#tantek.comedited /Falcon (+876) "/* Working On */ web actions, to selfdogfood an IndieMark Level 1 requirement and document the experience of doing so to make it easier for others" (view diff)
#tommorrisDisagree with aral. Trickle-down technology only "doesn't work" if your goal is to get what you are working on into the hands of the wider world
#neuro`!tell aaronpk I'm setting up an indieauth server. If you're interested we can setup some DNS round robin / other technique to ensure authentication is still possible when the main indieauth.com site fails.
#Loqiaaronpk: neuro` left you a message 5 hours, 4 minutes ago: I'm setting up an indieauth server. If you're interested we can setup some DNS round robin / other technique to ensure authentication is still possible when the main indieauth.com site fails.
#tantekbecause, frankly, he's behind on his own indieweb "development" and that frustrates him, he doesn't know why, so he blames the rest of the community
#tantekfor not having the same focus as him and providing him with a solution he wants
#tantekwhich is why I made the point about tweeting from your own site in my most recent (last night) reply
barnabywalters joined the channel
#tantek(he does have a quite a pretty blog and blog posts though)
#aaronpkok i'm just going to continue reading the post and commenting here
#aaronpkwill compile into a proper reply post after that
#tantekalso Aral misunderstands "trickle-down economics" which doesn't help. the first HackerNews comment is correct.
#aaronpkhttps://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6306885 "This is a fallacy based on a complete misunderstanding of trickle down economics. The premise of trickle down economics is that a rising tide lifts all boats, which has occurred. The poor today are considerably richer than even the middle class of earlier eras."
#barnabywaltersI finally managed to articulate exactly how I disagree with aral etc’s disparaging comments about the wiki sign in system this morning
#aaronpkRe: "In technology, some of us share a similar philosophy to trickle”down economics. We believe that when a technically”savvy elite of enthusiasts build tools and technologies for themselves, that technology will eventually trickle down and help less technically”savvy members of society."
#barnabywalters“Indiewebcamp and by extension indieauth and the wiki are tools which, by not compromising on their principles, expose UX flaws further up in the chain, and make fixing them a practical necessity rather than an idealistic desire”
#aaronpkwhich is also a misunderstanding of #ownyourdata and #selfdogfood
#barnabywaltersrather than painted over by compromising further down the chain
#tantekaaronpk - but by building them as open source, you are enabling others to build more tools as well, which will likely be used by (even just a few) more people
#tantekas long as that patter repeats, the set of people using the tools grows
#aaronpkI'm building these tools to explore UX patterns and figure out simple protocols to use to communicate cross-sites
#Loqitantek meant to say: as long as that pattern repeats, the set of people using the tools grows
#aaronpkand yeah I also build components of it as open source so that code can be shared
#tantekaaronpk - right, that's another key part of what Aral doesn't seem to understand about selfdogfood - that's the only way we've found to practically figure out these very challenging decentralized protocols
#aaronpkso, re: "We cannot create solutions for enthusiasts and magically expect them to also fit the needs of consumers." I agree. The point is that's not what we're doing.
#tantekprevious efforts at directly designing decentralized protocols (without selfdogfood) always result in overly complex protocols that not enough people can implement. e.g. Salmon
#tantekaaronpk - however, let's start with some very poignant counter-examples to Aral's hypothetical claim
#tantekfrom say, worst to best, or rather, most annoying to traditional design-heads to most accepted
#tanteke.g. URLs. never even designed to be something people were supposed to remember and use, they've *accidentally* succeeded in massive amounts to the point where they're on nearly every consumer product.
#tantekand people can type them into a browser (no matter whether into the address bar or search box or whatever), and they go to the right place
#barnabywalterstantek: I’d be interested in a citation for URLs not being designed to be remembered — I didn’t know that was the case
#tantekthat was a enthusiast-first solution that was specifically NOT intended for consumers, and yet, now consumers are totally exposed to them and using them (whether they know it or not)
#tantekChris Messina suggested hashtags as a simple thing for himself and his geek community of BarCamp to use
#tantekand they have exploded and become super-mainstream consumer now. on every TV show.
