then perhaps the request isn't really that important to them and time (of others, the community) can be better spent on other things.
tantekoverall the approach of making requesters do some of the work towards what they are requesting tends to be a good way to filter doers vs. talkers, which helps everyone else focus on requests from doers over requests from purely talkers.
jernstHey, some of you probably know I'm working on the "Indie Box Project" -- run Indie web apps on cheap embedded/plug servers like the Raspberry Pi in your home.
benwerdjernst: awesome! Might be worth putting a version of the goal on the front page below the navigation and above the blog? "We're making easier ways to run your own apps on personal servers that you control" or something. Just so people immediately get some sense of what the project's about
aaronpkthen you'd be able to connect to my wifi hotspot (it would show up like a regular wifi thing, not an ad-hoc network), and I'd throw up the "sign-in" prompt like airport wifi things do which would actually just be my website
jernstWhich is an interesting BeagleBone / Arduino combo, but unfortunately they changed biz strategy and now drive all their data access though their cloud instead of the device itself
jernstwhat is wrong with "pay for value received"? I vastly prefer this over "we have a veto over your data and may exercise it some day we feel like it"
aaronpkone of the reasons I think all the home automation and quantified self hardware has finally taken off in 2012-2013 is that they are all "cloud-based"
jernstbut they are all not very functional because there is no interoperability. I'd like to switch on my webcam and record what it sees on my home server when a certain door opens. I will never get that from the "cloud" market unless I buy from a single vendor
aaronpkbut I'm not discounting the work being done by companies like Nest, SmartThings, Jawbone, because they are making a lot of advances in other aspects
jernstqualitatively there is no difference between somebody setting up their own public website for, say, publishing or social interactions, and somebody setting up the kind of software controller (plus web interface) for their house
aaronpkbut just like Facebook/Twitter pushed things way far ahead on the web and brought the technology to a lot more people, I think the same thing will happen with hardware