#aaronpkthat still blows my mind that I see them on TV all the time
#tantekthat was enthusiast-first technology, designed *for* enthusiasts, that also, semi-accidentally succeeded.
#barnabywaltersprobably because they served a real need and were based on existing usage
#tantekto Messina's credit, he did create them with an eye towards semi-broad applicability/usability (he has a design background)
#tantekbarnabywalters - doesn't matter. it's still a perfect example of a "solutions created by enthusiasts for enthusiasts" that happened to "also work for consumers" (quotes from Aral's post)
#barnabywalterstantek: oh sure, I wasn’t trying to discredit the example
#tantekcounter-examples 3 and 4 are even bigger, and reflects what happens when you design for yourself and friends first, and then iterate/improve the design over and over and over for *years*
#aaronpkI think I am a good example of someone who lives on that spectrum but doesn't fall into one side or the other.
#aaronpkI used to tear apart computers and re-build them, swapping out midi cards and graphics cards and hard drives
#tantekaaronpk - I'm going to go out on a limb and say nearly everyone here, in this channel lives in *the middle* of the enthusiasts <---> consumer spectrum
#aaronpktotally, I wanted to point out some specifics :)
#aaronpkat some point I became more interested in using the computers than tinkering with them, which is around the time I switched over to OS X from windows
#tantekand selfdogfood, especially with a *public* website, where your friends can praise you or complain or make fun of you for what you publish, and what it looks like, makes you a consumer as well as an enthusiast.
#aaronpkso for my main machine that I use every day I want it to *just work* and don't want to think about the internals. but I still install crap on linux servers when I need to
#tantekaaronpk - yeah, you're a little more enthusiast than most :)
#aaronpkI'm willing to put out some amount of effort to collect personal data to use later. That is something *very* much in the enthusiast space right now
#aaronpkbut even I have a threshold of the amount of crap I put up with to use these devices, so I end up not using many of them.
#tantekso perhaps it's not a continuum, that Aral is missing, but the emergence of the enthusiast-consumer hybrid
#tantekwe're hybrids here, we care very much about the experience *anyone* has when they visit our websites
#tantekand Aral is not used to seeing such hybrids (though ironically I think he thinks of himself as one)
#aaronpkso what I'm getting at is I take personal offense to Aral's statement that enthusiasts and consumers are "two very different demographics with very different levels of knowledge"
#aaronpk"Needless to say, enthusiasts and consumers are not necessarily mutually exclusive demographics. We can also view them as modes that people subscribe to at different times."
#aaronpkbut I think he still manages to set up the dichotomy there as well, by saying "you may be an enthusiast when playing with your Raspberry Pi and a consumer when you just want to talk to your boyfriend over FaceTime"
#tantekright, "modes" still frames it as a dichotomy
#tantekwhich is not how this channel or community operates in my experience
#aaronpkhe's missing the case where I am building my own tools (enthusiast) but want them to work seamlessly (consumer)
#tantekare there pure enthusiasts in here or at indiewebcamps who don't connect their inventions directly to UI benefits? sure, I can think of examples
#aaronpkas if somehow by building my own tools I only want to build something complex and hard to use
#tantekthe dominant culture in this channel and at IndieWebCamp is that of enthusiasts that are enthusiastic about creating great experiences.
#aaronpkand the culture here really does "focus on what the technology enables [us] to achieve"
#tantekif uplevel this a bit, I think Aral may be feeling like a bit of an outsider, since he hasn't been involved with indiewebcamp other than the first IndieWebCampUK
#tantekit needs be an "irc://" browser essentially
#aaronpki've been getting IRC to be used more internally at Esri, which ends up working out great once people are set up, but is super confusing and frustrating to people to get going the first time
#tantekaccept/handle clicks on "irc://" links from other apps and just work as seamlessly as the web UI
#aaronpkdo you think he feels unwelcome? or like somehow he's not "allowed" to edit other pages?
#tantekaaronpk - I do think he may have some "outsider" syndrome going on. Not because of anything deliberate we or he has done but just from a difference in tools
#tantekI think it does start from not hanging out in IRC
#tantekbecause once you hang out in IRC, we *encourage* editing of pages
#tantekso one question for us is, is IRC really a limiting factor for folks?
#aaronpkheh, "...what I call our digital selves..." that term has been around a lot longer than he's been using it
#tantekaaronpk - yeah, perhaps you can get caseorganic to provide some earlier citations ;)
#aaronpkok, maybe this explains his lack of interaction here: "... there is currently great work being done by enthusiasts for enthusiasts in the IndieWebCamp initiative ..."
#aaronpk"This is why we need a separate, complimentary initiative..." and "We will, of course, work alongside our IndieWebCamp friends and support the IndieWebCamp initiative..."
#tanteknone of us has said or implied "magically expect the solutions … to trickle”down to consumers"
#tantekhe's setting that up as a strawman and then arguing against it
#aaronpkso it seems that he sees indiewebcamp as something that does not align with his goals, so is setting up himself to be outside of it
#tantekaaronpk - the sadder thing is, I don't think Aral fundamentally understands what "movement" "initiative" and "community" mean (judging by his lack of engagement here in IRC and on the wiki)
#tanteka blog post is not a "movement" (c.f. indiedata.org)
#aaronpkspecifically the "for enthusiasts by enthusiasts" framing
#tantekso on the one hand, I'm quite happy to see complementary (he misspelled it) communities emerge
#tantekOTOH, judging from his actions (or lack there of :/ ) Aral doesn't seem to "get" communities, movements etc. so I'm not sure what he'll achieve on his own besides a few retweets.
#tantekevent organizing yes - Aral is *very* good at rallying people for an event
#tantekhe threw an amazing conference (Update) back in 2011
#tantekso here's the thing, we *know* indiewebcamp design/ux can be improved considerably (whether the wiki, or even what we're all running on our own sites)
xtof joined the channel
#tantek(and pardon me if anyone here thinks they've already got a perfect or nearly so UX on their site, if so, please share with the rest of us so we may learn ;) )
#tantekhow do we harness people like Aral's design creativity and help them feel more included?
#barnabywaltersstill doesn’t have clickable buttons for a lot of stuff — URLs are my UI ;)
#tantekbecause right now, I think Aral feels like an outsider, and is hence driven to start something new, that focuses on what he sees as the right focus
#aaronpkhis "indiedata" initiative is focused "squarely on fostering the development of consumer solutions"
#tantekthere's nothing wrong with starting something new, except I think he is doing so for the wrong reasons
#tantekwell, that may be too, if he truly wants to follow the mass adoption anti-pattern, that's his lesson to learn
#aaronpkthe question is whether he doesn't feel included *because* he sees our focus as "for enthusiasts by enthusiasts" or whether that comment came from feeling not included
#tantekaaronpk, I think the latter (as evidenced by his not even really trying with IRC and wiki)
#tantekand then he's constructed the former as the excuse
#aaronpkbut then what are his reasons for not engaging on IRC and the wiki?
#tantekthe only way to avoid that is to put the complete "proofs" of the points on the wiki and reference them by URL
#aaronpkok, I'll finish editing this, share a private draft of it with you, and further trim it down by moving some content to wiki pages
#tantekalso if anyone else wants to help with extracting some of the points/counter-points from the above IRC chat and wikifying - greatly appreciated!
#tantekor even just discussing where on the wiki to put what points
#barnabywaltersI’m trying to strike a balance between wiki style and blog style, partly by making the summary an actual summary as opposed to an intro
#tantekbarnabywalters - perhaps post some notes (with a link to your article) @-replying to @aral etc. so that their tweet permalinks show your follow-ups
#tantek"gives the reader the main idea of the story."
#barnabywaltersthis is the third time this month I’ve wanted multiple replies (to both of aral’s tweets and laura’s tweet). might actually have to build that soon
#tantekthe challenge with multi-reply is that you can build it for your own site but you'll inevitably have to pick one tweet as the in_reply_to_status_id for your POSSE copy.
#barnabywalterstantek: hm, I suppose sending multiple POSSE copies is likely to be over the top in most cases
#tantek(cc-by depends on the author specifying what attribution they want if any, and how to do so)
#barnabywaltersI currently have no way of automating h-cite in my posting UI (as I do h-card) so I’m not going to require it o anyone else until I have something in place
#aaronpkheh I wish I had the ability to manually tweak my twitter posse text
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: I used to but hated the noise it introduced in the posting UI
#tantekbarnabywalters, note the input box with "HTML:" above it at the bottom of my posts
#aaronpkbarnabywalters: yeah true. I already have a "preview" box so I can see what it will look like on twitter, shouldn't be hard to make that editable
#tantekoh - just to close the loop - example 4 which I mentioned but never got to
#tantekbarnabywalters - heh. "write up a proposal in detail" Aral's been doing a lot of writing, not much building/creating. he might be missing the talker vs. doer distinction.
#barnabywaltersor at least is the best way we have at the moment of doing so
#neuro`Yesterday, I met a guy calle Henry Story, who's working on a decentralized social network with authentication + ACLs using RDF everywhere. Not sure what to think about it yet.
#tanteke.g. this is good: "The enthusiast-consumer hybrid"
#tantekexample of your headlines with *your* point, not Arals
#tommorrisinteresting that you bring up hashtags. I was on the train last night and drunk people were talking about hashtags. I was kind of drunk and pointed out that I know the guy who invented hashtags. They asked if he'd made millions out of it.
#tantekalso about URLs. easy to remember short domains / URLs are now *replacing* (rather than supplanting) phone numbers in advertisements, billboards, TV shows etc.
bnvk joined the channel
#tommorristelephone numbers are just routing infrastructure that's not been properly abstracted.
#tantektommorris see above about phone numbers as IP addresses.
#neuro`tantek: I'm only repeating what was discussed last night.
#tantekbut they were originally designed to be remembered
#tantekneuro` I don't think Aral's post is trollish at all. I think he is asking reasonable questions.
#tantekIt's up to us to provide easily findable more obvious answers to these questions.
#tantek!tell barnabywalters Aral doesn't intend to be trollish or make you angry. He's genuinely trying to improve usability. His ideas may not necessarily have merit for doing so, however the motivation and method (fewer steps) are right on.
#tantekAlso true. And has been challenging identity folks for decades.
#tantek> The biggest problem with the process is that it breaks the user’s flow.
#tantekTrue but for a different reason. Security UX tests have shown that the bounce somewhere and bounce-back web UI flow is much more vulnerable to phishing attacks.
#tantek(originally studied as perhaps the biggest UX problem with OpenID)
#tantekI don't have the citation to the study offhand, but a colleague of Rohit Khare did it (he may have the citation).
#tantek> The user wants to sign in and we are telling them to go away and edit a web page on their own server.
#tantekSame would be true if the user didn't have an email address (which used to be true in the 1990s), or didn't have a cell phone number (which also used to be in the 1980s).
#tantekWe know we're actively building the indie*web* and thus, web-native identity is a core part of that.
#tantek> Even if the user has their own server, they may not want to add the provided markup to it to expose their social networks, email address, or phone number.
#tantekHis assertion about "may now want to … expose their social networks" is false. the default behavior of people with their own websites is to openly link to their social network profiles. This is the existing emergent behavior that RelMeAuth, and the Web Sign-in experience, was built-upon.
#tantekHowever, not want to expose email address is true in more cases than not, (there are exceptions).
#tantekAlso, not want to expose phone number - also true in more cases than not (also has a few exceptions).
#tantekI've thought about wanting to setup SMS based IndieAuth on my domain, but only expose the link to requests from the indieauth server. So if there were some way to my server to know the request was coming from indieauth.com, then my server could give it more info. aaronpk may have ideas on how to do this.
#tantek> this step can be automated by tools that create a page specifically for IndieAuth
#tantekYes. That's a logical step. Some sort of home page configuration UI that lets you pick your "other profiles". Actually we've already seen such UIs. Pownce had one. G+ has one.
#tantekWe should probably document those UIs with screenshots on indiewebcamp.com
#tantek> However, if we can authenticate with an email address or a phone number, why do we need all the web page malarkey to begin with?
#tantekBecause you are not your email address and you are not your phone number. Already explained. Perhaps we need to expound on both of these further in the wiki.
#tantek> Do we have a way of knowing, via IndieAuth, that you are really the walking bag of mostly water that you claim to be? No.
#tantekStrawman. no one is claiming to solve the "strong identity of the physical human" problem.
#tantekAnd short of bio-auth (hand, thumbprint, retina, etc.) no one will bother - and physical identification has other downsides (can't delegate etc.)
#tantek> all we are proving is that (a) you have write access to that web site
#tantekThat's all we ask. That you control the website/domain you are self-identifying with. That's it and that's plenty good enough.
#tantek> we can simply authenticate you using your email address or your phone number
#tantekWe can't trust those. You don't own those. Your email you sharecrop on a silo (or if its your own domain, then just type your own domain, simpler). Your phone # you get from an even smaller # of govt monopoly providers. Also not yours.
#tantekRather, we can't trust those for *persistent identity*
#tantekWe *can* trust them for ephemeral authentication of your web identity.
#tantekThey're good enough for that, because you, the user, can swap them out at any time, and no website that uses your web identity depends on your email or phone #.
#tantek> don’t necessarily depend on the web and web technologies
#tantekNope. More like. Boom, you're now distracted by email hell as you look for an email from a previously unknown sender amongst all the email in your inbox etc.
#tantekAnd you're distracted and no longer signing into a website.
#tantekThis is precisely why Persona *avoids* the "Check your email and follow the link in the email" in the normal flow.
#tantekOnly if your email has to use the Persona default provider implementation, and only then on first set-up, do you have to check your email.
#tantek"Check your email and follow the link in the email" is to be avoided at all costs.
#tantekYou mean that thing where your phone provider is a government monopoly and is already sending everything to the government, long before websites or email providers did?
#tantekWhat if your phone doesn't have data coverage where you are? Again, foreign country use-case (1%?) or what if you're trying to sign-in on your *laptop*, not on your phone?
#tantekOr rather, boom, you've just been overcharged for an international txt message, or intl data roaming charges, or both. Yuck.
#tantek> allowing you to sign in not as ‘you on Twitter’ or ‘you on Facebook’ but as just ‘you’
#tantekYes, exactly. not as 'you on Gmail' or 'you on Yahoomail' or 'you on Insert-Another-Email-Provider-Here'
#tantekAnd not as 'you on Verizon/AT&T/T-Mobile/O3/Orange/etc.'
#tantekyou on your own domain name is more indie, more free (as in freedom) than all of those.
#tantek> does not require us to ask you to … edit an HTML document to add microformats to it.
#tantekEven baristas can do that - we know this from the dotcom boom of web 1.0.
#tantekAnd not microformats* plural, but microformat. rel=me. 6 characters. 7 if you count the additional space.
#tantekThis again however alludes to the aforementioned home page configuration UI goal.
#tantekYour site should give you a simple usable dashboard that let's you easily one-click add additional profiles for *you* (whether social network / web profiles, email, sms, or perhaps in the future (back to the past style), fax, or maybe even postcard receiving physical address ;)
#tantekanyone who can write a plain text me.txt file and upload it can in practice also edit their index.html and upload it
#tantekand their index.html already likely has this information, their name, hyperlink to their Twitter, hyperlink to their Facebook, perhaps even summary bio
#tantekasking them to type it again into a me.txt violates two things:
#tantek* DRY principle. duplicates the data unnecessarily.
#tantek* Pave the cowpaths. People already publish their name, twitter, fb, bio on their home page. Better to ask them to simply add rel=me and a class name or two, than ask them to:
#tantekworth writing that into a blog post? or just a series of FAQs under the right topics on IndieWebCamp? thoughts? feedback/corrections? improvements?